The Horde Report Vol 3 360AD
First Order: City Completion
I would like to report that the massive Horde empire has reached its city quota. The year of 200BC will go down in history as the end of the expansionistic era of our benevolent civilization. Free land grants to citizens are now finished. Those citizens not rewarded by new land can earn their work and honorable discharge by becoming involved in the public works program.
Second Order: Public Works Under Way
As mentioned above, a large portion of the population not engaged in extra curricular activity is now required to pave the way of the Horde empire. Roads on both the eastern and western parts of the empire are almost done, but we still need to unite both halves of our empire. Completion of mines and the construction of bridges is also required. Those with a background in construction, bronze Working , iron working or bridge building are invited to work under contract for the next few decades at the rate of $.02 and hour. Come quick as these jobs won't last long.
Third Order: Trading Places
Those not involved are public works are encouraged to spend as much time as they can , rummaging through personal belongings that we may ship by land or by sea to our peacefull neighbors. Remember another man garbage is another mans treasure. Money is to be paid by the pound. A collector will come by each city with a cart to pick up goods for transport to other nations.
Fourth Order: Copernicus Observatory
Our glorious nation has completed yet another one of these "Wonders of the World" This time it is the Observatory, built in Wild River nicknamed "Copernicus"
after our most famous scientist, Copper Custurd
With our new observatory built, our scientists have increased their knowledge by a whopping %50!!!! It must be the new buffalo hide leather chairs.
Fifth Order: Near War
It would seem that the diplomatic crisis between the Celts and the Borg has come to a close. Although war was declared in a shouting match between the two sides, there to this date no other casualties to report. Our spies tell us that some sort of verbal apology was given by both sides and that each empire has developed a "neutral zone" ????? This must be some sort of "space" lingo we are unfamilliar with.
Sixth Order: Diplomatic Relations
After returning some territory to our neighborly cousins the Japanese , the Mongol empire finds itself in a better defensive position. We lost a couple of outposts deep in Japanese territory, but we gained three valuable technologies for them. In the long run this will benefit both countries exponentially.
An embassy has been established with our large neighbors the Borg. It is apparent that they are second in size to us and therefore pose quite a threat to the sovereignty of our nation. As a precautionary measure, we have entered into an alliance with the Borg and hope that future technology will pass freely between both powerhouses.
Not much has been heard of our other northerly neighbors the Americans. These reclusive people seem to be reaping the rewards of a great library, where upon nations send in their work to be honored by this nation for safe keeping. Apparently the Americans are reading the scribes and using this knowledge for their own benefit without the permission of the other nations.
The English diplomats have toned down their rather loud mouths .... i guess they fear our mighty nation. Rumour has it there was a fight in the lobby and one of their foreign ministers received a fat lip.... I believe he had it coming someone was quoted as saying.
The Celtic nation has been seen tresspassing on lands which have Mongolian claim. This is an act of aggression. You don't see our young braves behaving this way. The Horde nation asks that all travellers be prepared to show a valid visa upon entry into our country.
Seventh Order: Murder of Jesus
Rumours fly about that the son of the Western God has been crucified! Records state that this young man was only 33 yrs old. It is believed that the English sprung a trap on the young lord and then tortured him before hanging him high in the air for the bloodthirsty mob to see.
The round eye cannot be trusted. If this is how they treat their "Gods" we shudder at the thought of how a commoner would fair. It is apparent that peoples of darker skin and/or slanted eyes, whom are better looking than the pale faced devil, are not tolerated in the area of the world only known to us as Europe.
Eigth Order: Long Term Plan
What more can we say about this ...... not much... but we want our people to know that all their hard work will pay off soon. Widespread growth and knowledge are soon to engulf our glorious nation. Stay tuned!
Ninth Order: Map Making
Yes we can now make maps. Our cartogaphers have made a detailed version of what our empire and that of our Borg neighbors. It is so big and detailed that four large trees were cut down just to make this tapestry of information.
On another note..... our first ship nicknamed "LostAtSea" has embarked on her maiden voyage with hopes of proving that the world is round! We hope the old scurvy dogs come back alive. Who said the Horde wasnt a brave and stupid lot J/k
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by War4ever (edited February 04, 2001).]</font>
First Order: City Completion
I would like to report that the massive Horde empire has reached its city quota. The year of 200BC will go down in history as the end of the expansionistic era of our benevolent civilization. Free land grants to citizens are now finished. Those citizens not rewarded by new land can earn their work and honorable discharge by becoming involved in the public works program.
Second Order: Public Works Under Way
As mentioned above, a large portion of the population not engaged in extra curricular activity is now required to pave the way of the Horde empire. Roads on both the eastern and western parts of the empire are almost done, but we still need to unite both halves of our empire. Completion of mines and the construction of bridges is also required. Those with a background in construction, bronze Working , iron working or bridge building are invited to work under contract for the next few decades at the rate of $.02 and hour. Come quick as these jobs won't last long.
Third Order: Trading Places
Those not involved are public works are encouraged to spend as much time as they can , rummaging through personal belongings that we may ship by land or by sea to our peacefull neighbors. Remember another man garbage is another mans treasure. Money is to be paid by the pound. A collector will come by each city with a cart to pick up goods for transport to other nations.
Fourth Order: Copernicus Observatory
Our glorious nation has completed yet another one of these "Wonders of the World" This time it is the Observatory, built in Wild River nicknamed "Copernicus"
after our most famous scientist, Copper Custurd

With our new observatory built, our scientists have increased their knowledge by a whopping %50!!!! It must be the new buffalo hide leather chairs.
Fifth Order: Near War
It would seem that the diplomatic crisis between the Celts and the Borg has come to a close. Although war was declared in a shouting match between the two sides, there to this date no other casualties to report. Our spies tell us that some sort of verbal apology was given by both sides and that each empire has developed a "neutral zone" ????? This must be some sort of "space" lingo we are unfamilliar with.
Sixth Order: Diplomatic Relations
After returning some territory to our neighborly cousins the Japanese , the Mongol empire finds itself in a better defensive position. We lost a couple of outposts deep in Japanese territory, but we gained three valuable technologies for them. In the long run this will benefit both countries exponentially.
An embassy has been established with our large neighbors the Borg. It is apparent that they are second in size to us and therefore pose quite a threat to the sovereignty of our nation. As a precautionary measure, we have entered into an alliance with the Borg and hope that future technology will pass freely between both powerhouses.
Not much has been heard of our other northerly neighbors the Americans. These reclusive people seem to be reaping the rewards of a great library, where upon nations send in their work to be honored by this nation for safe keeping. Apparently the Americans are reading the scribes and using this knowledge for their own benefit without the permission of the other nations.
The English diplomats have toned down their rather loud mouths .... i guess they fear our mighty nation. Rumour has it there was a fight in the lobby and one of their foreign ministers received a fat lip.... I believe he had it coming someone was quoted as saying.
The Celtic nation has been seen tresspassing on lands which have Mongolian claim. This is an act of aggression. You don't see our young braves behaving this way. The Horde nation asks that all travellers be prepared to show a valid visa upon entry into our country.
Seventh Order: Murder of Jesus
Rumours fly about that the son of the Western God has been crucified! Records state that this young man was only 33 yrs old. It is believed that the English sprung a trap on the young lord and then tortured him before hanging him high in the air for the bloodthirsty mob to see.
The round eye cannot be trusted. If this is how they treat their "Gods" we shudder at the thought of how a commoner would fair. It is apparent that peoples of darker skin and/or slanted eyes, whom are better looking than the pale faced devil, are not tolerated in the area of the world only known to us as Europe.
Eigth Order: Long Term Plan
What more can we say about this ...... not much... but we want our people to know that all their hard work will pay off soon. Widespread growth and knowledge are soon to engulf our glorious nation. Stay tuned!
Ninth Order: Map Making
Yes we can now make maps. Our cartogaphers have made a detailed version of what our empire and that of our Borg neighbors. It is so big and detailed that four large trees were cut down just to make this tapestry of information.
On another note..... our first ship nicknamed "LostAtSea" has embarked on her maiden voyage with hopes of proving that the world is round! We hope the old scurvy dogs come back alive. Who said the Horde wasnt a brave and stupid lot J/k
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by War4ever (edited February 04, 2001).]</font>