Case- yeah, the calculation I did in my head was an hour off, it turns out that 12 - 5 = 7 instead of 8?!
Anyway, 7 works for me, that is if we can get the pass from El Awrence
ANZAC- in the realtime multiplayer, there's an option in negotiations to give a city to someone, which is why this is the best course of action.
Okay, so's our "date" tenatively set for 100 (am) GMT?
Anyway, 7 works for me, that is if we can get the pass from El Awrence
ANZAC- in the realtime multiplayer, there's an option in negotiations to give a city to someone, which is why this is the best course of action.
Okay, so's our "date" tenatively set for 100 (am) GMT?