perhpas he only likes to psot not play. i wonder if i could hire him as my PR man, he so much better at it than I am !!!
No announcement yet.
History of the World 2.2 - V (Cuz 2 just wasn't big enough)
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Presidential Address to the Nation
my fellow Western Asians and Americans, today marks the beginning in a new era in the region. For the first time Australian troops have been stationed in WAAR territory. We al must do our best to make them welcome, not only do they bring security to the region ,but also its a sign that the friendship we once knew over 400 years ago maybe able to be rekindled. We have tried hard to fit into the scheme of things in this western hemisphere we live in, but despite our best efforts we are no closer to any agreements with the Zulus or EU than we were 400yrs ago. Whilst we will continue to push for closer links we feel that only trade agreements will be achievable in the near future.
This administration has begun a mass project of Trade and every able province is no swinging from Military production to Freight. We have already increased our productivity from one of the lowest in the worlds to the 2nd best behind only the Chinese. Our next aim is to get our GNP up and thereby increase everyones take home pay. We are after full employment. To achieve this we have nearly completed the construction of Librarys and Universitys throughout our land. All our people are now witihn traveling distance of one such learning place. This has raised our literacy rates to one of the highest too.
Some problem areas are still the amount of pollution we are producing, whilst we are not the worst we are not the best either. We are aiming to reduce this pollution to Nil by the end of next century, that gives us jsut over 100 yrs to achieve this. WE have already put in place new Transit schemes which has reduced much pollution, but we have a long way to go, some provinces are trialing the new Recylcing program which appears to have even greater benifits.
Another area that has undergone much change in recvent years is the birth rate in our nation, with so much celbrating going on over the past 15 years we have had a sudden burst of productivity in that area. I aim to keep this going.
You are all aware we gained the rest of the East coast of America after the recent Mali war. The people there have combiend well with our other American cousins and all forms of rebellion have been suppressed. As part of my efforts to bring the Americas closer to us here, we have put a largew amoount of our money into buidling a Commercial Airline, the first few Airports should open soon and we will not only be able to send our armed forces around the world quickly , but also trade commodities and citizens too. Tourism will be a big growth industry for us.
One thing our nation lacks is world recognition, we feel this is due to our lack of "Wonders", this administration has setup a committee to look into this and shall be given adaquate funding to seek out a "wonder" worthy of WAAR and to complete it post haste.
Rest assuerd my fellow Western Asians and Americans, we shall continue to grow and all of us will reap the benifits.GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
I think it was fun last night to discuss each others populations just out of curiosities sake. I think it might also be fun to share other statistics like how many libraries a nation has, how many factories etc. Also, something like how much gold produced per round and how many shields created per round.....
I don't want this information for anything but a love for stats. I don't want to benefit from any of this information (if thats even possible). Obviously types of military units can't be discussed due to strategic purposes, but peaceful things, like building improvements would be a fun thing to share I think.
I'd like to know who has the most factories, most libraries, most supermarkets etc.....just because it would be a neat comparison. Could even create a spreadsheet or something.
It would take a few minutes for each person to make a tally of things like this, and if people aren't willing to spare a few minutes to do it I'd understand
If a couple of people agree to share, I'll be happy to post some stats first.
(I see raz posted some demographics, but they aren't quite the in-depth sort of thing I'd like to do).I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
If I get the time I will be happy to share demographics, I am out of town for the weekend, so who knows when I will have time, though the Aussies still produce more than me Raz by about 30 shields or so.
As far as money per turn, I tend to rely on trade; we all know how much I make off of the Aussies now that Deity has shared with the world.
As Drake mentioned after the 24th of December I will be in Hawaii for two weeks or so….( I doubt I will play civ while in Hawaii), though I will not be attending Cairo till fall of next year at least because the American University of Cairo tends to shut down if things get two tense… but I hopefully will be spending the semester in Washington, so after I get back I will hopefully be able to continue the game.(I will have to check my schedule so I don’t know for sure).
The Chinese have announced plans to build the United Nations… citing the fact that the E.U. has failed to complete or continue construction. Save any major world protests the production should be complete in less than 20 years. The Chinese feel we are the perfect government to host the United Nations due to our neutrality and the fact that the majority of peace agreements take form in Chinese territory.
If I get the time I will be happy to share demographics, I am out of town for the weekend, so who knows when I will have time, though the Aussies still produce more than me Raz by about 30 shields or so.I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Originally posted by Prometheus
If I get the time I will be happy to share demographics, I am out of town for the weekend, so who knows when I will have time, though the Aussies still produce more than me Raz by about 30 shields or so.
I think it would be itneresting to get all that info too Drake, I am happy to release mine...
I will put it all together in a spreadsheet if people so wish ...
Perhaps for starters jsut a straight count of current improvements No. of temples, library, universitys Etc!!
Please also include No of citys.
Email the info to me at
I will collatte it and post here later....GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
The Chinese have announced plans to build the United Nations… citing the fact that the E.U. has failed to complete or continue construction. Save any major world protests the production should be complete in less than 20 years. The Chinese feel we are the perfect government to host the United Nations due to our neutrality and the fact that the majority of peace agreements take form in Chinese territory.GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
hey raz, do you have
a save priori to the one in the middle of my turn? I don't know what the deal is, but for whatever reason, don't know what it is, my cities are saying that they never recieved their shields for that given round. I checked with my 1585 save and ran it to 1605 just to test and the improvements that were supposed to be built were, but in my save and the save you sent me, they are not. So for some odd reason I'm losing a whole round of shields......which is huge really at this point in time.....
Perhaps something from aussie or mongol turn in 1600, or perhaps an AL turn in 1605?
As the save stands now, we're not going to be able to move forward.
edit: I also sent my improvement list via private message rather than email.......(of course it will be slightly different with corrected save)
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
i have a save for every ones turns, except the AI... So nxt turn before yours is Mongols, Will have to ask for approval to go back though, as I noticed a few times deity missed out on production and no one went back for him !! I leave it to a vote...GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Good idea to analyse stats!
Aussies _ Paul Keating
Pop - 33,070,000
Land - 1,708,000
100% Tax GNP - 2414
Shields - 725
Library - 6
University - 1
Res Lab - [Seti]
Factory - 6 [Hoover]
Man Plant - 2
You must set taxes to 100% with 0% Luxuries to have any meaningful comparison.
I got this on a new Office XP spreadsheet Raz... I'll pass it over to you when I see you online.
We can expand on this.
The Demogs can be weird... even though I'm in front tech-wise my Literacy is only 3rd at 64% due to limited Libraries etc."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
Re: hey raz, do you have
Originally posted by drake
a save priori to the one in the middle of my turn?
It's a good idea to rename your last auto1_save before loading up a save cos it will overwrite it.
If you get dropped go into your civ folder and just rename it before you do anything else. This will be at the beginning of the turn from which you were dropped but only you will have this save (as long as you got auto saves ON!)
I've lost several rounds of production in this game as Raz kindly points out but I'm cool for us to go back to Mongols IF drake really wants that. Consider the time. I often let things go through to the keeper to keep games moving but not trying to make you feel bad"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
Originally posted by drake
I think it was fun last night to discuss each others populations just out of curiosities sake. I think it might also be fun to share other statistics like how many libraries a nation has, how many factories etc. Also, something like how much gold produced per round and how many shields created per round.....
I don't want this information for anything but a love for stats. I don't want to benefit from any of this information (if thats even possible). Obviously types of military units can't be discussed due to strategic purposes, but ....."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
he he
Hey, you guys have really got me going mad with stats now!
After all I am an ISTJ
A vital stat that's missing is 'real strike power'.
IE, the sum of all your attack and defence points for all units, modified if vets but NOT for terrain etc.
I think this is the figure that the civ program calculates when the Travellers Report pops up and says the top most powerful civs.
It was certainly the case in Civ 1 I'm sure. It's NOT the pg status which is primarily geared to Pop, Wonders and Techs.
I'm going to go and calculate mine now
I'll show you mine if you show me yours but then again it might give too much away!"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
Aussie Peace Keepers!
OOC - I worked it out.. but won't post it yet
1605 AD
Saul sketched out a few thoughts. Paul was ill and Saul felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. Saul was a man of peace and his time had come.
He suspected that the sheer scale of the Aussie's conventional armament was a device to precipitate world peace.
Maybe we could threaten any nation that starts any type of conflict? Oh dear, silly thoughts. We can not engage in conflict ourselves UNLESS any nation attempts to build Manhattens Terror.
With regard to the EU/WAAR conflict it seems the world would not be happy unless Aussie action was taken. Surprisingly all nations of the world were happy to see an Aussie peace keeping force arrive in the Turkey region. They are positioned on a fort between Bosporus and Khurdistan. An aerial image may be available soon.
The wildcard nation of the WAAR researched Nuclear Fission ahead of the Aussies and it was gifted or traded to UAS China and Aussies.
The lack of signing of the Nuclear Treaty by the powerful Zulus is a particularly ominous sign. They have ignored our statement that we will NOT build Apollo nor Manhatten and will not sign the Treaty.
What does the world make of this?
It is becoming clearer to us that maybe they wish to build such Wonders themselves.
But why don't they trick us, get Fission and then rush build it?
Maybe they need to develop their production base more fully?
Maybe they make a pre-emptive conventinal strike against us? Now that would be suicidal! Then again a well prepared and targeted strike could damage us considerably. Our old enemies, the EU and Mali would surely co-operate in this.
Enough idle thinking about war. I want peace and prosperity on Earth.
It's going to be tough though.
I can only be optimistic, gather excellent intelligence and be prepared. It is not conceivable for us to make a pre-emptive strike. Absurd. Get out of my brain... go!
The Dame, his wife, was listening to Saul's thoughts.
She could *see* a war against Australia. Quite clear in her mind. She was trying to see where though and this was cloudy. She needed help. She needed spies. Yes Saul was correct about intelligence. But the danger with that is that it makes for a self-fulfilling prophecy if it makes other nations nervous.
Difficult. Yes.
So maybe we go the full hog? But then my Jewish ancestry would not like that...
Maybe we start to test out other nations to find out their true intentions....
Saul was listening as he gazed westward.....
Is it possible to maintain our super power status and bring peace to the world?
Perhaps....."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
Originally posted by Prometheus
As Drake mentioned after the 24th of December I will be in Hawaii for two weeks or so….( I doubt I will play civ while in Hawaii), though I will not be attending Cairo till fall of next year at least because the American University of Cairo tends to shut down if things get two tense… but I hopefully will be spending the semester in Washington, so after I get back I will hopefully be able to continue the game.(I will have to check my schedule so I don’t know for sure).Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah