Japanese traders going round Malacca, can be sighted from Singapore. We ask the British Empire to protect our trade ships in the area bound for Europe.
No announcement yet.
Another IMPERIALISM 1870
Originally posted by Stormbringer
I will be gone for three weeks starting today ... I will be back on teh 29th
Tripoli have been taken by assult. Many French troops die in battle, but after a week-long siege the city falls into French hands. The dream of a French Empire in West Africa may be not as far away as some people think it is.
A French regiment attacked a native settlement. New land was gained from the tribe, and by some way it added gold to the French tressury.
As requested by UK France evacuates it's workers from Malaya peninsula. (I have no idea what they were doing there.)
French fleet meets some unprotected Japaneese trading ships near one of the French cities, and the French fleet agrees to act as a convoy for the traders until they leave the area around French cities.
Still No Coment from the Government on troop movements in North Africa and Asia.
Just this month reports came to the Kaiser that the godless Italian General Giuseppe Garibaldi has yet again begun to campaign against the Holy City of Rome. Emmisaries from both Prussia and Austria were sent to King Vittorio Emmanuelle II hoping that he would restrain his armed forces as he had in 1862, but indeed he is condoning this act of naked agression against the Pope.
Therefore, Austria and Prussia, in contrast to their past divisions involving Italy, have united to declare war against the Kingdom of Italy. In the past fifteen years we have been lax with our responsibilities involving defence of the Papal States, but we have now realized what we must do.
While the bulk of Italian forces were bogged down engaging French troops in their assault on Rome, troops of the Combined Germanic Forces suddenly swept through Venice and captured Milan! German losses were on the level of catastrophic, but no man in our army was afraid as they knew that this was not a territorial controversy but indeed a Holy War!
The Kaiser humbly asks Napoleon III for intervention against the Italian blasphemes, as you have historically done all you can for the Papal States. We will not forget your noble sacrifices for our Pope in 1867.Attached Files
Napolion III makes an official statement. The German agression into Italy will not be tolerated. No war in Europe will be. If Germany and Austria do not withdraw their forces from all of the Italian cities including Milan France will take military actions against the agressors.
French troops will be shipted to Rome to protect the city against the armies of Germany, Austria and Giuseppe Garibaldi.
France cuts off all of it's trade with Germany and Austria, and the embassies of both countries have been expelled from France.
All of French military is moblised and prepared for war. Troops are being shiped back to Europe from North Africa.
Napolion III hopes that other countries in Europe understand the threat of a major war in Europe, and will help France neutralise that threat.
France would like to remind Russia about an Alliance that was signed to contain German agression in Europe. I hope that the word of the Russian Tsar still means something, and that Russia will come to our aid in this conflict.
The Russian Empire recognizes her alliances with both France and Germany, and hopes that there is an equitable solution for all parties available. Both France and Germany state that it is in their best interests to protect the Holy See from the rampaging Republican Garibaldi's forces, this is a start. Germany invited France to aid Germany, and protect Rome. France has sworn to do this, but lashes out at Germany. To Russia this makes no sense and causes France to sound like she desires all of Italy for herself. Clearly something can be worked out here without a war between the major powers, let us work our hardest to maintain the general since of peace Europe has felt for over half a century.
Garibaldi has not yet captured Rome, and we therefore have no intention to ourselves. The Holy See will absolutely remain under the independent administration of the Pope as it always has been, and if France's forces indeed fly their flag over the city, war will be declared. You speak of the Papal States maintaining independence, and then you send troops there? We are not attacking them, so indeed it looks as if you are to annex the area.
Our war is a war to defend the Papal States from the Italian Kingdom's agression, so I am perplexed why France makes up a myth of an Austro-German "agression" against Rome.
Also, I cannot help but note the hypocrisy of the French Emperor. How can you speak of "maintaining agression" when your entire career has consisted of brutal conquest or subversion of numerous independent states throughout the globe, including fighting in North Africa as we speak? Your brutal imperialist agression repeatedly swallows entire nations for no other reason than their existence, and then at the same time you condemn Germany for their limited war with a valid pretext? This is an outrage!
I will withdraw from Milan when you withdraw from all of Africa and Southeast Asia.Last edited by Darius871; September 5, 2002, 07:12.
German attack on Milan is ridiculous. We have agreed to peace in Europe, and therefore we need to keep peace in Europe. We both wish to protect Rome from the agression of Garibaldi, and we will do so, but what worries us the most is your attack into Northern Italy. If we are to keep Peace in Europe, we need to keep Peace, and once you libirate a city from a Dictator, you need to return it to it's rightfull rulers, in this case the italians.
As for our war in North Africa. I believe that we all have imperial possesions all around the world. British forces are advansing in South East Asia. You have cities in Africa. We all fight wars there, and we all have overseas possesions. So long noone have accused anyone of it being bad. I do not see how French wars in Africa are any different from overseas wars by any other European Country.
Correct, but the point is that I do not condemn you for your expansionism, but I must criticize your hypocrisy when you condemn our war against Italy which does not even have expansionism at its root.
Also, touching on your rant about "peace in Europe", I'm sure you're aware that the war is already over.The international community would never accept us occupying Rome, even if it were for the Pope's own protection, not to mention that we have no desire to annex the region anyway. Meanwhile, southern Italy and Sicily are beyond our capability to take.
Therefore Milan is all that will remain under German protection, so the war against Italy is already over; I think they've learned their lesson. If France wishes to start a new one that is her own choice.