Nothing much to do in my office therefore I play CivII yeahhh.
Now to the news from the front:
Our glorious forces captured today the city of Dunkirk. Now we can actually see over the channel the British people sitting in their houses watching TV.
As our soldiers aren't the monsters the Allied propaganda tells you every week they just wave peacefully over the ocean. Again the German Reichstag wants to announce that we're not fighting this war to occupy territory on the contrary we're just defending the continent against foreign invaders. Sadly France believes all the things the allies told them and now we have no choice as to show the French Republic that they made the wrong decision. We hope France will soon make peace with Germany and help us in our crusade against foreign intervention in Europe.
However our Field Marshals told us today that due to heavy resistance in the French capital of Paris our Wehrmacht will have no choice as to destroy this city completely. We cannot believe that the French government will throw away the precious lives of their citizens so recklessly. Paris is a jewel of Europe, the important landmarks, the cultural places. We think that also in a state of war governments must do everything in their power to ensure the preservation of unique buildings and limit civilian losses. Please take into consideration that you cannot stop us you can delay our advance for one or two weeks at most that’s all. Please ask yourself is this accomplishment worth the destruction of an entire town? We will not stop, our Wehrmacht has the order to stop the intervention of the allies, France is not NOT our enemy. We can settle this matter peacefully or....but we hope we can behave like civilised countries.
As our Wehrmacht marches from victory to victory the city of Lublin was also liberated this week. The people welcomed our troops as liberators and not conquerors. They even invited our soldiers to eat with them. We wish the people of France could also see our true peaceful intentions.
Finally an important note to all European leaders:
The German Reichstag has prepared a document and we hope everyone agrees with us:
This is a declaration of HUMANITY:
1. Landmarks are a part of our history and they should be protected from damage. Therefore we propose that governments should rather leave a city to an overwhelming force before they get detroyed. Our descendants will be very grateful as they also get the opportunity to study the buildings and learn from history so that such a war will never happen again.
2. Civilian lives must be spared at all costs. The German Reichstag seeks to protect their people and they would rather surrender a city as they would allow it get razed completely. Of course this is from our own viewpoint of humanity, we will see if the other Leaders also value their citizens as much as we do.
We hope that you agree with us on these two points so we can at least guarantee the safety of our civilians sadly enough that soldiers from all nationality must die.
We await your signature as soon as possible
Markus, Führer of the German Armed Forces, president of lifetime of Germany and Speaker of the German Reichstag
Now to the news from the front:
Our glorious forces captured today the city of Dunkirk. Now we can actually see over the channel the British people sitting in their houses watching TV.

However our Field Marshals told us today that due to heavy resistance in the French capital of Paris our Wehrmacht will have no choice as to destroy this city completely. We cannot believe that the French government will throw away the precious lives of their citizens so recklessly. Paris is a jewel of Europe, the important landmarks, the cultural places. We think that also in a state of war governments must do everything in their power to ensure the preservation of unique buildings and limit civilian losses. Please take into consideration that you cannot stop us you can delay our advance for one or two weeks at most that’s all. Please ask yourself is this accomplishment worth the destruction of an entire town? We will not stop, our Wehrmacht has the order to stop the intervention of the allies, France is not NOT our enemy. We can settle this matter peacefully or....but we hope we can behave like civilised countries.
As our Wehrmacht marches from victory to victory the city of Lublin was also liberated this week. The people welcomed our troops as liberators and not conquerors. They even invited our soldiers to eat with them. We wish the people of France could also see our true peaceful intentions.
Finally an important note to all European leaders:
The German Reichstag has prepared a document and we hope everyone agrees with us:
This is a declaration of HUMANITY:
1. Landmarks are a part of our history and they should be protected from damage. Therefore we propose that governments should rather leave a city to an overwhelming force before they get detroyed. Our descendants will be very grateful as they also get the opportunity to study the buildings and learn from history so that such a war will never happen again.
2. Civilian lives must be spared at all costs. The German Reichstag seeks to protect their people and they would rather surrender a city as they would allow it get razed completely. Of course this is from our own viewpoint of humanity, we will see if the other Leaders also value their citizens as much as we do.
We hope that you agree with us on these two points so we can at least guarantee the safety of our civilians sadly enough that soldiers from all nationality must die.
We await your signature as soon as possible
Markus, Führer of the German Armed Forces, president of lifetime of Germany and Speaker of the German Reichstag