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The Dummy Guide to Trade.

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  • #76
    Or in other words, Eyes can't play Deity level
    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


    • #77
      Originally posted by EyesOfNight
      And if you had units at my capital that ****ing early in the game on 1x1x what the **** do you think that means? That means you got alot of units from huts. Probably why the powergraph shows you way ahead in the beginning.
      Units have no effect on the PG.

      1500 BC and i had units that close to you, the only thing that means is that your utterly incompetant. I mean what kind of idiot looses his capitol when they have a start like you did? you had all rivers and grassland, specials galore.. I had 8 cities when you had 11, I had 10 cities to your 17 when i took your capitol. It seems you are completely incompetent when it comes to war, i raised a series of your cities to the ground and you couldn't so much as TAKE A SINGLE CITY OF IMPORTANCE. I mean you tried, but once again your incompetance showed when you lost your whole invasion fleet attacking my capitol, not only that you didn't kill a single unit in my capitol. You have all the happy wonders, nearly all the army wonders about 5 times my production and at least 3 or 4 times my gold income.. But due to your complete and utter incompetance you can't make any headway.
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      Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
      and kill them!


      • #78
        Woa! I'm losing track here - could you or Eyes please tell me who is winning?

        Markusf says he's winning but those casualty figures look pretty even.
        Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

        Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


        • #79
          Originally posted by EyesOfNight
          Ok so basically you admit you can't beat me on King no matter what the setting? Time to give it a try at Deity now? My job is done. I'll get in touch with you if and when I feel like subjecting myself to that kind of torture. Frankly I just don't feel you're worth my time.

          uhm, we are 1-0 so far.. Obviously i beat you if lost...

          You can pretend your the king of settings no one plays, thats up to you. You have shown time and time again you have no understanding of war, no understanding of how to build infustructure. Pretty much anyone can beat you on deity thats why your to afraid to play. hmm was that game you lost to ras played on deity by any chance?
          Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
          and kill them!


          • #80
            1x1x king? I thought you had to go to the zone to find people to play those settings. I can honestly say that's one combination I've never players since MP came out. But I guess I shouldn't say anything since I prefer 2x1x Deity which according to some people means I have no skills.

            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #81
              Ok, so I have no war skills and no infrastructure...and I even have all the war wonders? lol Who's the guy the guy that got LH and suntzu? And you've taken a few useless cities which I took back. I was practically owning the seas without lighthouse. lol And if you razed all those cities, how then am I so out doing you in expansion? Are you just that bad? As for the fantastic lead...I think we both know you're full of ****. I'll show everyone the saves after the game. And if you're so great at military, how come you couldn't kill me with LH, suntzu, and taking my capital?

              "uhm, we are 1-0 so far.. Obviously i beat you if lost..."

              SHow them the save then of your glorious victory.

              "You can pretend your the king of settings no one plays, thats up to you."

              That's pretty weak. Still sounds like you're admitting to not being able to beat me on King no matter what the setting. I just want to hear you say a few things markus.

              1) "Your expansion speed eyes is incredible. It's impossible for me to keep up. I've never seen anything like it. I want to play deity because it will slow you down so that I feel I might have a chance, if not very small chance."
              2) "I Really have no excuse to have lost this game. Everything about my start was better than yours. I even took your capital and I still lost!! I really do suck."
              3) "I feel on deity my trade strategy will work better because I don't have to worry about as much war or about your expansion speed. I'm also trying to get apolyton to agree with me that king 1x1x is a weird setting so that I can say I never really lost to you on a true setting."


              • #82
                "I'm also trying to get apolyton to agree with me that king 1x1x is a weird setting so that I can say I never really lost to you on a true setting."

                Don't worry about that EYES. While those aren't settings that I normally play, ANY settings that two people AGREE to empower the winner with bragging rights for the game. There are no TRUE settings, just those that people prefer.

                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #83
                  Originally posted by EyesOfNight
                  Ok, so I have no war skills and no infrastructure...and I even have all the war wonders? lol Who's the guy the guy that got LH and suntzu? And you've taken a few useless cities which I took back. I was practically owning the seas without lighthouse. lol And if you razed all those cities, how then am I so out doing you in expansion? Are you just that bad? As for the fantastic lead...I think we both know you're full of ****. I'll show everyone the saves after the game. And if you're so great at military, how come you couldn't kill me with LH, suntzu, and taking my capital?

                  "uhm, we are 1-0 so far.. Obviously i beat you if lost..."

                  SHow them the save then of your glorious victory.

                  "You can pretend your the king of settings no one plays, thats up to you."

                  That's pretty weak. Still sounds like you're admitting to not being able to beat me on King no matter what the setting. I just want to hear you say a few things markus.

                  1) "Your expansion speed eyes is incredible. It's impossible for me to keep up. I've never seen anything like it. I want to play deity because it will slow you down so that I feel I might have a chance, if not very small chance."
                  2) "I Really have no excuse to have lost this game. Everything about my start was better than yours. I even took your capital and I still lost!! I really do suck."
                  3) "I feel on deity my trade strategy will work better because I don't have to worry about as much war or about your expansion speed. I'm also trying to get apolyton to agree with me that king 1x1x is a weird setting so that I can say I never really lost to you on a true setting."
                  I took your cap before i got either sun tzu or lighthouse.. You had 17 cities to my 10 when i got it. You had such a fantastic start its impossible for you not to win. As for your expansion? Don't make me laugh, it was all due to tribes at the start, that and the fact you have grasslands and rivers + specials, while i am stuck in the middle of a desert.

                  This game is poinless to continue so i am going to look at the saves now..

                  Lets see.

                  Your second city is a free tribe in a specials line before 3500 bc.

                  2000 bc you have 5 cities of which 2 are tribes. I have 4 cities of which 1 is a tribe.

                  1000bc you have 11 cities of which 5 are tribes. I have 8 cities of which 2 are tribes. All your cities are tribes are in perfect places for you to expand into.. You don't have to move your settlars very far and you have a lot of grassland.

                  And now lets add the terrain map... hmm I have yet to understand how you can say i had a commanding lead at any point in the game? This is just like the first game, except unlike you i didn't quit at 2000 bc.
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                  Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                  and kill them!


                  • #84
                    here is the game you lost... I took a city the turn before where the nearly dead yellow horse is.
                    Attached Files
                    Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                    and kill them!


                    • #85
                      Hot financial tip: handbag manufacturer shares are set to rocket.


                      • #86
                        Not to mention dummies. For the spitting thereof.

                        Hang about, I think that's probably lost on North Americans. Who probably call them "pacifiers". Dang foreign languages!
                        " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                        "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                        • #87
                          I got 5 advanced tribes. My capital has no specials in it. Yours has wine, a whale and oil, how the **** is that at all close? Your first advanced tribe was on a river, my first advanced tribe was was on grassland. Your second advanced tribe came long before mine and being the complete idiot that you are you built it on a hill, but even then that had wheat and oil. Your third advanced tribe you built on a mountain...are you ****ing stupid? Obviously. There's a reason why the powergraph shows a huge dip in the early part of the game. Powergraphs don't lie and you said so yourself that PG's don't take into account units. That means in order for you to have that kind of lead you needed to have more cities. I know for a fact you got at least 4 advanced tribes that game. It's not my fault you lost one of them to barbarians on villages only!!! LOL To the north of you there were hides and whales everywhere. Also the entire game you never took advantage of the silk on 64, 48. Look at the powergraph on the save you posted called **** It's pretty obvious the lead you had.

                          Now for a little lesson in expansion...DON'T BUILD ****ING ROADS SO EARLY IN THE GAME!! Are you stupid? Do you have any idea what that does to your expansion speed? Think about it real hard. THen lets take a look at all the cities you're defending...phalanx on cities way in the back on 1x1x? What he hell is wrong with you? That's 10 lost in a new city. That means my expansion speed is easily twice as fast without building roads and phalanx. Not only did I outexpand you but I have so much more irrigation and roads in my cities by the end of the game it's not even funny. And then of course you built cities on mountains and hills, real smart. Obviously you don't think about map control or you would have built tlaxcala on 39, 21. That means you had a city sitting up there in a disputed territory doing absolutely nothing. I basically raped you and took up all the land up there. And I know you had that city before me up there so don't say you got that city really late. What the **** is xochicalco doing there? Are you ****ing stupid? There's no forest at all around that city, just swamp. It should have been built on 74, 28 or 75, 27. Look at texcoco, it is using roaded grassland when there is a nice forest right there. Want to know why I was able to expand so fast dunce? By the time the city is size 2 I have everything on forests and in some cases I keep it forest on size 1 and just micro it to build the settler on the turn it goes size 2. And what the **** is this? Tenochtitlan building a temple at 1000BC with 8 cities? And why are you building cities 1 space apart half way through the game in order to catch up to me in cities? That does nothing. Only time you build one space apart is a) To get a resource or b) when it's 1 diagonal. And of course once you reach a certain point it's impossible to catch up. Your city placement and expansion suck. It's like you have no idea what you're doing. your capital had a whale and oil in it and at 1100AD there is still no city on 80, 34. You never put a city on 62, 50 either. Your cities are way too far spaced out as well which in turn=slower expansion as well as less room to build cities. 50 size 8 cities are better than 15 size 25 cities, I would have thought at this stage you'd have figured that out by now. You play like a rookie and your only stake to fame is this little trade strategy of yours that never works. You were boasting about the same thing a year ago when I spanked your ass 3 times in a row.


                          • #88

                            Munch... Munch... Munch...
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #89

                              I know for a fact you got at least 4 advanced tribes that game. It's not my fault you lost one of them to barbarians on villages only!!! LOL To the north of you there were hides and whales everywhere.
                              2000 bc you had 11 cities of which 5 where tribes
                              2000 bc i had 8 cities of which 2 where tribes.

                              Your not to bright are you, The city on the river was not a tribe i had to move it there! IF you actually looked at the saves you could see that. The one that the barbs got i got the tribe, and the next turn poped a hut with 8 barbs the city had no chance.

                              There's a reason why the powergraph shows a huge dip in the early part of the game. Powergraphs don't lie and you said so yourself that PG's don't take into account units. That means in order for you to have that kind of lead you needed to have more cities.
                              AT EVERY SINGLE POINT IN THE GAME YOU HAD MORE CITIES THEN ME. You actually look at the saves, or just trying to write your own history of the game? You had a huge lead on me in the first game we played on the PG, obviously you where winning until you quit.

                              As for building roads, what was i supposed to do genius? Teleport my settlars somewhere ? You had no needs for roads, your start was perfect, you had all your tribes scattared all over the map. ANYONE looking at the saves can see just how huge your advantage was. Not to mention your land was an order of magnitude better then mine.. And i built stuff like a temple, because i didn't want my city disbanded because it didn't have enough food. Building attack units that early was pointless because of the massive expanse of forest between me and you.
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                              Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
                              and kill them!


                              • #90
                                Ok, I downloaded this one to check out too.
                                In the mean time........
                                Attached Files
                                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

