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RAH rules: Description and Origination of

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  • #46
    The non-unit creation cheat.

    Move a unit from the city that it is homed to, to another city.
    Now this requires good timing. Open the screen to home it to the new city. Now wait till the machine is switching over to your turn, quickly press the homing selection. If you catch it right, the unit will not home to the new city but become a non-unit.

    Sabotage proofing is similar. when a diplo approaches your city, open the build queue and make ready to buy the item. When the diplo sabotages production, The shields that you had will still be in the box. Buy it up. No lose of shields.

    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #47

      All of these little tricks are incredible, how did you all find them out? You know, if we harnessed all the talented deviants here, we could find a cure for cancer in our life time. I think that I am pretty good at Civ2. But reading these posts explains the constant beating I take at these games. Whine whine whine

      Beer - helping white guys dance since 1878.


      • #48
        Many of them were found by just playing games with good people.
        MWHC, Xin Yu, Rah, and others... They would just be figured out as we were playing. You should check out my old "cheats" thread that was part of the Civ III wish list. MANY, MANY people contributed.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #49
          hehe...many contributed, many were caught.....every group has its own rules..... some have no rules at all....
          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


          • #50
            Originally posted by War4ever
            hehe...many contributed, many were caught
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #51
              Originally posted by War4ever
              hehe...many contributed, many were caught.....every group has its own rules..... some have no rules at all....

              he, he, my MP group has only one rule: no city bribing. Everything else is okay. After all the things I posted a few years ago look at me now using blatant cheats like caravan rehoming etc, amazing

              BTW, what do you guys mean by "preworked settlers"


              • #52
                You start a settler working on something, (like transforming grassland to forest, anything that takes longer than a turn)
                Now before he finishes, clear the command. THe turns that he spent working are "saved up" the next command you give him, (if you planned it right) will allow it to be completed in one turn. Hence the term, "pre-worked". This was more useful in 1x1x games for fortress building. In 2x1x games a fortress can be built in one turn, so it's not as critical. BUT it still has many uses. Let's suppose you're sending a settler out to convert some terrain. But barbs pop up so you hold him near a city for a turn to clear out the barbs. He can start his task and move out later without wasting any time overall.

                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #53
                  glossary section added
                  Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                  • #54
                    Good job,
                    That will save people from having to read the entire thread.

                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #55
                      sifting through the that glossary in the GL or in your sig?
                      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                      • #56
                        the glossary is in the first post under the origination section. rah is in my sig (and elsewhere too it seems ). i have nothing in the GL and don't expect to ever get anything in there
                        Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                        • #57
                          ok good to know.....timbo +1
                          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                          • #58
                            You have to admit that it is easier to have the general rules in print. When somebody asks... what rules are we playing by, we just say RAH rules. While some people don't agree on all of them, at least there isn't a lot of arguments on what is legal or not. Keep it up CW... just makes our lives easier and faster when setting up a mp game in the IP thread.
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #59
                              Keep it up CW

                              i will for as long as i still remember how to edit my posts

                              more origination added (from rah's post in the cheater thread)

                              any more opinions on bomber stacking and airport usage?
                              Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Ming
                                You have to admit that it is easier to have the general rules in print. When somebody asks... what rules are we playing by, we just say RAH rules. While some people don't agree on all of them, at least there isn't a lot of arguments on what is legal or not.
                                I guess the main bones of contention are the bribing rules, since there are several variations. Also do you get much tech stealing in your games? The person with the science wonders must have hell of a time diplo-proofing his empire. And you play no city bribing; was it found to be unbalancing for your games?
                                Last edited by DrSpike; April 21, 2002, 14:55.

