Octyabr of 1940
The Soviets are very distressed at this point with the government of Turkey. Why must Mr Iönü insist on feeding the flames of warfare on the continent. The last thing all of us need is the Nazi's flying around with Folke Wolfs!
This matter is especially troubling since our communique's with Turkey have ceased. We attempted to warn them of impending danger in dealing with the old Axis regime, yet they cared not.
Therefore, the Soviet Union hereby presents an International Guarentee, that if the technology trade of PzKwIV/SS Troops <-> Folke Wolf 190 takes place between Turkey and the Axis Powers, Turkey shall then be held accountable for future agressions perpatrated with machinery gained from the impending trade. If the Soviet Union finds itself at War with the Axis nations in the future, it will indeed find itself at War with the Turks.
As the map of Europe is being ever altered by German militarism, we invite any other free nations to join this International Guarentee. Perhaps we can acrue a sizeable sum of money that Turkey would see fit to accept in exchange for withdrawl of its trade proposition.
We harbour no malintentions toward Turkey. However, in this age of total warfare with entire countries' very existance in question, the Soviet Union feels that your trade proposition is not in the best intrest of Europe as a whole. I'm sure you would feel this way when the Axis owns all of England, France, Spain, the Soviet Union et al and you are the last nation left to be conqured...
It gets lonely at times like that.
Again, no fighting has taken place during this month, and military drills are being intensified, as new officers hand picked by Stalin himself
are being trained for duty.
-Vasily Kleshnikov.
The Soviets are very distressed at this point with the government of Turkey. Why must Mr Iönü insist on feeding the flames of warfare on the continent. The last thing all of us need is the Nazi's flying around with Folke Wolfs!

This matter is especially troubling since our communique's with Turkey have ceased. We attempted to warn them of impending danger in dealing with the old Axis regime, yet they cared not.
Therefore, the Soviet Union hereby presents an International Guarentee, that if the technology trade of PzKwIV/SS Troops <-> Folke Wolf 190 takes place between Turkey and the Axis Powers, Turkey shall then be held accountable for future agressions perpatrated with machinery gained from the impending trade. If the Soviet Union finds itself at War with the Axis nations in the future, it will indeed find itself at War with the Turks.
As the map of Europe is being ever altered by German militarism, we invite any other free nations to join this International Guarentee. Perhaps we can acrue a sizeable sum of money that Turkey would see fit to accept in exchange for withdrawl of its trade proposition.
We harbour no malintentions toward Turkey. However, in this age of total warfare with entire countries' very existance in question, the Soviet Union feels that your trade proposition is not in the best intrest of Europe as a whole. I'm sure you would feel this way when the Axis owns all of England, France, Spain, the Soviet Union et al and you are the last nation left to be conqured...
It gets lonely at times like that.
Again, no fighting has taken place during this month, and military drills are being intensified, as new officers hand picked by Stalin himself

-Vasily Kleshnikov.