Magnus, the only reason you want to continue is your in the lead with 60 cities. Youve already taken advantage of the system by intentially grabbing as many cities as you could to reach the limit with an unfair advantage, then your persued a campigian of bribing cities for Capos sub. Quite frankly for all your dedication you were underhanded and not very fun to play with. Im glad you want to continue systematically bribing a someones subs cities, but im not having any fun, nethier is anyone else.
I did never start a war.
I did not start buying others cities.
I did not start the war with the capos sub.
I always tried to play the game in a peaceful way, But the capo first started a war, by buying one of my cities, then i bought it back, and a few more as a compensation.. ; He should not have started something he could not finnish.. It was his fault, not mine..! I wanted peace, he wanted war, ..he got war. Then when the sub was taking over, I had already planned a mass buying of europes cities.. ..i played this game "the capo way".. the fact that the sub was playing did not matter; capo would have lost those cities no matter what.
..And, yes, of course the fact that i was leading was a part of me wanting to continue this game; i could have won. I think it is wrong with not finnishing a game; stopping playing just because one is beginning to loose. ; and, now, because i was leading, i may not say so?
..btw.. i had 69 cities (70 if you count the one i lost to the barbarians exactly before we ended).
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by ml_4da3 (edited January 14, 2001).]</font>
Magnus, the only reason you want to continue is your in the lead with 60 cities. Youve already taken advantage of the system by intentially grabbing as many cities as you could to reach the limit with an unfair advantage, then your persued a campigian of bribing cities for Capos sub. Quite frankly for all your dedication you were underhanded and not very fun to play with. Im glad you want to continue systematically bribing a someones subs cities, but im not having any fun, nethier is anyone else.
I did never start a war.
I did not start buying others cities.
I did not start the war with the capos sub.
I always tried to play the game in a peaceful way, But the capo first started a war, by buying one of my cities, then i bought it back, and a few more as a compensation.. ; He should not have started something he could not finnish.. It was his fault, not mine..! I wanted peace, he wanted war, ..he got war. Then when the sub was taking over, I had already planned a mass buying of europes cities.. ..i played this game "the capo way".. the fact that the sub was playing did not matter; capo would have lost those cities no matter what.
..And, yes, of course the fact that i was leading was a part of me wanting to continue this game; i could have won. I think it is wrong with not finnishing a game; stopping playing just because one is beginning to loose. ; and, now, because i was leading, i may not say so?
..btw.. i had 69 cities (70 if you count the one i lost to the barbarians exactly before we ended).

<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by ml_4da3 (edited January 14, 2001).]</font>