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Cavebear Diplo Game - Started At Last!

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  • #16
    The Horde Reports Vol. 2 300BC

    First Order: Secret Project Finished!!!!!

    Yes you heard it here first! Horde architects have completed the world famous Hanging Gardens. A display of agriculture and architectural design never before witnessed by the savages of the rest of the world. It is rumoured that other nations have declared the Hanging Gardens as a Wonder Of The World. These accolades are deserved as well as appreciated by the Horde nation whom were the first to complete one of the secret projects of the world.

    Second Order: WLTKD Celebrations

    Who says the Horde doesnt' know how to party. Ever since the completion of the Hanging Gardens, the Horde capital has been celebrating steadily. In fact this is causing a great boost in the nations morale, with other cities throwing minor parties to celebrate War4evers supreme leadership.

    Third Order: Trade Boom

    We admit that trade is slow so far with other nations, but we have part of a international relations report from our trade advisor Mercantile whom is on vacation somewhere hot and unknown.

    "Our policy is to open our doors with a select few countries.... quite possibly the Japanese whom have greatly toned down their aggressive attitudes and to allow the continued flow of free trade to benefit both our and other respected nations." Similarily, nations whom are antagonistic towards our friendly neighbors will not be allowed access to our large markets."

    It is apparent that our great nation is ready to switch gears in its domestic policies, focusing on city growth and the international trade market.

    Fourth Order: Foreign Policy

    We are saddened to report the loss of a few regiments to the evil barbarian hordes. Not only have these horrific and terrifying barbarians used our name (in order to slander us on the international stage), but they remane at large throughout many empires our sources tell us. Unprovoked attacks by the "Red Raiders" continue to aggravate our dilligent workers. Well, worry no more as our policy is to rid the world completely of these vile creatures. There is a reward of 150 gold coins to the capture of any Barbarian leaders along with a medal of honor and quite possibly an upgrade to veteran status. Please everyone be on the lookout for these individuals, they mean us harm!

    On the global stage we are proud to admit that we have shown our diplomatic ways and intentions with absolute dignity. We have peace treaties with every nation we have come across and have even ceded territory to the Japanese for wrongfully tresspassing in their territory. Relations with the Japanese have greatly improved to the point where an alliance may be in order down the road, along with possibly more land grants for say...... some needed science?

    We are proud to state that although there was an international incident (assassination of a Borg diplomat), we had nothing to do with it. Rumour has it an English calvalry unit disguised as a Celt orchastrated the whole plot, trying to set the world into conflict. We have not yet determined if this is entirely true but we are keeping a close eye on the suspicious Celts and English whom appear to be in cahoots

    Fifth Order: Expansion Limitations

    It is apparent that no other nation can expand quite as quickly as the Horde. We obviously have the best looking lasses (and asses) in the world and therefore procreation has been encouraged if not rewarded with land grants. However due to the fact that we are only three cities away from our capped limit, the govt is asking that all families start using birth control... we will even supply the condoms or the pill.

    Globally we will likely have to cede a few more territories to our neighbors in order to make better use of the land. Personally the govt point of view is that each country should have 33 cites max... although this seems unfair as well, condeming our nation to such small borders is at the very least attrocious!

    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


    • #17
      Does anybody still have the "interesting" chat in our diplogame from earlier tonight? Before I remembered to copy it out of the buffer, I played again, and put enough chat int he buffer to clear out most of the good stuff. If you do still have it, you should post it,



      • #18
        For the reader, this is what actually goes on during some of our in-game chats:

        From King Absurd Valdrast (350 B.C.): The Borg sent a dipolmat into European territory.
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): theyre both lying. english started
        From King Absurd Valdrast (350 B.C.): The Celts sent many a request, publicy and privately to know what the reason for this diplomats presence was.
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): tech theft i tell ya
        To King Absurd Valdrast, Shogun boann, Locutus Epik, Great Pharaoh SlowwHand, King Amerigo, King War4ever (350 B.C.): that's not very sporting...
        From King Absurd Valdrast (350 B.C.): Apparently, the requests were not received, and as I publicly stated would happen, I killed the dipolmat
        From Locutus Epik (350 B.C.): Diplomats are for exploring, and establishing embassies. He had several opportunities to assimulate the Celt archers, but did not. He was peaceful
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): baltimore scored
        From King Absurd Valdrast (350 B.C.): hahaha, kill the giants! (OOC)
        From King Amerigo (350 B.C.): I *did* see Valdrast's warnings...
        From Locutus Epik (350 B.C.): And now Celt archer fortifies inside a Borg city radius.
        From King War4ever (350 B.C.): i see a war brewing tempers flare..... no hears the other side...... THE ENGLSH ARE RESPONSIBLE From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): see?
        To King Absurd Valdrast, Shogun boann, Locutus Epik, Great Pharaoh SlowwHand, King Amerigo, King War4ever (350 B.C.): Once again it's proven that noone can top the mongols in their paranoia
        From King Amerigo (350 B.C.): Hmmm, we await further discussion. Could some recompense be made by both sides?
        From King Absurd Valdrast (350 B.C.): The Archer will be removed if a peace treaty is agreed upon, the forward unit of our armies is there only as a precaution to diplomatic failure.
        From King Amerigo (350 B.C.): Small recompense?
        From Locutus Epik (350 B.C.): Perhaps when I bribe his archer the Borg will be pacified.
        From King Amerigo (350 B.C.): We think a border establishment may be in order...
        From King War4ever (350 B.C.): Well..... perhaps if the english would go back to the island they came from and quit trying to be so colonistic.....
        From Locutus Epik (350 B.C.): Is this fun or what... :-)
        From Shogun boann (350 B.C.): lol
        From King Amerigo (350 B.C.): (Yes)
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): it was an english dip in borg clothing
        From King Absurd Valdrast (350 B.C.): Yes, a border establishment is a great idea. I am currently esablishing it.
        To King Absurd Valdrast, Shogun boann, Locutus Epik, Great Pharaoh SlowwHand, King Amerigo, King War4ever (350 B.C.): hearing that from the most expansive civ ever known in history, is one huge understatement.
        From King Absurd Valdrast (350 B.C.): (hehehe)
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): or pretending to be english in borg uniform
        From King Amerigo (350 B.C.): From my far-of situation, I have few reports from spies of the true problems inherent.
        From King War4ever (350 B.C.): i have made peace with all., including no bribing of units other than the japanese
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): my neighbors and i arrived at it entirely naturally. nice neighbors
        From King War4ever (350 B.C.): BUT those English are funny looking
        From King Amerigo (350 B.C.): Sounds good to me. Any further problems right now?
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (350 B.C.): big noses
        From Shogun boann (350 B.C.): lol
        From King War4ever (350 B.C.): round eyes
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (325 B.C.): really
        To King Absurd Valdrast, Shogun boann, Locutus Epik, Great Pharaoh SlowwHand, King Amerigo, King War4ever (325 B.C.): Do the japs have their own source? I would like to hear their version of the story (just checking facts) ;-)
        From King Absurd Valdrast (325 B.C.): The archer has been pulled back, I am willing to offer a peace treaty, and leave things as they are.
        From Locutus Epik (325 B.C.): hmmm... I will have to consider it. Talk to the collective....
        From Great Pharaoh SlowwHand (325 B.C.): what?
        From Locutus Epik (300 B.C.): Time to quit?
        From King Absurd Valdrast (300 B.C.): Collective ... collecting rot and death more like it ....
        From King War4ever (300 B.C.): can we go a bit late ..... we had deloay


        Well, after that we ran out of time so we'll have to wait till next week to hear the rest of the story. Will the Borg hold a grudge? Has war on the European continent truly been averted? And why are the mongols so paranoia?...tune in next week...

        <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by CapTVK (edited January 29, 2001).]</font>
        Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

        Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


        • #19

          from the notes of the geisha Hanako who lives in the great castle:

          the Honorable Priestess Boann

          has declared we must have peace with the Mongrol Horde to survive.
          our samurai scouts tell us they breed like rabbits and their empire is mighty.
          the priestess has sent gifts
          hoping to turn the tide of invasion.
          the horde leader has given a city built on our land to the priestess.
          there is much celebration .

          samurai riders to the north send word of men with round eyes and strange dress,
          they call themselves celts.

          they seem peaceful and told us of possible war farther to the north
          and west and of other strange civilizations.

          the great priestess sent samurai south and they
          sent word that they found the edge of the world.

          great fear has spread through the villages.
          there are massive beasts that swim in the great waters there.

          some men wish to build craft to hunt these beasts.
          the wise priestess sent gold to help begin the building of these craft.
          the knowledge gained from the egyptians will be of great value.

          our good friends the egyptians have been most generous.
          the priestess has set aside a day of honor to
          pray for our benefactor.

          the priestess has sent geishas

          to entertain our samurai who are far away from home, to keep their spirits high.

          my brother Kimo has been sent to be Lord over our
          most northern city where peat was found.
          it is a long journey from home .
          may Buddha watch over him.

          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by boann (edited January 29, 2001).]</font>
          "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -Katherine Hepburn


          • #20
            Locutus Epik will speak for the Borg Collective now.

            The Collective continues to grow, there are now 17 hives. One more advanced tribe was assimilated. Two more barbarian horsemen were assimilated.

            The attempted assimilation of a ghostly barbarian settler (the settler was never seen, only the bribe popup was seen), caused a disturbing disconnection of the Collective. A temporal displacement eventually restored the Collective. When the ghost reappeared the Collective ignored it, and the normal flow of time was restored.

            It is the nature of the Borg to ignore the individuals that wander the world. They are not of the One Mind and the drones are focused on their work. The Borg Collective has offered peace to all of the tribes that have been encountered while assimilating land from the blackness. All of the tribes (including the Celts) had accepted the peace.

            The Borg were focused on the task of land assimilation, and hive improvements, when the loss of a diplo drone sent a wave of pain through the One Mind. Four times this diplo drone had encountered Celtic archers and resisted assimilating them, which should have made its mission obviously peaceful.

            Its mission was to assimilate land from the blackness and upon finding a city, he was to establish an observation station (embassy). A review of the data logs did reveal the chattering of the Absurd Celtic King, in which he expressed concern regarding the diplo drone.

            The Borg Collective have come to the conclusion that the killing of the diplo drone cannot be justified by the fact that no response was received to the pleas for information regarding the unit's mission. A peace treaty was in place, and the Celts should have had the option to expell the diplo drone. This would have gotten the attention of the Collective, and the diplo drone could have been returned to its mission.

            The Borg demand reparations for the pain caused to the One Mind. A replacement diplo drone would cost 210 gold. It would also be acceptable, if the Celts wish to produce a diplo unit and then give it to the Borg. If the gifted diplo drone were placed outside of a Celtic city, then it would immediately establish an observation post (the orginal mission of the dead diplo drone) and a new peace treaty would be offered.

            When peace is re-established, the Collective are willing to exchange maps with the Celts and Locutus Epik will join them at a summit to discuss a treaty to establish our border with them.

            The Collective encourages the Absurd Celtic King to consider the consequences of a continued state of war with the Borg. We would eventually assimilate what is due us for our pain and suffering. This act might cause an escalation of the war. During the time of our struggle, the other 5 tribes will be expending their efforts on more meaningful tasks, and both of us will fall behind in the race for the stars.

            The Borg anxiously await the delivery of a replacement diplo drone, so that peace can be returned to the world, and we can begin a new era of assimilation... errr... of course we meant to say cooperation.

            <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Epik (edited January 29, 2001).]</font>


            • #21
              Nice posts, and nice politics.

              My suggestion would be to watch the Mongols, they seem to be tinkering with a lot of things at this juncture in the game....

              The true devil wears a purple dress.

              While the Euros clash, the others will rome free of persecution, and will reap the benefits of a foreign war, do not trust this, do not give into their words, they want a war. It opens them up to power, they will be there to collect the ashes of your mutually destroyed Empires... heed the words of the Capo, for he cares not of reputation, but of truth!!!!

              EDIT: As for the situation between the Celts and "the Borg" I think that the Borg is correct, the Celts should have had the option of expelling the diplomat, if they didn't they were not in a formal peace treaty, which means the Borg has no grounds to demand anything other than declaring a war. If the former is the case the Celts should be required to recompensate the Borg as well as added funds or other kinds of restitution for the trust of the treaty and the cred of the Celtic state having been tarnished. If the latter is in effect, Celtic policy which seems to be ignoring this as a "situation" alltogether seems correct, and it is up to the Borg to make a counteroffensive.

              In the long run I would suggest the Borg and Celtic come to an agreement, and focus on expansion while at the same time negating the expansion of the Mongols. While treaties may be in effect with Mongolia already, a war would be stupid, and they should not attempt to pacify a powerful and influential Mongolia.

              <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited January 29, 2001).]</font>
              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

              One Love.


              • #22
                The Great King Valdrast the Absurd speaks:

                This "Capo" (who is he anyway to make suggestions to a King?) suggests that I relent and pay the Borg for their mistakes. Yes, we could have simply repelled the diplomat (OOC: actually, that was what I tried to do, but I think something related to the simultaenous nature of the game occurred, and the message which asked me to expel or attack flashed for only a brief second and before I knew it I was attacking. Since I had proclaimed publicly that I would kill it, even though I only meant to expel it, I thought I would just stick with what I had done ), However, many messages were sent to the Borg, at first privately asking what the entourage was doing in our territory, then messages stating that due to a lack of a reply the entourage would be considered hostile and attacked. We then publicly announced that we would attack the entourage, and still received no reply from the Borg. They claim they were too busy, or for some other reason did not receive our messages. This breakdown in their internal communication structure is of no concern to us, if they wish to play at a global level, they must learn to listen outward and inward. Therefore, we offer a peace treaty, but no payments will be maid.

                Thank you.

                King Valdrast.


                • #23
                  <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                  </font><font size=1>Originally posted by War4ever on 01-28-2001 09:07 PM</font>

                  Globally we will likely have to cede a few more territories to our neighbors in order to make better use of the land. Personally the govt point of view is that each country should have 33 cites max... although this seems unfair as well, condeming our nation to such small borders is at the very least attrocious!

                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                  What is the current maximum in this game?! It should be at least 255/7=~37! Even that is grossly egalitarian, punishing the more successful players. If it's a huge map where the total city limit will be an issue, the limit per player should be something like 45 or 50, IMHO.

                  Curumbor Elendil
                  ICQ 56126989
                  Curumbor Elendil
                  ICQ 56126989


                  • #24
                    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                    </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Curumbor Elendil on 01-29-2001 04:03 PM</font>
                    What is the current maximum in this game?! It should be at least 255/7=~37! Even that is grossly egalitarian, punishing the more successful players. If it's a huge map where the total city limit will be an issue, the limit per player should be something like 45 or 50, IMHO.

                    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                    I'm working with Cavebear on a fair solution to the max city limit. All players will benefit from this system but I can't give you the details for the moment. I'll only state that city limits will be able to change.

                    Please note that the limit was put in place more or less to curb ICS. (with hindsight I'm thinking that it should actually have been lower )

                    Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                    Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                    • #25
                      The Horde Express:

                      Purple dress? I should think not. ICS ? I think not. I have spaced my cities evenly for the most part. I have shown no hostile intentions... in fact i ceded territory to the Japanese and plan to cede more in the next couple of sessions so as to allow for a stronger Horde defensive position.

                      The Horde are diplomatic by nature...... we seek world peace and not once have we tried to expand our borders.

                      We are currently building cities in Japanese land in order to help their slow growth..... and the origional cities we had their came from advanced tribes.

                      Restrict me as you may, the Horde realizes this is a diplomatic world .... if it did not.... much bloodshed would have already fallen on my weaker neighbors

                      Once again the Horde are reaching the thirty city max..... easily in the first few turns of the new session.....we feel these restrictions are unfair.... but will not pursue this as it was agree upon before the records were started.

                      For the record to state that one could build more cities now........ seems wrong as i would have put down another 10 cities already at any rate just our humble .02 cents.

                      Back from hell....i have nothing to lose
                      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                      • #26
                        I am in agreement with War4Ever, we should not change the 30 city limit rule. The game was begun with it in mind and strategies were based upon that limit. I think we should keep it at 30.


                        • #27
                          To my friend Locotus,

                          Keep in mind that the great Celtic King Valdrast the Absurd has denied your request for any sort of compensense once already. However, I will repeat your message to him, and give him my own advice. I whole-heartedly agree with you that peace is of the utmost concern, and will attempt to convince the King of the benefits of peace for such a small cost.

                          Thank you.

                          Dian Cecht, M.D.


                          • #28
                            New English Times issue 1 price: 1 gold

                            [*]Borderline treaty signed with Celts
                            Today a treaty was signed between the English and the Celts which will finally draw a definitive line on the map. It's a straight horizontal line that flows from southern France, along the Alps towards Greece and Rumania. The English may expand north of that line. Furthermore it may continue to develop the cities that were already established along the med sea. These cities will become excellent havens for trade in the future.
                            [*]English and Celtic forces meet at the border
                            Due to recent incursions by Borg drones in Europe, the English high command has decided to cooperate with the Celts in establishing a border patrol. According to Celtic scouters, borg drones are starting to appear more and more frequently in eastern Europe, and may try to establish a foothold for future operations there. The Celts believe that the only way to prevent future incursions is with proper border patrols. In response the English have promised to sent several contingents to help.

                            [*]Diplomatic row over Borg diplomat!
                            A week ago the Celts attacked a Borg diplomat that was not responding to requests to state it's nature. After repeated warnings the drone was destroyed. The Borg's responded to this with threatening to send in troops, would this mean war? The English cabinet decided to come to the aid of the Celts and stated that: "any aggressive acts by the Borg against the Celts would mean that the English would come to their aid"
                            Since then things have toned down a bit, the Borg continue to grumble but the Celts remain firm in their view that it was due to miscommunication. If the Borg had bothered to listen to their messages this incident would never have occurred.

                            Meanwhile, the diplomatic fallout of the Borg diplo incident continues as we hear from places we never knew existed. Somewhere in the far east, beyond the borg, there are two other nations. One is called the "Americans" who have taken the diplomatic stance about the incident. The Americans seem to be lead by a polite monarch called Amerigo. We can't say the same for the Mongols, apparently the largest civilization in the world. Not only are they rude, they also seem to be very paranoid. They claim that the English are responsible for this incident and that it was all a setup! Going on that it was all in line with "English expansionistic policy of trickery". These claims are so ludicrous that the prime minister won't even bother to respond to them in a serious newspaper except in the jokes&comics section.
                            [*]English complete Pyramids -no more fear of famine!-
                            Engineers finally put the cap stone on one of the greatest projects ever attempted in the history of the world: the pyramids. Thanks to this wonder of the world every English city will now be equipped with it's own granary, thereby greatly decreasing chances of famine. While it won't make famine a thing of the past, citizens will no longer have to scavenge for food in the country side. This will give them the time to spent their efforts in a more practical way. City planners believe that this will lead to increased city growth, higher productivity and increased trade in the future.

                            Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                            Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                            • #29
                              Journal of the Amerigos, Year 3700 Since the Awakening, Chief Librarian Ursus Amerigo Reporting.

                              Our great research project has been completed, and just in time. I have just managed to lead the project to completion before society crashed around us. The people are rampaging through the streets in fear and anger, smashing the marketplaces and temples.

                              It is truly ironic. I, who begged to be freed or the ruling lineage of my forebears, now constitute whatever semblence of order, leadership, and reason that remains among my countrypeople. Were it not for the seriousness of the situation, I would hide in the Library and weep bitter tears. It seems that a destiny rides through my line that forces us to be whereever we are needed to keep the country functioning.

                              Well, so be it, I will do my duty. We have now established a network of scholars throughout the world, to report all manner of new learning to this central repository, to be stored for all time. Just in these past few weeks, several new ideas have come to us, and we trust there will be many more to come.

                              Among the scrolls we have collected, we found an an ancient journal by my ancestors, and I update that here as best I can from other records and the recollections of our eldest citizens.

                              First, it seems that the legends are true. There are other organized peoples, there have been attacks by Wild Ones, and there has been War abroad!

                              We have read scrolls by the Scribes which tell of discussions by other civilizations. They seem numerous, some 5 or 6 centers of other Lands and People. Some slight clues exist as to their natures, but we only find details of two of them. One, the "Horde", are numerous as lemmings (it is said), and they wander far and wide, having many cities. The other call themselves "Borg", and we know little of them but their odd habits of depersonalization and social rigidity. They too seem numerous. The others are nought but names to us, though we hope to learn more through the Library research system in future years.

                              During the years when the Mongols and Borg were first encountered, we had another sort of encounter. The Wild Ones, dressed in red and skins, attacked our Southern cities unmercifully for nigh onto 300 years. Terrible was the pain and damage they wrought, and many brave soldiers were lost. These cruel people cared nothing for life of theirs or ours and attack insanely. Their Women charged our lines, hurling their children and then themselves onto our pikes, to force gaps in the ranks. Sometimes, our pikes were weighed down outright, other times, our soldiers turned aside in horror and tears. Never, though, could we capture their cowardly leaders and but an end to the madness. There are some suggestions that powerful drugs caused false bravery in these people. They have not been seen in strength in my own days, and little wonder!

                              The last matter to report from the records is that of War. There are rumors of armed conflicts in distant lands, and not like that of the Wild Ones who attacked us for so long! These conflicts seem to involve organized parties of trained people of functioning civilizations. The outcome is fearful, but if I understand it, then some members of society are trained in killing arts like artisans are to shape bowls and farmers to grow wheat.

                              Forgive me, my descendents, but I have begun to form places to train some of the more unruly of our own people in those same ideas.

                              Shortly, I shall order the first of these trained groups to put an end to the riots going on outside the Library, and send them to the other cities to force peace while we consider how to establish a new Government. I still refuse to be King, but I will lead my people in some other way, if I can structure leadership more fairly.
                              Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
                              Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
                              Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
                              Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


                              • #30
                                Journal of the Amerigos, Year 3750 Since the Awakening, Chief Librarian Ursus Amerigo Reporting.

                                The governing has made me old before my time. It has been 50 years of disaster in my nation, due to the idea the researchers came up with. If I never here the word "Republic" again in the few years remaining to me, I shall die a happy man!

                                Oh, curse the day that we thought of polling the citizenry about who the leader should be! It has been nothing but mobs and civil unrest ever since. The people are utterly stupid and insane! Every idiot that could convince some part of the public that he or she would provide free food and drink has been "elected" to lead us and the results have been an unqualified horror (except, of course for the 3 separate times I have been chosen to fill the role). The first official act of my 3rd election was to have the researcher who proposed this system of hand-counting madness thrown to the mob for their cruel pleasures. I hear that the pieces of his body sell for more than the finest beef steak! My only regrets are that the execrable savant who thought of this Republic idea was ever born, and failing that, that I cannot return him to life to see him torn apart again!

                                Thankfully, the other Library researchers have been dedicated and busy (and more cautious). Many fine ideas have been discovered through our worldwide network. Fortunately, none have yet shown the potential for evil of the previous one. I am more careful about discoveries these days.


                                Journal of the Amerigos, Year 3850 Since the Awakening, King Ursus Amerigo the First Reporting.

                                This report is of the unholy days of terror of the Republic, thankfully over. Last week, I assumed the throne to re-establish the Monarchy of my forefathers. Given the circumstances, I had the Head Librarian, my Uncle, and the son of the former Head Minister transfer the Crown to the Table of the King. From there, I placed the Crown on Our Own Head, and assumed the duties Nature requires of a King. It took 10 long years of bloody conflict to force the angry mobs of Republicans to give up their idea, but all is now peace again and the building of Our Nation can resume.


                                Journal of the Amerigos, the year Zero of the new System of counting. Head Librarian Amerigo Bookworm Reporting.

                                Uncle King Ursus Amerigo the Learned is making me write this. I *hate* being the Librarian, but he insists it is in our family line. I think he is punishing me for the incident with the catapult and his horse, which is very totally unfair!

                                Anyway, the Library research staff has learned that other civilizations are now counting years forward in a different way, and they seem to feel strongly that we should do the same. Like I care! Next, they will want to change the way we measure things in glors/meps/bitens. Oh well, as long as I get my chance to advance.

                                So, we have many fine discoveries. Whoopee. As if I wouldn't eat better than most people if we *hadn't* gotten Math, Philosophy, and Masonry. Just trying to follow that stuff makes my head hurt. Anyway, we have found maps of most of the world, we have a couple of embassies with other countries, and everything is peaceful. I'm so happy! OK, I reached the bottom of the page, so I can stop.


                                Journal of the Amerigos, 360 A.D. (After Demarcation 0), King Ursus Amerigo Potent Merchant Reporting.

                                The Library staff (bless their hard-working souls), have found this journal from the olden days. I am stunned by what I have read (and equally by the large gaps in the records). It seems the journal has been lost before. I hesitate to even add to this august document, and I have written everything I say here on separate sheets of paper before transcribing them into the book of the Amerigos.

                                So many things I want to say, yet I sense that some restraint has been the hallmark of the previous writers. Where shall I start after more than 300 years? Well, at the last entry, I suppose.

                                The evil days of the Republic are over. The Monarchy reigns supreme again, as if it had never faltered, yet I know we have suffered delay in out (note: Scribe, correct the spelling of "our") advancement through those dark centuries. Our use of the Great Library continues to pay rich returns. Most recently, we have learned of Banking and Invention, though the entire list is long and astonishing!

                                It seems that we have a lasting peace with our Southern neighbors and a working embassy with those to the West. This is good; we see opportunities in those directions for trade and cooperation. We may direct some of our caravan routes toward those peoples to see if mutual benefits might accrue. The journey will be slow at first until the roads are improved between us, and we hope that they have the same idea. Our riches of silk and coal and silver and other trade goods fill our warehouses seeking a market of appreciative consumers.

                                Some of the Library staff have the notion that other lands lay to the East of us. I had thought that the world was a flat place, but the savants have intriguing ideas of other possible shapes. They think that we are on a sphere, though I can hardly conceive of the idea. Still, I encourage them in this research. The cost of supporting a few scholars against the possible gains if they are correct is little enough, and we have gold enough for such interesting speculations. Investment is valuable. I am not so "nibik-wise and garn-foolish" to ignore that.

                                Still, we need better cargo vessels than we have to try the idea out fully, and I have directed glarns to spent in that endeavor. There are rumors of the vessels we need existing in other lands; time will provide them, as in so many other things.
                                Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
                                Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
                                Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
                                Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul

