I'm glad you could join us, Cyrion. You're right, for a PBEM set in Europe, we're strangely lacking in European players...
Heres the updated player list.
Russians - theanzac@optonline.com
Italians - nick_dowling@hotmail.com
French - winterfritz_21@yahoo.com
Germans - m_carreras@hotmail.com
Turks - vfrache@hotmail.com
British - seanie_babes@hotmail.com
Since the British go after the Turks and Soundwave has already played his turn, should we let the AI play the first turn of the Turks, and Cyrion can jump in during the next round? Or alternatively, would Soundwave mind playing his turn again after the Turks have played from El Awrence's saved game? Whatever suits you all the best.
Also, everyone make sure you download Anzac's updated rules.txt with the increased ship moves. And Cyrion, make sure you're using the MPevents file, not the single player events file. (I left a post on the previous page if you need info on how to change these files.) Thanks
Heres the updated player list.
Russians - theanzac@optonline.com
Italians - nick_dowling@hotmail.com
French - winterfritz_21@yahoo.com
Germans - m_carreras@hotmail.com
Turks - vfrache@hotmail.com
British - seanie_babes@hotmail.com
Since the British go after the Turks and Soundwave has already played his turn, should we let the AI play the first turn of the Turks, and Cyrion can jump in during the next round? Or alternatively, would Soundwave mind playing his turn again after the Turks have played from El Awrence's saved game? Whatever suits you all the best.
Also, everyone make sure you download Anzac's updated rules.txt with the increased ship moves. And Cyrion, make sure you're using the MPevents file, not the single player events file. (I left a post on the previous page if you need info on how to change these files.) Thanks