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Discussion thread to set up a brand new diplo game: USA Thurs nights

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  • #46
    Non HOTW2er's

    You guys should read the HOTW2 thread as it effects this game.

    I see perhaps three games now with overlapping players.

    1) HOTW2 posible continuation - if it ever gets decided!

    2) A normal random diplo with whoever can start today

    3) A diplo with a fully fledged modpack! Get moving on this guys. Frank, can you maybe sort it out and talk to Capo and CapTVK to assimilate most of the suggestions in this and the HOTW2 thread? I'm just too busy. I like all your ideas as long as I'm Captain Deiticus of THE DEITIANS! (pref blue as I'm colour blind - in the HOTW2 game I couldn't see the difference in my colour and Zulus!!!)
    "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
    *deity of THE DEITIANS*
    icq: 8388924


    • #47
      Rasputin still can't post!!

      The new units sound fun Frank, but better make sure it keeps game balanced.... I prefer a mod pack with Rasputin as leader of the Mad Monks (Any Colour)
      Any takers for a game today ,, now ????


      • #48
        yes, lets form teams!

        i would love to form a team great idea rasputin
        i love the wonders
        i do think leos and bachs and michs should cost 200 more shields
        i am against all city bribing as well. diplomats prevent most war.

        peace in the real world, terry


        • #49
          Do I fit into this? Deity give me some feed back

          BTW Im totally against any restrictions on player to player interaction, ie, rules against war, alliances, backstabbing, etc.

          Players should dictate whats allowed and whats not via ingame behaviour. If someones overally aggressive, build an alliance against him. If someone backstabs, do not trust him. If someone forms an alliance, for an alliance against them.

          No need for artificial rules in that respect.

          With game mechanic rules, I have zero prefrence and will accept nearly anything.


          • #50
            I tend to agree with Chris, The formation of any rules inhibiting interaction should be anethema to a Diplo game. What ever happens , happens. If you find people fighting wars for no reasons, then get a coalition to fight them. If not , who cares.

            LEts jsut get some idea of who in and who out and whether we paly real world or created world, I prefer an unknown world created by an independant person like CapTVK
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • #51

              I will do my best to get to capo in time. I don't know when you guys want to start this game, I thought this one might be a ways off since it is involving HOTW2, but if its sooner we will just have to see how it works out.

              I'll start with HOTW2's edits and add on from there. If its not liked we can always trash some or all of it, plus I don't think I'll be hacking up the anicent times too much so I might get even more time. We will see.

              I always like to ban city bribes, but that's about as far as I go on rule limitations. Take a


              • #52
                the problem Frank is that HOTW2 Crashed out, whatever is set up this time , will need to address the end game slowness and how to actually end the game..

                Do we end it with Space ship, Globla conquest or other, I hate Space ship and would not want it in a gam of diplo.... I actually prefer not to have any wonders, excpet perhpas Manhattans !!!
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #53
                  (pref blue as I'm colour blind - in the HOTW2 game I couldn't see the difference in my colour and Zulus!!!)
                  You didnt seem to have any problems telling the difference when you smoked me out of south america!
                  I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                  Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                  • #54
                    Ha… He actually asked me if he had got all your units, namely partisans because he couldn’t tell.


                    • #55
                      Well guys, you COULD play on a medium map instead of a huge one, it might be cramped but it's the easist way to reduce end game lag.

                      Other than that the mod it's self doesn't really come into the equasion at all when it comes to lag.

                      I have made a mod real quick. It's mainly graphics changes...(no more yellow jump suits) but there are a few changes.

                      Apline troops = gone
                      Infantry 5/5/1 2/1 50 req. Machine Tools

                      Frigate upgraded to Man-O-War and given +1 defense. All other stats remain the same.

                      Storm Troopers cost dropped by 10 sheilds.

                      Dreadnoughts are now available with refining.
                      8/8/4 3/2 100 naval unit

                      Jet Proplusion is a new Tech. It requires rocketry and mass production. Space Flight now requires Jet Proplusion instead of rocketry.

                      Jet Fighters 6/4/12 2/2 70 Jet Proplusion
                      Jet Bombers 13/4/10(2) 2/2 140 Jet Proplusion

                      All other HOTW2 mods apply. Take a look at it and see if you like it.


                      • #56
                        Well guys, you COULD play on a medium map instead of a huge one, it might be cramped but it's the easist way to reduce end game lag.

                        Other than that the mod it's self doesn't really come into the equasion at all when it comes to lag.

                        I have made a mod real quick. It's mainly graphics changes...(no more yellow jump suits) but there are a few changes.

                        Apline troops = gone
                        Infantry 5/5/1 2/1 50 req. Machine Tools

                        Frigate upgraded to Man-O-War and given +1 defense. All other stats remain the same.

                        Storm Troopers cost dropped by 10 sheilds.

                        Dreadnoughts are now available with refining.
                        8/8/4 3/2 100 naval unit

                        Jet Proplusion is a new Tech. It requires rocketry and mass production. Space Flight now requires Jet Proplusion instead of rocketry.

                        Jet Fighters 6/4/12 2/2 70 Jet Proplusion
                        Jet Bombers 13/4/10(2) 2/2 140 Jet Proplusion

                        I cant post the mod here.

                        Maybe I will work on my website and post it there. But you can ICQ, AIM, MSN, or email me and I will send it.

                        Dangime 2896875


                        • #57
                          Hey guys.......

                          Seems to me that you are having alot of trouble with the lag, so besdies playing a medium map why not consider increasing the riot factor(with deity level) and decrasing the max pop before needing aquaducts and sewer, maybe to 5 and 10 or 4 and 8.

                          These are all I can think of that might reduce it.


                          • #58
                            Capo's usual arrogant self.... on the comeback...

                            Alright everyone, I hereby use my own self-fulfilling arrogance to hereby declare this game HOTW3. Therefore it has Capo's stamp of approval and its not some clusterf*ck of a game.

                            To start; Dangime everything you have done is appreciated but now null and void. Like the Aztec emperor Montezuma's refusal to wear the same outfit twice in his lifetime I refuse to use the same modpack twice in my lifetime.

                            In order for me to start the modpack I am going to require the following things from every player.

                            1) I need a damn player's list, a final list. And from what I've heared there is probably going to be seven players. If this is the case we should probably all realize the hell we will go through towards the end game, with that said I need to know the number of players.

                            2) I need to know what map we are using, is it going to be the map we used in HOTW2? A different world map? A created map?

                            3) I also need to know everyone's tribes. If the map is fake the tribes should be fake too, which means use some damn creativity and invent an entire culture. If the map is a real map I need to know an ACTUAL country, I refuse to use fake countires on the World map or any other actual map.

                            4) Included in tribes is a full city list, and I'm talking at least 2-30 city names, I am going to need leader titles for each government (remember if is a real nation I expect actual titles). Further if it is fake country I will need the tribe and adjective for the tribes (tribe - Aztecs, adjective - Aztec). As well as a description of the flag.

                            5) I need any changes to units or technologies or anything else you guys want, such as Fascism to Communism etc.

                            Once this is all given to me this bad boy should be created within a week. I also suggest we don't start playing until at least two to three weeks so we can get this all sorted out.

                            I don't want to play with teams.

                            I think if we have seven people we should have four players from HOTW2; Deity, Chris, Rasputin and myself I believe would be a very nice group to form the core. Since this is going to be HOTW3 it will have a continuation. Everyone else should be newbies or not as familiar with HOTW2 as the four of us.

                            I like to put straight up newbies in, so if we have a total newbie that guy is in. If he's gonna learn to play a diplogame he might as well learn from the best.... and Chris, Rasputin and Deity too I guess.

                            Alright, I gotta get dressed and go to work now, GO TERPS!
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • #59

                              I wrote this in another thread before I read Capo's crap


                              I got an intermittent availability coming up due to work.

                              I can't play this USA Thurs night but can the week after. I'd like to team up with Capo? Or someone who can start off this week then I do the next and so on, subject to our availabilities.

                              Regardless I think a game should get going this week if Frank/Capo have a modpak ready????

                              If Frank can't kick off this week maybe team up with Raz?

                              But I know Makeo and others are ready to go now!

                              When HOTW3 starts in January we can work out overlaping availability problems then. Maybe HOTW3 becomes a Fri night game?
                              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                              icq: 8388924


                              • #60
                                ok looks like we might need to make a decision re what game we are goinhg to play, a HOTW game MUST be played on real world other wise it is not history of the world... This thread was started originalyy to start a new different Diplo game preferably on a Made map...

                                So do we want two diplo games going... HOTW3 starting perhaps in January on Friday nights and this Dipl ogame starting real soon on Thursday nights...

                                I vote for two GAMES !!!!!
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

