2001 Players Tourney, Round 1
Group B: Markus (Host), Deity, Hydey, Makeo
OK, we gotta get this scheduled.
The best times for me are USA FRi or Sat night. I think we have to schedule this over other games so how about it?
BTW Markus, my slow turns were in Simul mode which exacerbates the serious lag problems I have anyway; so stop whinging about turn length and enjoy the quality of the game.
I was kicking your butt in that game you referred to and I'll kick your butt here too
I have it on good authority that a slowpoke is preferable to a fastpoke......
To the game, I reckon it would be good form for the host to choose their civ last when we go in to pick civs. I trust Markus more than just about anyone but I think it feels right if the host just holds back.
I agree with the Cavebear rules (as if I had any choice!) and don't wish to add any further restrictions. I was a bit bothered with no unit bribe but now I think it's cool... hope AH doesn't read this
Group B: Markus (Host), Deity, Hydey, Makeo
OK, we gotta get this scheduled.
The best times for me are USA FRi or Sat night. I think we have to schedule this over other games so how about it?
BTW Markus, my slow turns were in Simul mode which exacerbates the serious lag problems I have anyway; so stop whinging about turn length and enjoy the quality of the game.
I was kicking your butt in that game you referred to and I'll kick your butt here too
I have it on good authority that a slowpoke is preferable to a fastpoke......
To the game, I reckon it would be good form for the host to choose their civ last when we go in to pick civs. I trust Markus more than just about anyone but I think it feels right if the host just holds back.
I agree with the Cavebear rules (as if I had any choice!) and don't wish to add any further restrictions. I was a bit bothered with no unit bribe but now I think it's cool... hope AH doesn't read this