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Cavebear Diplo Game - Started At Last!

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  • #31
    The Horde Report Vol 3 360AD

    First Order: City Completion

    I would like to report that the massive Horde empire has reached its city quota. The year of 200BC will go down in history as the end of the expansionistic era of our benevolent civilization. Free land grants to citizens are now finished. Those citizens not rewarded by new land can earn their work and honorable discharge by becoming involved in the public works program.

    Second Order: Public Works Under Way

    As mentioned above, a large portion of the population not engaged in extra curricular activity is now required to pave the way of the Horde empire. Roads on both the eastern and western parts of the empire are almost done, but we still need to unite both halves of our empire. Completion of mines and the construction of bridges is also required. Those with a background in construction, bronze Working , iron working or bridge building are invited to work under contract for the next few decades at the rate of $.02 and hour. Come quick as these jobs won't last long.

    Third Order: Trading Places

    Those not involved are public works are encouraged to spend as much time as they can , rummaging through personal belongings that we may ship by land or by sea to our peacefull neighbors. Remember another man garbage is another mans treasure. Money is to be paid by the pound. A collector will come by each city with a cart to pick up goods for transport to other nations.

    Fourth Order: Copernicus Observatory

    Our glorious nation has completed yet another one of these "Wonders of the World" This time it is the Observatory, built in Wild River nicknamed "Copernicus"
    after our most famous scientist, Copper Custurd
    With our new observatory built, our scientists have increased their knowledge by a whopping %50!!!! It must be the new buffalo hide leather chairs.

    Fifth Order: Near War

    It would seem that the diplomatic crisis between the Celts and the Borg has come to a close. Although war was declared in a shouting match between the two sides, there to this date no other casualties to report. Our spies tell us that some sort of verbal apology was given by both sides and that each empire has developed a "neutral zone" ????? This must be some sort of "space" lingo we are unfamilliar with.

    Sixth Order: Diplomatic Relations

    After returning some territory to our neighborly cousins the Japanese , the Mongol empire finds itself in a better defensive position. We lost a couple of outposts deep in Japanese territory, but we gained three valuable technologies for them. In the long run this will benefit both countries exponentially.

    An embassy has been established with our large neighbors the Borg. It is apparent that they are second in size to us and therefore pose quite a threat to the sovereignty of our nation. As a precautionary measure, we have entered into an alliance with the Borg and hope that future technology will pass freely between both powerhouses.

    Not much has been heard of our other northerly neighbors the Americans. These reclusive people seem to be reaping the rewards of a great library, where upon nations send in their work to be honored by this nation for safe keeping. Apparently the Americans are reading the scribes and using this knowledge for their own benefit without the permission of the other nations.

    The English diplomats have toned down their rather loud mouths .... i guess they fear our mighty nation. Rumour has it there was a fight in the lobby and one of their foreign ministers received a fat lip.... I believe he had it coming someone was quoted as saying.

    The Celtic nation has been seen tresspassing on lands which have Mongolian claim. This is an act of aggression. You don't see our young braves behaving this way. The Horde nation asks that all travellers be prepared to show a valid visa upon entry into our country.

    Seventh Order: Murder of Jesus

    Rumours fly about that the son of the Western God has been crucified! Records state that this young man was only 33 yrs old. It is believed that the English sprung a trap on the young lord and then tortured him before hanging him high in the air for the bloodthirsty mob to see.

    The round eye cannot be trusted. If this is how they treat their "Gods" we shudder at the thought of how a commoner would fair. It is apparent that peoples of darker skin and/or slanted eyes, whom are better looking than the pale faced devil, are not tolerated in the area of the world only known to us as Europe.

    Eigth Order: Long Term Plan

    What more can we say about this ...... not much... but we want our people to know that all their hard work will pay off soon. Widespread growth and knowledge are soon to engulf our glorious nation. Stay tuned!

    Ninth Order: Map Making

    Yes we can now make maps. Our cartogaphers have made a detailed version of what our empire and that of our Borg neighbors. It is so big and detailed that four large trees were cut down just to make this tapestry of information.

    On another note..... our first ship nicknamed "LostAtSea" has embarked on her maiden voyage with hopes of proving that the world is round! We hope the old scurvy dogs come back alive. Who said the Horde wasnt a brave and stupid lot J/k
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by War4ever (edited February 04, 2001).]</font>
    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


    • #32
      Despite the blood-thirstiness of the frontline troops, King Valdrast refused to actually launch an attack and simply allowed the massive presence of his armies to scare the Borg into submission. All forward troops were pulled out of Borg-marked territory and are now being used as border patrol.

      A story of two men: Leonardo and Copernicus

      Leonardo and Copernicus grew up together in the town of Myrwn. Both were of extreme intelligence, Leonardo became very involved in the things of earth, Copernicus was an investigator of the skies. One fatal day, they met Renoa, and both fell madly in love. Skipping the many details, they eventually were driven into a great physical battle. The matter of who would get the girl came before the court. Leonardo's investigations into ways of quickly producing items for the military was nearly completed, and Copernicus was getting close to completing his observatory of the stars. The court ruled in favor of Leonardo, and thus Copernicus felt compelled to commit a great act of treason and turned to the Horde in order to give them his knowledge. Thus the name of Copernicus became a curseword in the lands of the Celts.


      • #33
        New English Times issue 2 date: 360ad price: 1 gold

        Britain is booming!
        The last 500 years will go down into the history books as the time of the great expansion. Thanks to renewed vigor, cities were founded all over northern Europe. Did the English nation first belong to one of the smallest civilizations in the world with only 10 cities. Now it's one of the larger ones with 21 cities. Expansion will slow down in the coming years as planners are saying we're slowly reaching a maximum limit of cities. The effort will shift towards public works. Slowly the wilderness of Europe is being tamed as more settlers start to concentrate on building roads, irrigation and mines. Plans to interconnect the English and Celtic road networks are well underway.

        Celts & Borg create "neutral zone"
        The diplomatic row over the diplomat has calmed down in the recent years. When the Borg stated they would declare war, the Celts were happy to give it to them. But the Borg seem to have backed down on their treats and have sued for peace. They also decided on creating a "neutral zone", which prohibits units from entering specified area along the border. The English were not privy to these agreements but it's clear that a border has been agreed on where no Borg units may pass. For further details we'll ahve to wait for announcements by the Celts and the Borg.
        With the threat of war gone, the English have also signed a peace treaty with the Borg. English troops will remain vigilant at the border however.

        English and Celts set up Organization
        In response to the forming of a powerblock of the Borg and Mongols in central Asia the English and Celts have decided to enter an alliance. This alliance will make it possible for Celtic and English troops to cross each other territory without hindrance and make it easier for caravans to use each other's road network. In an official statement English high command stated that this alliance was formed to act as a counterbalance against the Borg-Mongol powerblock, at present the two most powerful nations in the world. Official documents for this alliance will be signed later this month. It will be called the: North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

        First meeting with the Japanese and Mongols
        During a scouting mission by a cavalry unit into central Asia and the middle east, two outposts of different civs were discovered. We met up with the paranoid Mongols. Who quite strongly made their presence known to us saying "it wasn't wise to keep close to their outposts". So we headed back west. We also met up with the Japanese in the middle east. This meeting was a bit more friendly, but the Japanese seem quite aloof of other civilizations. Apparently world affairs don't interest them much. In fact, they hardly make their presence known in the world, we know nothing about their objectives or their stance on specific world issues. At the moment, the orient remains a mystery...

        Tiremes reach Africa: Contact made with Egyptians
        A tireme of the royal navy managed to reach the shores of Africa last week and discovered a new civilization known as the Egyptians. First meetings went splendidly. They seem to be decent fellows and have made their voice known on the world stage on several occasions. English citizens might have much dealings with the Egyptians as Africa is quite far away for us. The Celts might become more involved witht the Egyptians as they can reach the African mainland more easily. At some places Africa is only a few days sailing away for the Celts. Still, some English presence in the mediterranean might be useful to help our allies. Meanwhile efforts to map the coastline of Africa continue.

        New wonder of the world build in London
        The efforts of English engineers continue to impress as they complete another wonder the world: The Colussus. It's a giant bronze statue, over 100 feet tall, guarding the entrance to the harbour. While some critics proclaim it as nothing more than a giant tourist trap spoling the view over the ocean most citizens think otherwise. This wonder has given a major trade boost for the city as more and more tourists flock to London. Merchants predict that this WoW will make London a favorite city for trade.

        British Guild of Cartographers reveals first detailed map of the world

        Thanks to countless efforts by brave explorers, sailors and dilligent mapmakers the Royal guild of cartographers has finally managed to draw up a map of the known world. This map also shows the area of influence of the known civs in the world. The map isn't complete, there are still many white areas remaining on the map. The American civ in the far east only seems to have a few cities Confronted with problem one of the cartographers mentioned: "The reason some areas do not shown up on the map has to do with the lack of up to date information. We've decided to leave those areas unmarked until they can be verified."
        Lack of information or not, the worldmap is an impressive piece of work. It's quite useful as a tool to show trouble spots or geopolitical areas of influence. This map will probably become a regular in the newspaper.

        Seems the New English Times has the scoop with the first official world map!

        color codes[list=1][*]Celts: grey[*]Japanese: green[*]Borg: blue[*]Egyptians: yellow[*]Americans: light blue[*]English: orange[*]Mongols: purple[/list=a]

        Note: All white areas are either unknown or unclaimed as yet.

        <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited February 05, 2001).]</font>
        Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

        Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


        • #34
          The Locutus Epik will now speak for the Borg Collective

          The collective now consists of 28 hives. We expect to complete the 30th hive early in the next era. The assimulated land is good. Most of the hives have access to special resources.

          Hive 02 completed a wonderous chapel which all hives can use. It will allow all the hives to increase their population without disturbances.

          The one mind recalculated the costs and benefits of the state of war with the Celts. Hive 11 was well fortified, and many Celts would have been destroyed if they had attacked. Hower, it was concensus of the one mind that such a war would delay the assimulation of Alpha Centauri. Peace was offered to and accepted by the Absurd King of the Celts.

          The collective will remember the pain caused by the loss of the diplo drone. Cooperation with the Celts is unlikely, until the diplo drone is replaced.

          A strategic alliance has been made with the Hoard. The Borg-Hoard Pact will provide benefits to both of us and offset the danger of the NATO alliance.

          Peace has also been made with the Americans. The collective has decided to withdraw Hive 20, to avoid a potential dispute over a silk patch. It will be relocated to the southern of the two rivers. We maintain our claim on the phesant between the rivers.

          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Epik (edited February 05, 2001).]</font>


          • #35
            Grrr, my boss is really good at screwing me over lately.

            Anyway, I have had Sundays off for quite awhile now, and just this past week we were discussing scheduling, I mentioned to her that I was glad I had had so many Sundays off, and that now it is the only day that I really want to have off because I have something going on from 4-7. So, this week, I am scheduled to work 4 to 8 on sunday. grrrr again.

            I will ask my girlfriend if she wants to cover for me first, then I will try to find another substitute.



            • #36
              Oh no, we've lost one good man already! And my ally!

              Are you scheduled to work only this sunday? or also for the rest of the month?

              Game related note for all players: about alliances
              It seems alliances are starting to form, i would like to offer an important piece of advice: an alliance is not permanent. If conditions or interests change you should be able to cancel an alliance without much hassle. These things should not be etched in stone. In fact I urge players not involved as yet to hold off any offer of an alliance and try to play out both sides against each other.

              Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

              Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


              • #37
                darn English....always stirring the pot
                BTW nice map.... i only i could do things like that....

                <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by War4ever (edited February 06, 2001).]</font>
                Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                • #38
                  <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                  </font><font size=1>Originally posted by absurddoctor on 02-06-2001 02:52 PM</font>

                  I will ask my girlfriend if she wants to cover for me first, then I will try to find another substitute.

                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                  Absurdsensei/Debuchan will be welcomed in the game. Failing that, I will certainly trust your judgement as to a good sub. And if you need, I can try to find a sub to help you out. We all work together on these things!

                  Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
                  Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
                  Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
                  Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


                  • #39
                    Cap - Great map, as usual! I'm glad I will only start to show up gradually though. LOL! Keep up the great map work.
                    Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
                    Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
                    Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
                    Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


                    • #40
                      AbsurdSensei has agreed to play for me this Sunday, I will be sure to fill her in as to what has been going on, but be forewarned - she is free to play as she wishes

                      As far as my schedule goes, it is subject to change every week. I will remind the boss that she said having Sundays off was ok, and hopefully whatever occurred that they need me to work for a measly four hours will change. (I know why I'm working now, hopefully I can help to change the problem ). I'll have my schedule for next week by Friday at the latest, possibly today or tomorrow, so I'll let you know on my availability for next Sunday as soon as possible (assuming I remember to pick up my schedule )



                      • #41
                        AbsurdDoc... will your sub be the host of the game? We need a high speed connection to make the game run smoothly.

                        I have the high speed connection, but I use Mac OS. No one has figured out how to set the simul flag on Mac OS. However I did save this game, and I wonder if it is possible for me to host using the saved file. This would require a test to find out.


                        • #42
                          Epik i am thinking from the post that she is hosting from his machine ?
                          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                          • #43
                            It will be run off the same machine, we share a computer (well, its her computer, with my harddrive installed in it and some of my software installed in it )

                            The only thing is we had to wipe out the system. Of coruse, I saved the game to disc first, at some point I have to reinstall Civ, the patch, and make sure everything is still going to work.



                            • #44

                              Please use this thread for game-related issues so that this thread can be use for official postings (news reports, diplomacy, treaties etc...)
                              Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                              Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                              • #45
                                Journal of the Amerigos, 360 AD, Secretary to His Majesty reporting.

                                It was an evil day here in the castle. I have never seen such frustrating chaos. King Amerigo is raging throughout the keep, kicking furniture, and sweeping precious art off tables and shelves.

                                Everyone is trying to hide or look busy. I am trying the "look busy" route by writing this; he is very cautious about damage to the Journal so I should be safe.

                                It all started this morning when the Astrologer looked glum after visiting the rooftop where he watches the stars at night. He was later seen fleeing the King's Chambers. Then the Royal Scheduler was pacing outside the Chamber before entering. He left rather hurriedly, too!

                                Rumor has it that an important meeting of many Heads of State has fallen through. One Leader was delayed by barbarian uprisings in his outlands, another was becalmed at sea (some messengers rowed for days to convey the bad news), and yet a third simply has not been heard from (though sightings are reported now and then).

                                I, myself, caught a castle-mouse and examined the entrails. I'm not fully trained in such things, but they certainly didn't look very good to *me*. The cats were happy with it, though!

                                It is quieted down a bit, so I think I will lay quill aside and seek my quarters now.

                                Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
                                Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
                                Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
                                Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul

