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History of the World (part two)

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  • Office of Foreign Affairs
    Unified Adriatic Republics
    Adriatic League
    Honorable Antonin Rossi

    Various foreign embassies, envoys, attaches, ministers and Consuls.
    FROM: The Honorable Antonin Rossi, Foreign Minister of the Unified Adriatic Republics.

    Let it be known that Consul Napoleon Bonparte has been voted "Consul for Life" by the Adriatic Parliament. One would suspect initial fears, or qualms, with this turn of events. Clearly Bonaparte is a military man, clearly this is a Republic where constant, lifetime rule by one man is against our creed.

    However this bears no resemblence, to a Monarch or despot. Bonaparte remains under the letter of the law as is outlined in the Adriatic constitution, the powers of Parliament have not been abridged nor shall they be, Bonaparte remains a member of the Parliament as well, therefore he shall not lead in a vacuum.

    Further it should be noted that the following effects have taken place under the reign of the honorable Consul Napoleon Bonaparte:
    * Full peace, including military demilitarization has been made with Israel, a state with whom we formally held in rancorous contempt.
    *The Koutiala Summitt resulted in the demilitarization of borders in North America, and had effected lasting peace between the AL and the Axis.
    *The CARP agreement, which will send Adriatic funds towards rebuilding central Asia which had been destroyed by the Great War.
    *50% demilitarization of the standing Adriatic army, which means we brook no aggression towards foreign entities, nor towards our own citizens.
    *Peace talks with the Scandinavian Kingdom.

    We feel that Bonaparte has been a great change of pace from our former rulers, and will change the way the world looks at the Adriatic League. We were quite certain that the people would have chosen Bonaparte as our Consul until the day he died. Therefore we decided that we would waste tax and private funds if we continued holding elections towards that end. Therefore Napoleon Bonaparte shall forever preside as Consul to the Adriatic League.

    A. Rossi

    This document has been officialized by the Adriatic Parliament and its Consul Napoleon Bonaparte.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • Mongolia
      1020 AD

      Mongolia, First to Become a Democratic Nation.
      Consul Easthaven X and the rest of the administration thought it was time for a change. The Mongolian government changed to a democratic government. The people were happy to become a democratic nation. Elections were held in Samarkand and Easthaven X become our nation’s first President. Most of the cities in Mongolia are celebrating for having such a gracious leader. And for their cooperation, President Easthaven X has built a new Wonder of the world. He has built the Statue of Liberty, Mongolia is a nation of liberty and freedom. The people rejoiced.

      Mongolian economy shoots off the charts
      The Mongolian economy is superb. Unemployment is an all time low. President Easthaven has done a great job for increasing our economy. Stable trading with our ally Australia, keeps both of our economies high and stable. President Easthaven has also made plans for increasing trade with the Zulu and Isreal.

      The People Rejoice
      After the victory of the Great War and the change in governments, the people of nearly every city in the country has been celebrating. Crime and corruption is low. Mongolia is in peace and they are enjoying it!

      General Vladimir Puchek appointed new Secretary of Defense
      President Easthaven, after the new change in government, needed a Secretary of Defense. He needed a great strategist who would do his best for the national defense. He needed a patriot. And so he appointed General Vladimir Puchek for Secretary of Defense. “I knew he was best for the job, I know he will do his best for the country’s defense”, said President Easthaven after appointing the new Secretary of Defense.

      General Trotsky appointed new General of the Mongolian Armed Forces
      An officer and war hero during the Great War has risen up in the ranks. He’s been a General for years now. He has been appointed the new General of the Mongolian Armed Forces.

      2nd Lieutenant Trotsky Awarded the highest award of Mongolia, the Mongolian Cross:
      Lieutenant Trotsky, for his valor and bravery during the Great War and his selfless acts, for performing beyond the act of duty, has been awarded the Mongolian Cross. The highest award possible of Mongolia. His platoon was isolated in the hills near Kabul. The Adriatics were advancing and his platoon had no way out. The platoon’s morale was low and they had no will to fight. Lieutenant Trotsky, out of pure bravery, charged up the hill and killed 10 Adriatics with his sword while receiving 4 wounds himself, three from well aimed arrows by the Adriatics. After seeing his bravery platoon got the courage from their commanding officer and they charged the Adriatic line. The platoon won the battle with the help from Lt.Trotsky. Lieutenant Trotsky suffered serious wounds and the doctors did not think he would live. But after a month he fully recovered from his injuries. And for his bravery and courage, President Easthaven awards him the Mongolian Cross.

      General Trotsky is a good soldier and he is also a war hero. For that he has been appointed the new General of the Mongolian Armed Forces. Since General Vladimir Puchek has been appointed the new Secretary of Defense the Armed Forces needed a General, The President and Gen. Puchek knew the best man for the job. General Trotsky gladly accepted. “I will do my best to fit the shoes of the great General Puchek”, said General Trotsky.

      CARP agreement established between Mongolia, Adriatic League, and Isreal.
      President Easthaven, Consul Napoleon, and President Berzerker has agreed that Asia is quite undeveloped and to better develop it they agreed to contribute in reconstructing the continent from war damages. Each country will donate 2 settlers to the reconstruction cause. President Easthaven already have 3 settlers in the area repairing damages.

      President Easthaven Proposes a Roads Construction Act.
      President Easthaven has established the RCA, it is taking place right now. Road construction is underway all over the country to provide for better transportation. “The RCA will help our nation grow and will attract more traders”, said the President.

      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by easthaven (edited May 11, 2001).]</font>


        Secret Report to Parliamentary Special Branch:
        "The ending of the great wars with the Adriatic League has precipitated a period of growth and prosperity for the Aussies. The arrival of Democracy in AD 940, the second nation to achieve such standing, brought about unparalleled trade and commerce. Happy people begat happy people and so on.... a familiar formula for success.

        Paul was voted in as the first Aussie President of the new Aussie Republican Democracy.

        But Paul became bitter.

        He was the one receiving the accolades for the peace and prosperity of his nation but deep down he regretted not wiping the ADRIATIC LEAGUE OFF THE PLANET. He believes we should have taken the military advantage when it was there. There would have been no AL in America and Russia would now be Mongolian and Israeli.."

        Manning interupted,
        "Paul must not find out that we are discussing this. It would be deemed disloyal. But I must say he, as our current leader, is very unstable and capable of disturbing the balance of peace in the world"

        The report continues:
        "Paul seems to have a vision of empire. A world where he is the benevolent leader. If our Scientists gain a technological edge and he realises his nations military strength we could be headed for dangerous times."

        Manning again:
        "This secret report MUST NOT leak. The rest of the world is keen for peace and gaining prosperity similarly to us, by trading and through diplomatic negotiations.
        With the upcoming elections I must stand. I must stand against Paul but the people see him as their benefactor so we must get him to make a mistake on the world stage.
        I have a plan.
        We feed Paul the idea that Israel is not benefiting from the new ways of the world. Many nations helped the Chinese build their nation to become a potential superpower but no one is helping Israel.
        We suggest to Paul that he make a strong proposal to the world to rectify the position of the Israelis. ALL nations must cede cities to Israel so that all nations have no less than 30 cities. Currently Israel only has 14 cities. The ALL, the next lowest, has 31.
        Paul, we would suggest, could demand that all nations cede at least 2 cities each.
        Of course the world community will reject this but Paul will be in a fighting mood, ready to back his words with guns!
        We get him to make a military blunder, then, with the new elections, we have every chance of being elected. WE will be able to blame Paul, in the world's eyes, to avoid retribution for any military acts.

        I, Manning the Man, WILL become the next President of this fair democracy!"


        The News of the World Reporter from Tiberius, listening to the tapped conversation was dumbfounded.... what should she report?
        Secrecy was necessary for now...

        Her next mission - Zimbabwe.....

        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        aka: half-assed dieticians
        icq# 8388924


        • Yes perhpas the israeli idea of pauls could be called "the Final Solution"

          Long live Paul !!!!
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • "Benito!"

            "Yes mama!"

            "Come and eat!"

            The small child ran through the wheat fields around his home. It was a sunny day in southern Italy, not a cloud in the sky. He ran down the gravel trail that lead to his humble home, it was made with stone brick and a thatched roof. Smoke was streaming from the chimney as the food his mother made spread through the air.

            "Where is papa Benito?" asked his mother.

            "Papa was out on the road, selling olives mama, sha-" the small child was interrupted.

            "Go get him, tell him supper is ready, and it is getting cold!"

            The boy gave an overexaggerated look and turned the other way running. He ran his hands across the top of the wheat stalks as he made his way through the trail. He stopped when he heard his father yelling very angrily...

            "What do you mean? I gave him the money!" his father yelled at three men, two of whom had swords at their side.

            "No, do not lie to me Gepetto. Ariel says you do not pay, I believe Ariel before I believe you greasy Italian!" said the man.

            "Ariel lies, I pay-" his father said, but before he could finish one of the men punched him to the ground, Benito ducked under the wheat and watched...

            "You no disrespect my nephew! Where the money Gepetto?" barked the man as he pulled out his sword.

            "I don't have it, I don't have it. I am selling these olives here and this wheat will come in within the next week, I'll have your money" his father said as his nose began bleeding "Saul, I swear to god, I'll have the money!"

            "God, I spit on your god. These olives you sell?" asked the man as he pointed to the jar of olives, he pulled one out and ate it "This taste like sh*t!" he then kicked over the cart, spilling all of the wares on the dirt.

            "What the hell is wrong with you!" said the boy's father as he got up and lunged at the man who quickly turned and cut the father's arm, then kicked him to the ground.

            "I sick and tired of you Mussolini!!! Ariel, kill him!" said the man as he patted Ariel on the shoulder.

            Ariel put his foot on the father's chest and pulled out his sword "Any last words you peice of trash?"

            "All of you Jew bastards will die, you'll never get away with thi-" Ariel quickly shoved the sword straight into the man's throat and turned it quickly. Benito's eyes grew wide and his face pale as he saw this, he didn't know what to say, he quickly turned and ran...
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
              </font>Paul, we would suggest, could demand that all nations cede at least 2 cities each.
              Of course the world community will reject this but Paul will be in a fighting mood, ready to back his words with guns!
              <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

              Thanks for laugh this morning Deity, I needed that

              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


              • "Stop reading that f*cking book Benito, get to work!" yelled Gianni, his employer. Gianni Maltisanti was a merchant from Palermo, he had recieved a grant from the Federal government to ship Wine to Arabia. The money was supposed to be good. "Christ! I could have hired f*ckin' monkeys and got more work done!"

                Benito continud to load up the barrels of wine, they were heavy, and it was very hot that day. The boat was a fresh new Greek Caravel, Athens was amongst the best cities when it came to ship building and Benito marveled at its construction. The sun bore down upon the ship and the ocean glistened, Benito took a deep breath and was happy to be alive.

                "We leave in ten minutes, put your sh*t on the boat before we shove off! Sean, bring your mick ass up here and tie this f*ckin rope!" barked Gianni as Benito ran down the plank to Palermo Harbor.

                The city was bustling with people. Small children, women, carts full of food and cloth, small markets set amongst the shops and piers. The very essence of a Mediterranean port city. Benito walked into a small book shop and approached the counter. There was an old black man, he wasn't too sure if he was a Mali or Zulu becaues he was wearing European clothing, the man asked "How might I help you my son?"

                "I am going on a long voyage to Arabia, I need a few books to keep my head together." Benito said with a smile.

                "Such a young man making such a long voyage. I am old, I have been around the world and seen many things my son, no book can be as great as life. You shall see many things on your journey, why must you read a book?" asked the old man.

                "I worked on a farm in Italy my whole life, I can barely read sir. If one wishes to become important and wealthy he must learn to read and write, no?"

                "Aye son, you are correct. You wish to be great?"

                "Yes sir I do. I want to be an MP one day, or even Consul!" he responded.

                "Hah hah hah, a farmer boy with such high hopes, it brings a smile to this old face. I may have just the thing for you then." the man reached down into a dusty box on the floor and pulled out an old book, bound by crude ropes with a frayed leather cover "Here read this book, it will help you in life." said the old man as he handed the book to Benito.

                "The Prince?" asked Benito "Machiavelli, he never achieved anything. He was nothing."

                "That may be so, but he was afraid to follow his own teachings. He is a wise man, you must read this book my son, you must learn to become a leader if you wish to lead. Give me that book you have there." the man said.

                "Here sir, it is a book the Chinese Princess, it is about a Samurai from Japan who-" the man interrupted him.

                "Do not read this nonsense, it is nothing, I shall give you the Prince and a textbook from the Academy at Broken Hill if you leave this book with me. If you wish to rule farmer boy, you should not read such fanciful books."

                "What is your name old man?"

                "I have gone by many names my son, you should get back to your ship, you dont' want to be stuck here in Sicily. The world awaits you... my son?"


                "What is your name?"

                "Benito sir, Benito Mussolini."

                "You have a great name my son, now go, see the world..."
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • The Libyan skyline served as a stark contrast to the beatiful pink sky as the ship approached the shoreline. "Benito, get your d*ck out of your hand and get to work, here is a bag of gold, go find out of they have a dock for us!" said Giannia Maltisanti as he tossed Benito a leather bag of Adriatic gold.

                  "Yes sir!" said Benito as he lowered his raft from the deck to the clear Mediterranean ocean.

                  "Wait, wait!" said Sean Delaney, an Irishman and fellow shipmate "I want to go too!" he jumped four feet and shook the raft.

                  "Jesus Sean, you almost made me fall in!" said Benito.

                  "You can't swim lass'?" said Sean with a smile "Let's go, I want to get me some African women!!!!"

                  ... The city of Libya was a dusky sandstone town, tall buildings with balconies and palm trees lining the streets. There were small children playing with balls, vast marketplaces offering fine Mali fruits, cloth and carpets. Minstrels playing Muslim hymns and soldiers patrolling the streets. They passed a tent owned by an Israeli family selling dates and rugs "Look at that Sean, f*cking Jews!" Benito spit on the ground.

                  "Come on Benny, you must relax!" said Sean with a smile as he slapped Benito's back "You are far away from home, you got nothing to worry about and look, you got a bag of gold."

                  "Sean, that is for the dockmaster, that's not-"

                  "Come on, a quick drink wouldn't hurt anyone, the Gianni would never know the difference!" said Sean witha big smile accross his face.

                  "Well, I don't know, just one drink couldn't hurt much, we have to hurry up though Sean, I don't want to lose this job, my mother depends on it." explained Benito.

                  "Stop being such a fockin wee girl Moose and start living!" said Sean as he ran into a pub. Benito looked towards the dockyards, which were not too far away and shook his head, he then entered the pub.

                  Inside there were a collection of sailors and soldiers all sitting inside a smoke filled room, there was a strong smell of American tobacco and African wine in the air, Sean was sitting next to a group of Mongolian soldiers...

                  "You see, the fockin war was stupid, the King was a fockin idiot. Look at the goddam Prometheus, hey Benito, just talkin politics with my Tartar friends here!" said Sean as Benito sat down.

                  "Yeah, well, we need to hurry this up, make sure you don't get into trouble" Benito said as he looked at the Mongolians "Hey, how are you doing?"

                  "They don't talk much Moose, but I was telling them how the Prometheus City Accords are a fockin joke, hey barkeep, gimme an' me friend 'ere some Vodka." Said Sean.

                  "Sean we should hurry, Gianni is waiting and its getting dark out."

                  "Shut up Benny, look what just walked in..." he grabbed Benito by the shoulder and turned him to the door, a woman stood there looking around, she looked Italian, she was alone.

                  "Jesus Christ Sean, what's she doing here?"

                  "I don't know Benito, but she's alone, hold this..." Sean gave him the bag and got up, he approached her and they began talking.

                  "What money are you using?" asked the barkeep as he put two cups of Vodka on the table.

                  "Adriatic Coins."

                  "Republican or Royal?"


                  "That'll be six gold coins" said the man, Benito gave him the change and Sean approached with the girl.

                  "Hey Benny, meet my new friend Eva, she's from Vienna." said Sean as he raised his eyebrows.

                  "How do you do, I'm Benito, I'm from Palermo." said Bentio with a smile.

                  "I'm doing jus' fine, so you boys lookin for some fun tonight?" the girl asked "Looks like you've got some money on ya huh?" she looked down at the bag of gold.

                  "Yes we do, we've got plenty of gold, what type of fun did you have in mind?" said Sean, Benito grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

                  "Are you an idiot? She's a whore Sean!" Benito yelled.

                  "All the better mate!" said Sean.

                  "Don't be an idiot, this isn't our money, its Gianni's. We can't spend it, and like I've said she's a goddam whore!" explained Benito.

                  "Firstly git your bloody arm off of me!" Sean said as he yanked his shoulder from Benito's hand. "Look, she hasn't even said she wanted money yet, you need to live a little Benito... uh, what are you looking at?"

                  "Where'd she go?"

                  "See what you've done, she's gone now, Christ Benito, we've been at sea for a fu-"

                  "Sean, Sean where's the money?"

                  "What do you mean, you don't 'ave it?"

                  "Oh Christ, she must've taken it!" said Benito.

                  "****e! That fockin **** ! You got a knife on ye?" asked sean.

                  "No, I don't, Sean!" Benito yelled as his friend Sean ran out of the pub, Benito chased after him. Sean stopped in the middle of the busy Libyan streets, there were people milling about and carrying on their business, but no sign of her.

                  "Christ, we're fockin dead Benito!" said Sean "How are we going to explain this to Gianni?"

                  "I told you, damnit. Alright listen, we have to get that money back, that was a lot of money Sean. Gianni will fire us, he may leave us here if we don't get it back, and I'm not staying in this god damn sand box." Said Bentio as he looked around.

                  "What do you suggest then Benny? He's going to suspect something if we don't return in due time, this is fockin ridiculous!" said Sean as he stomped on the ground "I can't believe this ****e!"

                  "Look, she couldn't have gone far, I mean c'mon, we were only talking for a few seconds, we have to hurry up or else we'll lose her, I suggest we split up."

                  "That sounds good, I'll go down this way, you got 'at way, we'll find the fockin **** , get the money back and get back to Gianni, its gettin' dark out Benito, we should meet back in an hour." said Sean.

                  "Agreed, hurry though." Benito turned and began making his way through the crowd, there were people of all ethnicities, Mongols, Europeans, Africans, Israelites, and Chinese all in one area. He walked into inns, bars, shops, and tents, hoping to find the girl, but to no avail.

                  "BENNY! I FOUND 'ER!" he heard above the crowd noise, he turned and saw Sean holding the girl by her hair "She doesn't 'ave the money though, where is it b*tch!" he yelled as he punched her in the face, a Mali soldier ran up and knocked him to the ground with the butt of his sword, he then lowered his knee accross Sean's throat.

                  Bentio ran quickly and pushed the soldier off of him, who pulled his sword up into Benito's face, two other Mali soldier approached. "No no no wait wait." Benito said as he looked straight down at the sword pointed at his throat "This is a misunderstanding."

                  The Mali soldier began to yell in some unknown language, the other two helped the girl up, Benito noticed a small tattoo on her shoulder, it looked a lot like the old Templar Knights emblem. "Listen, its a misunderstanding, please tell them!" he said to the girl, who started to smile and she began speaking the same language as the soldiers.

                  "That fockin **** !" said Sean as he got up, he was quickly grabbed by the soldiers who began yelling at Benito again. They began to pull the two men into an adjacent building, there was a cell filled with people, easily ten, and an old man at a worn out wooden desk.

                  The soldier and the man began talking, the soldier got very loud as he pointed to Benito and Sean, the man began to write something down in a book and motioned towards the cell as he continued to talk to the soldier, another soldier opened the cell as three more began prodding the inmates with spears.

                  "Fock, fock fock!" said Sean "This isn't happening, Benito, what the hell are we going to do?"

                  "I don't know Sean, Christ. WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" yelled Benito as the soldiers pushed them into the cell and quickly slammed the door...

                  EDIT: Noticeable typos, and I accidentally called Benito "Napoleon"

                  <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited May 16, 2001).]</font>
                  "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                  One Love.


                  • The numbers on the site tell me that people havent been visiting lately....

                    I've updated it since last session and there are several posts avialble there that are not available here...........

                    Check up on the new political map, see who the new leader in cities is and who has built what wonders and when!

                    The game is starting to get really good

                    Go see it!

                    Check out the home of the ultimate Civ II Diplo game today!
                    History of the World
                    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                    • An address to the World by Paul Keating (master dietician LOL)
                      Leaders and peoples of the world.
                      I bow down before your munificence.
                      The great Mali leader and diplomatic leader of the world, Chris TCG;
                      The great Mongol leader and greatest of military generals, EASTHAVEN;
                      The great AL leader and great warrior, Capo de Napoleaon de Mussolini;
                      The mighty Zulu leader and most capable and smart builder of his nation, Shakeem (Keti);
                      The most gracious and awe-inspiring leader of the Chinese, Prometheus.
                      I reach out to you and the hearts of your peoples.
                      There is a nation in the world sufferring from great disadvantages. They have paid the price for poor leadership and backward lifestyles.
                      But now they have a truly mighty leader prepared to bring that nation into the modern era. We all helped the Chinese who prospered and grew of their own accord - with just a little assistance. It can go a long way eventually.

                      I am talking about the mighty Sun Tzu and his nation of Israel!!

                      It would be a trifle to us, the great nations of the world, but to Israel it would mean everything. WE need to give them a chance to prosper!

                      I, Paul, offer to Israel several cities:
                      We will return Tiberius when it is a Size 7 city, very shortly;
                      Israel may keep the Pacific Island retreat we gave her;
                      Australia will also provide two more new cities to Israel.

                      I ask all the nations and great leaders of the world to find it in their hearts to provide Israel with one or two small cities so that she may become an equal nation.

                      What say you?

                      I understand that it may be dificult but think about this plan - it restores a true global balance.

                      In addition, and to ease any tensions, Australia will also return the city of Milan to the Mongols.

                      I thank you for listening....

                      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                      aka: half-assed dieticians
                      icq# 8388924
                      &lt;font size=1 face=Arial color=444444&gt;[This message has been edited by deity (edited May 17, 2001).]&lt;/font&gt;
                      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by deity (edited May 17, 2001).]</font>


                      • Back in the smoke filled room where men puffed on pipes, Manning scratched his head... he was getting overweight.
                        "Hmmm... Paul is something, eh?"
                        "Yeah, this could backfire"
                        "Hey, what's this?"
                        Manning's friend, Saul, was fingering the underside of the large oak table (why he would be doing this is a mystery!)
                        His finger touched a little hole. He put his ear to it and could hear the rush of a little air and noises from far away downstairs.
                        Someone's been listening to us!
                        He heard a faint gasp.... cripes!!
                        "Stay cool everyone" said Manning "It may not be Paul's doing, just.. shhhhh"

                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        aka: half-assed dieticians
                        icq# 8388924


                        • Adriatic Foreign Ministry
                          Adriatic League
                          Unified Adriatic Republics
                          Antonin Rossi

                          All foreign embassies, ministers, attaches, and consuls.
                          FROM:The Honorable Antonin Rossi.

                          We have heared the question imposed by President Keating of Australia, we must respectfully decline at this juncture in time. There is the off-chance that later we may feel that we are in a position to grant aide to the Israeli people however a few matters require deep thought on this contraversial subject.

                          The Axis Alliance considers the Israeli people a rogue nation, much like that of the Scandinavian Kingdom of Leif Erikson. It would behoove the Pacific Pact then to grant aide to the Scandinavian Kingdom as well as Isreal, the former being much more in detriment than the latter. If such an action were taken perhaps the Axis would consider, however at this time this seems more like a ploy to gain more power in the Pacific Pact than an honest attempt to help one's fellow man.

                          The Adriatic Parliament would have a hard time passing legislation that would allocate public property to Israel. Currently the Adriatic League holds no territory that may be considered "colonial" or "auxillery." All lands currently under the Republic's dominion are provincial lands, which pay taxes and elect representatives. It would be ludicrous to grant such territories to Israel.

                          Current public sentiment in the Adriatic League further disallows us from pursuing such ends. The people still hold Israel in contempt, and although the Federal Government and Israel have made major segway in repairing this relationship, our people remain distrusting of their government. It would be nearly impossible for our government, whether we wanted to or not, to hand over public property to a state that our own public holds in contempt.

                          In closing the Adriatic League would like to say that agreements have been made with Israel that will improve upon its lot. Trade agreements, demilitarization agreements as well as the CARP treaty which will help central Asia, and Israel along with it, grow into a bountiful and proud area of the world. We feel that President Keating is a good man for attempting to help his allies, but at this point he must make the first move, the Pacific Pact must make the first move. Keating in all of his intelligence must know that to ask an alliance who considers Israel a rogue state, and a nation that was just betrayed by Israel to hand over resources so Israel may grow stronger was a very tentative question. Therefore the Adriatic Republic must kindly and respectfully decline.

                          A. Rossi

                          This message is an official document of the Adriatic Parliament and its Consul Napoleon Bonaparte.
                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.


                          • His eyes burned as he left the sandstone building. The crisp blue sky, without a single blemish, served as a gorgeous contrast to the rolling dunes of Dakar. The wind pressed upon his flat and greasy long hair, it had accumulated over the many months, perhaps years, he did not know which, he had lived in his cell...

                            "These are the only Europeans?"

                            His skin was pasty and pale, white as driven snow. It had been ages since he had breathed free air, he felt like he had lived his entire life in that dark, dank, lifeless crypt he was forced to call home...

                            "There are many others, but they are very old and sickly, these are the only ones still young and good for fighting."

                            It had seemed that he had never been in the cell at all now, that the past few months of his life had gone by in some dark oblivion. Now he felt a happy warmth about him, and he smiled as he looked to the horizon...

                            "What were they here for?"

                            He turned and looked at his friend, Sean, who had served all of the time in the Mali prison with him. Sean had been the only thing keeping him sane, if it were not for their long and pointless conversations Benito feared he would have been a raving lunatic...

                            "Assault against a Mali soldier, he was apparently protecting a young woman from the Irish one there, he was beating her in the streets." said the Mali official to the Adriatic officer, he was dressed in full uniform, and was very clean shaven.

                            "So you like to hit women do ya mick?" said the Officer as he approached Sean, who did not respond "You can talk can't you?" still no response from Sean, "And what about you paisan? Can you speak?"

                            "Yes I can-"

                            "Sir. Yes I can sir." said the officer with a smile.

                            "What the fock is going on 'ere?" said Sean "Are we free?"

                            "Yes-" said the Mali official, he was rudely interrupted...

                            "You are free from this sandbox, yes. However you are mine now, and you shall not be free until you serve your nation. You have already embarrassed her, beating women, attacking soldiers. Quite ghastly behavior, but we shall make soldiers out of you." said the Officer, again with his cocky smile.

                            "Soldiers?" asked Benito.

                            "Yes, soldiers, you shall be a member of the proud army of the Adriatic Republic. You are skinny runts huh? You need some work. Shalbim, unshackle these urchins and get them some clean clothing please, I shall discuss the matter of compensation with you in a short while." said the Officer.

                            "Yes Commander DiNapoli, we have many things to discuss..." said the Mali official as he gave a respectful bow and reentered the prison.

                            "So, what are your names?" there was a long pause.

                            "I am Benito and he-"

                            "Do you have a last name Benito?" said the Officer.

                            "Mussolini sir, my name is Benito Mussolini."

                            "And this one, what is his name?" said the Officer.

                            "He is Sean sir, Sean Delaney."

                            "You are a fockin b*tch Moose, don't tell this ****e mah' name! He is a slave trader, he is pathetic" Sean spit on the shoes of the Officer, who looked down and smiled.

                            "Quite a brave move, no?" he said to Benito with a smile, then quickly wrapped his hand around Sean's throat and pushed him harshly into the sandstone walls outside of the prison "You listen here you dirty mick! You are mine now, I own your ass! Do you understand me?" Sean didn't respond, his face slowly turning red "Do you understand me?"

                            "" Sean said softly, the Officer kept his grip tightly, and then let go.

                            "Now that we are all friends I shall introduce myself. I am Commander Miguel DiNapoli. I am the commander of Adriatic forces in Germany, which is where you will serve as soon as you go through training, which shall occur in Mantucci. You will learn to fight, you will learn to survive, and you will learn to respect your superiors, respect yourselves and respect your nation. You are quite fortunant that the Adriatic and Mali governments are so friendly, otherwise you would have been in that sh*thole forever. You think they would have let a couple of white boys out of prison after beating a defensless woman and a Mali soldier? Hmm?" said the Officer with a smile.

                            "That's not how it happened it-" Benito was interrupted.

                            "Oh spare me your sob story, I have heared them all." just then the Mali official, Shalbim Al Imam returned with some clothes.

                            "Here you are Commander, here are the keys." said the Mali.

                            "Very well Shalbim, your kidness is always appreciated, I shall send an emissary within the next two mornings to discuss monetary compensation, I'll be heading off now. Adieu." he said as he held out his hand, Shalbim shook it and nodded.

                            "As always, a pleasure Commander DiNapoli..."

                            <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited May 17, 2001).]</font>
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • I won’t be there the half an hour before our game tonight like I usually am. I will probably be on at 5 till the 8 EST ready to go.

                              The Chinese while sympathizing with the Israeli plight at this time can not contribute to President Keating’s plan due to Israel’s current position as a Rouge nation and with out sacrificing our national security.
                              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Prometheus (edited May 17, 2001).]</font>


                              • Shalbim Al Imam walked quietly back into his office. 1000 cedi. Not much, but close to a months pay. What’s more, he could keep both of those prisoners on the official rolls, and receive rations for them for at least another 3 or 4 months. Free food for the family, the deal couldn’t be beat.

                                Of course, eventually he would have to say they died. Not by an escape, though that might bring him a bonus, that would also cause a review of the prisons security and probably more officers attached to his staff from Timbuktu, no sense in killing the cash cow. No, the two boys would fall sick and die; he had a doctor in the Barril district that did the "examinations" and reports for 50 cedi...

                                Major Shammel Abber burst in "rioters! rioters!"

                                A small groan from Commandant Shalbim Al Imam "Shammel, last time there were rioters it was two old women fighting over bread! I have half a mind to send you to Iceland"

                                "No! Marxist followers! The ship builders on the docks! They are revolting!"

                                Commandant Imam couldn’t believe this, this was ridiculous. But the impetuous youth had never had a war, and desperately wanted action. On the whole he was a good kid, but couldn't just let things slide. He would have to check things out to get him to shut up. "Alright, lets go. Joshua!" Commandant Imam yelled at his Jew Clerk, "come on, lets go" at least he could fine people while he was down there, and he'd need his clerk to do that.

                                As they walked down the narrow, clutter filled streets towards the shoreline, Shalbim Al Imam began to hear screams and chants. Rounding the corner, he was shocked.

                                The dock workers, chanting Marxist hymns, screaming insults at the surrounding population. To his right he could see who they were screaming out, market farmers, merchants, and the ship ands on board the ships, trying to get goods sent to Palermo. The crowds were screaming back. Anarchy had arrived at Libya too.

                                Immediatly Commadant Shalbim Al Imam pulled the Jew and Shammel back. "Back you fools, if they see the uniform they’ll all tear us to shreds. Joshua, run, tell Brigadier General Ugeuth to hurry the 5th mounted down here now. Shammel, run to the garrison, get them down here pronto."

                                Joshua ran off immediately, but Major Abber hesitated "Commandant, what will you do?"

                                Commandant Shalbim Al Imam looked depress, "I suppose ill actually earn my salary today, now run"

                                Shalbim looked around the corner quickly. The dockhands were getting more aggressive. Already 3 ships were trying to put out to see, and the Marxist didnt like that. Not willing to let the ships, with their fat wealthy merchants on board, escape, the crowd began to surge to the gangplanks.

                                Commandant Imam immediately grabbed a bull’s horn from the nearby trinket shop and gave it a loud blow.
                                Everyone stopped and turned.

                                Shalbim Al Imam gulped. ****, maybe he should have had a plan first.

                                "People! I order you to cease and disest now! If you do not disperse from these docks, ill be forced have you all arrested."

                                The angry mob paused, normally used to taking orders, disobeying one was not a natural thing for a Malian citizen to do. But if someone else gave them a more popular order, they would be sure to follow. Shalbim Al Imam only hoped he didn’t have anyone with guts in this crowd.

                                "And who exactly will arrest us all? You!?" a tall European looking fellow announced in the front of the crowd.

                                **** Shalbim Al Imam thought

                                Just then, the thundering gallop of horses could be heard. Almost as distinctly, the clanging of armor could be too. The cavalry had arrived.

                                Around the corner, 3rd battalion of the 5th mounted arrived on the docks. Some 100 men arrayed themselves on both sides of Commandant Imam. Shalbim Al Imam felt his confidence finally go up.

                                "Well, it seems my little Jew came through before Major Shammel." Shalbim said almost to himself. Then he announced "It seems these here Knights have arrived before the garrison. Having no training in police work, only in the art of bodily dismemberment, I suppose we will skip the arrest and go straight to the massacre...agreed?"

                                A pale look came across all of the mobs faces...except that European fellow, it only seemed to make him more angry.

                                "Kill me if you must! But by God the blood will splatter across all of Mali and the people will unit under our martyrdom!"

                                Empty words, the crowd was already dispersing. The people of Mali were brave, not stupid. Angered still, but unable to even make a statement in death, the leader of the mob retired, and ran away.

                                Major Tallish spoke "Shall we pursue him sir?" a smile was creeping across his face, bloodthirsty fellow wasn’t he?

                                Commandant Imam shoke his head "no, no, I think I have other uses for the fellow, thank you gentlemen, umm, please though, if you could, patrol the streets for the next few hours, no crowds are to be allowed to congregate, but don’t harass anyone, the last thing we need is for the damn fools to actually have a reason to riot." and began walking back to his Command Post.

                                All he could think about was all the damn papers he had to write. ****, he suddenly thought, I didn’t even get to fine anyone. What a crappy day...

