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The Struggle for Europe PBEM

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  • December of 1940 -- Operation Chetepaka

    W A R ! ! !

    One month ago, when Iosef Stalin got wind of the utter collapse of the Yugoslavian government, he sighed, shook his head and retreated to his office. After about an hour, he came out, and called for his assistant, Ludkova. "Get on the wires to Kyiv, I want Marshal Kleshnikov flow to Moskva immediately."

    When the Marshal arrived, Stalin greeting him with a lifeless scowl, and the soon went into the Comrade's map room to have a conference. There Stalin explained why politically, after the fall of yet another soveign nation, he now had decided to strike the first blow at the fascists. "With Poland it was one thing, we still had protection in the south. But now, we have no more Yougoslavia, and we have what intellegence says is the German 3rd Army at our doorstep. England is backed up to a wall, she cannot possibly attempt an invasion with no one else fighting it out on the continent. Greece is barely holding on, and unless we act soon, the German 3rd Army will turn south, headlong into Greece" He went on. "We need to act now, and cripple their war effort... buy time for England and France to regroup in the south. Vasily, I am giving you command of this invasion. You will have the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Armies at your disposal as well as the 112th, 91st, 34th, and 65th Guards Infantry Divisions. You have one month to excecute this manouver. You have one week to settle on an order of battle and return here by armoured train to get it approved. This, as you can imagine, is of the highest priority for not only the Union, but for the entirety of Europe.

    And so it was done.

    One month later in December, Molotov delivered the declaration of war in Berlin, just as the frontier positions were being crossed by the troops. Many German troops couldn't believe their eyes, as our tanks rolled past them with lightning speed. These soldiers hadn't been attacked in force during the entire war! Some fought valiantly, but other turned and ran, and were gunned down by our armour.

    Victories were numerous, as the Germans were completely caught off guard. By the end of the advance, all strategic objectives were met, with minimal and less than expected casualties.

    Preparations are underway for what appears to be possibly a major battle in the future between the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Armies and the panzer elements (divisions unknown) of the German 3rd Army along the banks of the Danube River. This could be the most decisive battle yet in this war, as the fate of the Soviet invasion, as well as the strength of the German Army in the east might hinge on it.

    When Stalin got word of the resounding success of the invasion, he turned to his commisars and said "You see, the never expected it! We've got them now. Their war machine won't last long without their precious Oil Facilities." He was quickly overcome with joy, and ran to his office to fetch his special box of goodies. He packed a celebratory pipefull of marihuana for the entire Supreme Sovieit to enjoy.

    Cities Captured:

    Attached Files


    • Bah! I didn't need those cities anyway
      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


      • Congratulations to Soviet Union and especially to comrade Stalin and his brilliant Marshal Kleshnikov! They have certainly studied well the works of ancient master Xin Yu.

        French Mediterranean fleet under command of admiral Jean Pierre Esteva liberated Corsica island.
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        • Luftwaffe Strikes Stalinist Hordes!

          The bombers and fighters of the Luftwaffe's 2nd Air Army have struck out at the Soviet agressors.
          Jubilant He-111 Pilots have described how the Russian tankers of the 3rd Guards Tank Army abandoned their primative machines at the sight of literally thousands of the Luftwaffe's elite bombers approaching their encampments around Oradea!

          Below: A He-111 is readied for another sortie against the 3rd Guards Tank Army

          3rd Army Counterattacks

          Following the 2nd Air Army's massive attack, troops of the 3rd army were able to secure the rubble of Oradea without suffering any casualties themselves.
          Upon digging themselves in, the soldiers of the 3rd Army were thrilled to hear the news that reinforcements are flooding into the region under the aegis of the newly formed Army Group Danube.

          Luftwaffe Active over Atlantic and Mediterranean

          In addition to it's activities over the Balkans, the Luftwaffe has continued the campaign against Germany's enemies in the west. This month German bombers have slaughted the Free French defenders of Corsica and have sent even more British battleships and cruisers to the bottom of the sea.
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          Last edited by Case; June 29, 2002, 07:18.
          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • DECEMBER 1940

            Axis conquered Belgrade in Yugoslavia.

            Spain captured Porto in Portugal.

            Soviets seized Ploesti, Constanta, Bucaresti, Varna, Burgas and Oradea in Romania.

            France liberated Bastia in Corsica island.

            1940 OVERVIEW

            Axis conquered Denmark, Norway, Benelux countries, France and Yugoslavia.

            Spain seized northern part of Portugal.

            Allies captured Albania and eastern Libya.

            Soviets conquered Romania.

            France captured Sardinia and western Libya.
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            • Due to the Axis-Soviet war Turkish army is in full alert.
              We are ready to repel any possible invasion from any source.
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              • The Republic of Spain is proud to finally declare the end of the corrupt and completely inefficient regime of Antonio di Salazzar. Portugal and Spain are one once again. United under the prosperous and glorious leadership of “Il Marco”.

                The people welcomed our troops as liberators from an oppressive rule and cheered them marching through the streets of Lisbon. Marco held a speech from the balcony of the townhall of Lisbon and he was overwhelmed by the spontaneous reaction of the people to declare a new holiday in Portugal: the liberation day will remind all generations on the heroic task done by Marco to bring freedom to Portugal.

                Furthermore Marco would like once again express the absolute neutrality of Spain in this conflict and he hopes all leaders will continue their noble behaviour in respecting our borders.

                Thank you for your attention
                Leader of unified Spain and Portugal
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                When you want to dance do it the trance way


                • Operation Taciturn Launched!!

                  Today the code of "Silent as the Wind..." was sent over Hellenic Resistance Radio and two irregular formations of Bulgars, Expatriots, and Greeks launched an assault on Plovdiv and took control of the city from German auxiliary troops who were whimpering at their boots. This is important as it links the Soviet and Allied forces together to form a better line to push the Hun out of the Balkans! God save the King!
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                  Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                  • The Spanish government is concerned about the sneak attack of Russian forces on German soil. Another nation had abandoned it's neutrality and entered the WW. Now more lives will be wasted. Given the complete new situation Spain is not only accepting the scientific exchange treaty proposed by Turkey but propose also an Alliance of Neutrality. We must bind together in order too keep potential invaders out. As Russia proves us that it cannot be trusted perhaps sooner or later they start to invade you with the same completely useless excuse of “securing” their borders. The last neutral countries in the world must unite or we will be eradicated one after another.
                    Last edited by Imperial-Markus; July 2, 2002, 12:59.
                    When you want to dance do it the trance way


                    • The United Kingdom would support an alliance of Neutrality between Turkey and Spain.
                      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                      • Originally posted by Imperial-Markus As Russia proves us that it cannot be trusted perhaps sooner or later they start to invade you with the same completely useless excuse of “securing” their borders.

                        Pfft. Tell that to Denmark, Norway, Benelux countries, France and Yugoslavia.


                        • January of 1941

                          Operation Chetepaka continues to advance its way across the Balkans! People everywhere welcome the liberating forces of the Soviet Union!

                          After the severe bombardment of Oradea, our forces climbed out of the rubble and were able to recapture the city from the counterattacking Germans. The first victories were scored on the Luftwaffe during this raid, and the old I-16's held their ground.

                          After encountering the Greek freedom fighters in Plovdiv, the 3rd and 4th Guards Tank Armees turned westward to advance on the Germans in Jugoslavia. The forces involved in the pincer movement which initiated during Chetepaka has now met at the city of Craiova. Here, Marshal Kleshnikov met with General Muzekya and prepared for the long push into Jugoslavia.

                          Sofia was liberated in turn, and the line alongside the Greeks was sured-up.

                          The 67th Belorussian Assault Engineers brigade advanced in motorized lorries just behind our aroured columns, and began the task of erecting sveral bridges across the Danube. Here, with the Red Airforce in sight, the dreaded Luftwaffe was no where to be found! Four bridges were completed in a matter of 8 hours, and a double pincer attack was initiated at dawn on the 3rd day of the continued attack.

                          Here we see a sniper from the 67th Belorussian Assault Engineers brigade covering the construction of one of the bridges across the Danube.

                          Beograd was encircled, and the confused commander of the Panzer batalions stationed in the city was taken prisoner, along with the Order of battle for the German 3rd Army in the comming weeks. This was a major victory for the Soviet liberators, as the capital of the recently stricken Jugoslavia is now free from the fascist dogs.

                          Oradea retaken
                          Craiova, Sofia and Beograd captured.

                          -Vasily Kleshnikov.
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                          Last edited by klesh; July 2, 2002, 19:08.


                          • Some fights around Corsica.
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                            • JANUARY 1941

                              Axis liberated Oradea in Romania.

                              Spain conquered Lisboa and Lagos in Portugal.

                              Allies took Plovdiv in Bulgaria.

                              Soviets captured Sofia in Bulgaria, Belgrade in Yugoslavia and Oradea in Romania.
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                              • Luftwaffe Continues to Lash Soviets

                                The aircrews of the 2nd Air Army have continued to enjoy what the pilots have dubbed 'the Great Danube Duckshoot'. Luftwaffe forces have destroyed over 5 soviet Armoured Divisions this month, and fresh aircrews are rushing to the Danube to join in the fun!

                                Oradea Raided

                                Following more bombardment from the Luftwaffe, the 21st Panzer Divsion has mounted a 'hit and run' raid on Oradea. The Dision withdraw safely to it's inital positions after the divisional engineers had destroyed The Red Air Force facilities in the city.

                                Corsica Raided

                                The Italian Armed forces have Raided the Island of Corsica, briefly re-occuping the city of Bastia. The French defenders of the island have lost dozens of fighters and a squadron of cruisers.
                                Attached Files
                                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

