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Civ3: Who's resolve is first to falter?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by rah
    More random thoughts.

    I'm starting to get the hang of it. After the first few settlers, don't build them. Go out an conquer your weakest neighbor. Find Iron and build swordman. Build the roads there so you're ready to connect right away. Two/three swordman are tough if they don't have them.

    I was wrong about that hut in the city range, when you place the city, it cashes the hut. I guess the first few times I did it, the village was empty so I didn't notice.

    I finally got HG in a game. I just don't give/trade poly to anybody. The AI is not as concerned about monarchy early.

    After opening over two hundred huts, I have yet to see a settler or a city. (and I've always played expanionist) What the heck am I'm doing wrong?

    This game is tough. (so far )

    That is what I have experienced, as well, in my first Chieftain game (that's humbling to say, isn't it, war4ever?). Even though the AI likes to expand, they get stretched too thin and leave themselves vulnerable to clobbering by your Phase 2 units (Archers, Spearmen, etc.).

    Smash: Thanks for remembering. I think the word-of-mouth have been phenomenal in that they probably exceeded the most optomistic sales figure. Once purchased, it doesn't matter if it gets played or not, does it? For us hardcores, I look forward to the day when there are numerous scenarios to play and of course, MP for you guys. In the meantime, it is fun trying to learn Civ again.

    If you haven't seen it yet, please check out my "story" in Civ3-Stories.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Xin Yu
      I still haven't got a chance to calculate how many shields come from one pop when rush building under despotism. If it is 10, then looks like the best way to build up a city is to add workers to it then rush. This way you can concentrate your civ's effort in one city (even of size 1). Makes building settlers much easier, and the culture invasion much easier as well.
      Great to hear that you're looking at it now. I guess I'm more hung up on playing then researching for now.

      I rushed a temple for 2 pop in desp, So I think it's more than ten, so you using workers might be real good. I'll have to try that. That could really help in those far out cities. Even though in those that you conquer, once they stop resisting, it's best to rush the temple with their pop to get rid of them. Then use your workers to build the pop back. Less chance of of the city going back from what I understand.

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #78
        it didn't take me long to weaken. ordered it.

        any info on oedo years?
        Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


        • #79
          No luck for Oedo years. From reading and some little experience, it's 6 turns, 1 if you have religious for a characteristic. I haven't been counting exactly but it has always seemed like a long time and I have gone through 10-15 revolutions. They fixed it,

          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #80
            Originally posted by Makeo
            it didn't take me long to weaken. ordered it.

            any info on oedo years?
            So much for principle. You're all a bunch of SELLOUTS!

            In the meantime I'll try to keep up my resolve by playing Europa Universalis.....must......resist......temp...tatio n.
            Last edited by CapTVK; November 7, 2001, 18:37.
            Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

            Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


            • #81
              Originally posted by CapTVK

              So much for principle. You're all a bunch of SELLOUTS!

              In the meantime I'll try to keep up my resolve by playing E
              uropa Universalis.....must......resist......temp...tatio n.
              Well i didn't pay for mine......... and at this point i am glad i didn't ...having paid for alot of civ titles already that sucked...

              Steve.... i am playing monarch........and doing well....

              has anyone experienced the inability to build a set....... even though the shield box is size 2? i spent 10 turns like this

              as for nomads...i find them...but no more than one a game....

              ah and revs.... i revolted in 130bc to monarchy and it was one turn...110bc to go into monarchy am still not sure about the rev dates......
              Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


              • #82
                What civ were you playing. If they had a relegious characteristic, that's why it took only one turn. If it wasn't let us know and I'll go back to testing years.

                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #83
                  Great storytelling, Steve!

                  Originally posted by Steve Clark

                  If you haven't seen it yet, please check out my "story" in Civ3-Stories.
                  I had a good chuckle while reading it.

                  If the early game actually is that slow simply because they wanted the ancient age to last longer, then I can't understand why they didn't choose to expand on the number of techs, units and improvements to build in the ancient era instead.

                  I mean, the wish of gamers to spend more time in the ancient era wasn't to be taken literally! Same pace as before, but lasting longer... Is all...



                  • #84
                    Rich i was a religious civ...just don't remember which one now........

                    no one else experiences your box being full of shields but the settler not popping out eh? this has slowed my expansion immensley...not sure what i am doing wrong some games....but its annoying as hell......

                    having a hard time keeping enough gold in my coffers....... and i run out of things to build all the time....because that wealth option does jack sh!t

                    Rich what level are you playing at?

                    i am finding one nomad a game......i actually got 50g from a hutand barbs are smart at pinning you in....

                    i tend to explore high ground as much as possible being that my unit can move onto harsh terrain even with only one MP left......the ability to see two squares cannot be overated.....

                    becoming better at moving my units around now that the num lock key is off.......

                    i lost so many cities to barbs this way.....and why is it sometimes the barbs take my city but DONT really take it.......? they sack it and move on....i mean i am gratefull but it doesn't make sense to me.....

                    exploring is key..... pinning civs is key otherwise they run all over the bloody place........and man.....they send alot of troops when pissed off....... i had16 units try to take a city...they failed of course...

                    crushing barbs is easy in their little encampments...... andi like forced labout......

                    anyone have a tech tree planned out or do you just go with whatever the ai has and research accordingly.... i find myself researching bronze and then the ai swaps in a trade but then i can't choose my next auto does it for you.... the option doesn't even come up

                    ok........ if anyone can help with the above knock yourself out
                    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                    • #85
                      Rex, the length of the Ancient Age doesn't bother me because if I want to really focus on that age, I'll play a scenario (like my very favorite, Kull's Seeds of Greatness). It's fun learning this game but as I have said before, I'm waiting for the scenarios so I don't have to keep playing the regular game (unless it's a challenge game like OCC). I'm glad you liked the story.

                      Rich, playing as the Iroquois (Expanionist? and Religious), I only had anarchy at the beginning of the next turn.


                      • #86
                        war: If I understand your problem, a Settler costs 2, so you have to be at size 3 before it'll let you build one.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Steve Clark
                          war: If I understand your problem, a Settler costs 2, so you have to be at size 3 before it'll let you build one.
                          Thanks Steve to be honest i wasn't really payin attention to that...but i realized it today in a game.... thanks though....

                          I have been having success taking out the first civ i meet......while blocking others..... its still civ2..... but you can't ignore things now like you used too...well to this point of my experience anyways...

                          archers work quite well i have noticed.....and much earlier than swordsmen
                          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                          • #88
                            I took some time to go through the strategy guide (official) and the info center in civfanatics.

                            One way to exploit is to 'abuse' workers. (In civ2 we have settlers, diplos and caravans to abuse, now there's only workers.) You can plant trees in an area close to a city, (call it 'Royal forest'), then chop down trees to get extra shields for the city. Then replant the trees. If every important city has its own trees, then you don't need to worry about shield production. Should work extremely well for industious civs. Remember: TREES DO NOT NEED TO BE IN CITY RADIUS, just need to be closest to this city.

                            Another way is the abuse 'rush building' by adding workers to a city then sacrefice them to production. Works better for Religious and Scientific civs since less shields are needed for the improvements. (Rah, have you tried it? You can't rush wonders but there may be a way to get around it and save some turns).

                            A third way is to abuse diplomatic relationships. For example, selling techs would give you a lot of money, then you buy a new tech, sell it to other cives for more money. I don't recommend trading cities to gain advantage. If you give some civ a city and don't really mean it (i.e., give a city while planning taking it back the next turn), it's too much abuse.

                            A fourth way is to abuse culture. If you have 3 cities against one foreign city (only two spaces away), it does not stand a chance when you have 3 temples and 3 libraries in your cities. It takes 3 settlers and a lot of workers to do it, but there is a snow ball effect so if you set it up correctly you'll absorb a civ pretty quickly (while the civ is still polite to you since you pay 2 coins a turn to it).

                            A fifth way is to abuse barbarians. I heard that you can attack barbs and get free workers.


                            • #89
                              I hope they allow goody huts to be turned off in MP games - huts are even more unbalancing than before. I just quit two games before 3000 BC: the first because I popped three barb warriors in two of my first three huts; the second because I popped three barb warriors two squares away from my capital. Two of them killed my warrior while the third sacked my capital. Game over, especially if your opponent is building his second city with a nomad.

                              Based on a couple dozen starts, the starting position still looks very uneven. Sometimes I have a great start by rivers and cows; other times, I'm stuck on a peninsula with lots of jungle. Another deadly start: lots of non-shield grassland. 10 turns for the first warrior, while the other guys are spawning cities.

                              Trading for a tech or picking it up from a hut seems to waste any research you have invested. It looks best to me just to start on the path to monarchy and try to pick up the early techs from huts and the AIs. Speaking of trading with the AIs: if you start by yourself on an island, it looks like a death sentence. The AIs will be trading techs like madmen while you're struggling to research map making.


                              • #90
                                HI dave..... i get a nomad every game with the americans....

                                the cultural take over is neat the first time but unbalances gameplay i think

                                i have cops and issacs in my cap and some ai are still able to beat me to tech...i have libraries and universities in every city...

                                its easy to keep cities.......

                                i am being beaten to all early wonders...but am able to take some of the other ones.....

                                not being able to rushbuild has hurt..... i missed sisteen chapel by one turn....

                                your rightabout island starts...... its not worth killing the ai need him to trade with.....

                                all these pacts get confusing......

                                i beeline to republic....... works likea charm though i still can't time a revolution yet

                                mind you i am not testing ...just playing
                                Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!

