Cheating takes a lot of fun out of the game, there are a lot of ways one can cheat in the game, but I play honestly and 90% of the time I only play with people who I trust not to cheat, the games a lot more fun that way. Although playing with the same people you learn their weaknesses well.... unfortunately I forget them lol.
No announcement yet.
I am a really good cheater
Get the **** out of here
Thanks for that spam Caeser, it was really appreciated. For everyone else who wants to get spam on my game board I will launch a campaign of terror against you. Keep the topic free of it so there is room for the morons to post. I will hunt you down if you ruin my game.
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
I don't need a program, I just remember it.
This gets better and better......GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Re: Get the **** out of here
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
. For everyone else who wants to get spam on my game boardGM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Who else wishes to confess?
Do we have any other BAD Cheats amonsgt us wishing to clear their conscience....
WE dont want people accusing people here, just confessions :banned:GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
I thought I would never say this but I have to defend what Eyes is saying here.
First, being knowledgable of something doesn't mean you practice it and quite often is a defense against it happening to you. I personally wish I knew all of the cheats as well as Eyes so I could be more aware if someone was doing them to me. Ming wrote an extensive document on cheats and, though i have never played him, I don't think he's a cheater.
Second, I played a 2x2x king game against Eyes (he still has yet to play me on my choice of settings but thats another thread or 5 all by itself).In that game he took my capital in 3400bc. He claims by looking at demographics he knew where my cap was - what units I had - and what specials and rivers i had around my cap. I can't say for sure whether or not he cheated but highly suspect HE DIDN'T.
Third, I ran into Eyes about a month or so after the above mentioned game. On top of a "spirited" conversation about other topics he was able to recall everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) about that game in detail.
So I tend to agree with Ming on this one. Unless you have proof - I wouldn't make the accusation. And to be honest, and please don't take this as an insult Sloww, I don't think Eyes needs to cheat to beat you or I at a 2x2x king game with his map settings and whatever other rules he requires in order to play him. Either that or he cheats every game and I highly doubt that.
good grief....we all should lighten up some.
even i know eyes is and was bored one day
and made this troll thread to get some moronic
feedback from us civ farmers.
eyes is a very smart young man
there is no doubt of that.
he went fishing for comments
and we gave it to him...
case closed
sorry ming , could not resist using it"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn
Re: See how much fun this is?
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
First of all, it wasn't 3450BC, it was 3250BC. Do you really want me to dig up the thread on it from gameleague? Second of all, I keep track of ALL games I have ever played against all players. I keep track of how they play, what techs they go for, their expansion habits, everything. I remember the first online game I ever played on here, I even remember what civ I used what size map, what the map looked like. Every time you try to take me on sloww you lose. You never have any evidence for anything you ever say.
What happened? Did you start figuring out that the years don't make sense? Another 200 years wouldn't make too much difference.
I don't know that I wrote of it at League, since it had nothing to do with League. I questioned you on it at the Zone, where we were when it happened.
You're no different than strat in many ways.
To you, if you quit, you haven't gotten beat.
That's fine, I guess. Whatever makes you feel better about you.
As far as proving anything, I think you've proven it just fine yourself. Thank you very much.
Yes, you helped wonderfully at League didn't you?
I'm not even going to talk badly about the dead though, but that's how well you did.Last edited by SlowwHand; July 25, 2001, 16:50.Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
"Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead
"To you, if you quit, you haven't gotten beat. "
I don't quit games. Gen Maximus messaged me last night about a game he played with you and 2 others where you quit as soon as he bribed a city and said it was for "pussies". And yes the years Do add up even when when it is 3450BC. But I remember it as 3250BC. But lets just say it was 3450BC. That gives me 11 turns to research 1 tech. That gives me 11 turns to get 1 advanced tribe and 11 turns to get 50 gold. I fail to see what is so impossible about this. I was the first one to start using explorers as an offensive attack. I did it to kaak too, but not quite as soon. All I really needed was 1 maybe two turns after I got seafaring to find you considering the fact that explorers get 6 moves.
Originally posted by EyesOfNight
"To you, if you quit, you haven't gotten beat. "
I was the first one to start using explorers as an offensive attack.
Please try not to make claims you can not prove.The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
Hydey the no-limits man.
Yes... many people do use exploreres early... but I do think that eyes was the first to use them as offensive weapons in 2x movement games. It's a great strategy when you play ics'ers who don't keep units in their cities... (That won't work with our group) He has always been on the forefront of new strategies... no matter what you think of his posting style, you have to give him credit on his game knowledge...
Oh.. and Deity Dude... the reason I developed the list was to know how people were abusing the rules, so we could establish a set of common guidelines for our group to follow when we play
I'm very comfortable now with the normal people I play with.Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O