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Another Age of War PBEM

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  • Moscow Courier

    As for aggression: it was more than justified. One the disbanding of churches and cathedrals caused me many problems and took away property that was rightfully mine.

    Also, no one has addressed that Soundwave kept some of the German Army!! In my offensive I met an artillery unit, strictly prohibited by the Treaty of Berlin. I have a full roster of the units Sounwave kept from the German Army: 3 artillery 2 cavalry and about 9 extra conscripts. Any violation of the treaty is to be met with force and enforced. So I am carrying that out.


    BTW Soundwave, you know how your country is called Austro-Hungary, now it's Hungary
    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


    • "AH!!"

      That was the Offical Statement of the Goverment, even though no-one knows where they are LOL!!
      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


      • My turn. No time for a big newspaper article - but then again, nothing much actually happening in France.

        BTW, I'm going away this weekend: I'll be back Sunday evening, Australian time. Sorry for any inconvenience

        Statement to the Tsar: Austria's retention of the German Army is indeed a serious issue, but France reiterates that this should have been discussed in an international forum, rather than crudely solved by having the Russians destroy the units in question.

        A French delegation has been sent to Malta following the British Prime Minister's excellent suggestion.
        Attached Files


        • The Austrians Seeing there position hopeless, has asked The Ex-British President Sean Richards to step in and organize a peaceful tansition to peace.

          "the Austrians have offered to give up their land, miltary and titles to who-ever wants the Land and Industry. Although this offer does not include the Italians or Russians ( ), in the offer... there for the offer goes to the Mighty British Empire, or the Great French Third Republic... or even the decaying Ottoman Empire"

          BTW- Email me if you want it Winterfritz, Cyrion or Jamesjkirk... its all intact and all there... oh i built my second art! in the whole time Austria was there so you get that, 1 engineer, 1 art and 14 conscripts....

          Anzac and Case for your betrall you get nothing, except the cities you got in the attacking turn.. I invented the Austian Idea, I can destroy it however I want, so lodge your complaints they will fall on deaf ears.
          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


          • Moscow Courier

            Russians Outraged!

            This is complete breach of our security. If the Austria cities are handed over, Lemberg will be sitting in the middle of Russian territory and the cities that are scattered about in pockets will make it impossible to govern them. Also there are only two major cities left and they are all cut off from the outside.

            Anyone who accepts this offer will still have to face an offensive in Austria, but not against their homeland. As it has been said before, Russia does not want a conflict with France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire.
            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


            • You have Lemberg, and if the Russia dont want war, they will let peace continue
              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


              • What lies do you tell, Soundwave? I don't hold Lemberg at all Peace will only be achieved when Austria is dismembered.
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • La Republica

                  Foreign Minister warns Britain, France and Turkey

                  The Italian Foreign Minister today warned the British, French and Turkish governments not to intervene in the Italian sphere of interest in the Balkans.
                  The minsiter stated that "The land west of the Danube, and especially the cities of Sarajevo, Zagreb and Graz, are vital to Italy's military and economic security. As a result, their seizure by any other nation will be an issue of great concern to the Italian people and government".

                  Later in the speech the Minister expressed his hope that Britain, France and Turkey wouldn't fall for Austria's Machiavellian tactics, and that they would leave the treacherous Austrians to their well deserved fate.
                  'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                  - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                  • Re: La Republica

                    Originally posted by Case

                    Later in the speech the Minister expressed his hope that Britain, France and Turkey wouldn't fall for Austria's Machiavellian tactics, and that they would leave the treacherous Austrians to their well deserved fate.
                    What plans?

                    LOl when did i get so evil LOL!
                    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                    • Re: Re: La Republica

                      Originally posted by Soundwave

                      What plans?

                      LOl when did i get so evil LOL!
                      Sorry, you're just evil and you can't handle the truth!
                      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                      • The Sultan was REALLY offended by the Italian so-called "warning": the Ottoman Empire has signed a non-agression pact with Italy and has NEVER been known for breaking his word!!

                        So we won't accept that our reputation is dirtied by ridiculous public declarations from foreign nations !!!

                        As for the Italian possession of the cities west of the Danube, we strongly believe it's not something Italy has a right to decide alone, but rather that it should be discussed in an international comitee, as proposed by PM Kirk!!
                        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                        Discworld Scenario:
                        POMARJ Scenario:
                        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                        • Wheres Jamesjkirk??
                          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                          • Tomorrow i'm going away for a week, so Anazc will take my turns.. okies, and i agree will an easter break, coz i'll be working my butt off for time and half money!

                            BTW the other PBEMs not this one, but i will pop in from time to time
                            Last edited by Soundwave; March 16, 2002, 15:58.
                            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                            • Another Age of War is at an End....
                              Attached Files
                              "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                              • Austria Surrenders To Russia

                                As politicans bartered over saving the interests and the country of Austria, the men of the 3rd Infantry corps got into their best dress and prepared to go over the top in old miltary fashion with courage, they looked out and saw Italians swarming for the Trisente foothills, as they saw this and their country being destroyed by politicans, they made ready with rifle and sharpened steel and charged... after a bloody hand to hand combat, the Austrians returned back to base and told of no Itlalian surviours, as the did this they heard word of the Austrian Surrender with that the laid down the arms to the Russian Miltary Forces and were proud, coz right to the finish they were still fighting for there freedom, and had disgust in the back of their minds of how Britian, France and even the Ottoman Empire one of their closest friends didn't even help. But as the Austrians 3 Intantry Corps marched along the road to prison camp, the Russian Commander stopped them, and said he had seen the bravery and they are all to join the New Russian Empire, he told them how they needed soldiers like you, with this honour they had earned and the undieing hatred to the Italians the Men of the 3rd Infantry Corps truged back to the foothills and sat back in the postition ready to take on another Italian Assualt.


                                Thank you for letting me play this scenario, it was a real honour for me.
                                Last edited by Soundwave; March 16, 2002, 16:02.
                                "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave

