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Tales from the Ultimate Diplomatic Front I

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  • #46
    I am a spaz and post a lot, I am into diplogames so if I grab the chance I post, so piss off!

    A field outside of Venice, Italy...

    It was an unusually crisp Venitian day, the sky was covered in ominous overcast, as the two armies stood opposite of eachother, staring eachother down, considering the other side.

    Thoughts of dissonance ran on both sides "Can I kill my brother?" "Are they right?" "Will we lose?" were the sentiments of the Europopeans as they looked at eachother.

    Michael Collins was in command of the Republican force, which was from Ireland, and the Republican chapter there better known as the I.R.A., Bonaparte was here, but his forces entrenched in Timanskij, awaiting official word from Martel. "What do you think Mick?" asked Bonaparte.
    "I think we have a fight on our hands, should I give them our terms?" answered the Irishman.
    "Don't see why not, go to!" ordered Napoleon.
    With that Collins rode his steed into the center of the field, with a booming voice he yelled "I am here to deliver the terms!"

    "What shall I do sir?" asked an underofficer of Wellington, commander of the Royal Armed forces in Italy.
    "Go, hear his terms, deny them, but humor the rebels" the officer quickly rode towards the center of the battlefield, but Collins held up his hand.
    "It is not the puppets of his majesty Martel I deliver these terms to, I deliver them to my countrymen, your soldiers." the officer, stopped, and returned to his position, flanking Wellington. "Good Europeans, you are loyal to your King, maybe your God first, but your King as a representative of the almighty himself. For that, you should be commended. However, to what reasoning is your King divine? What makes him above you? Because his father killed? Pah! Such acts should not be considered Royal in the least, to murder for a throne ordained by your Lord? That is heresy in its pinnacle. Ah, but to live free under your God, and only your God, tis truely divine." the Irishmen began pacing on his steed from side to side accross the lines "You see, you all are here to fight and die, and you will die I can garuntee it, for a single man. One man. No more and no less a man than you, well perhaps less, I do not see him on this field today. Whereas you fight for a single man, we fight for all of you! You are fighting your supporters, you are fighting your future, you are fighting for your demise!" Collins held his fist into the air, "The very nature of man is freedom, we are not servants, God hath given us mind and soul, we are creatures of reason. Do not give into the blasphemous rhetoric of your King, he is wrong, and as he is wrong we are right, and as we are right, we shall be victorious. Those are my terms, fight us if you will, either way you shall die a slave..." Collins rode back to his lines and nodded to Napoleon. Napoleon then rode into the center of the lines as Collins had...

    "Ugh, the theatrics of the Rebels, I cans't stand much longer my Lord" said the underofficer to Wellington.
    "Let them speak, it will make our victory all the more sweet."

    "You know me, I am Napoleon Bonaparte. Wellington, my lad, you served under me in Persia. To think, so long ago. Well then, I only have a few things to say to you men. The ones that stand under the ensign of Martel, and of the Pope. When you perish today, on this field, you will not die in vain. Your wife, and your children, and your families will cry, but I can assure you, your death will be THE GREATEST thing that has ever happened to them, loyalists, you will all perish on this field of battle for a lost cause, things are changing, we will win." with that he rode back to his lines.

    "Well then, I believe they are done. ARCHERS!" yelled Wellington. The flags were raised, and the archers moved forward. "Take aim!" numerous officers repeated the order, the Archers held their bows into the air, about sixteen of them threw their bows to the ground, and began walking towards the rebels. "SHOOT!" yelled Wellington, a rain of arrows littered the sky.
    "SHIELDS!" yelled Collins, the rebels quickly raised their shields into the air and crouched low to the ground, nearly half the front lines were killed, around a quarter of all others died.
    "SECOND ARCHERS" yelled Wellington, a new line of Archers came forward, and pointed their bows to the sky. "SHOOT" he yelled. The rain of arrows again took a heavy toll on the Rebels.
    "We will now finish these rabble, Templars, full charge!" The Knights Templar charged the Rebel lines.
    "PIKES, PIKERS HO!" yelled Collins.
    The pikers rushed forward, pulling their pikes up, some of them were too late, the Templars took a heavy toll as well, more than half the rebels had been destroyed.
    "Pull Templars, order a charge, infantry." said Wellington, in a very cocky manner.
    "PULL KNIGHTS, INFANTRY HO!" yelled the underofficer, the Templars, not suffering much losses retreated.
    "INFANTRY APPROACH!" yelled Wellington. The Infantry began a steady march towards the Rebel lines.

    "Blast, f*cking Brit Wellington, alright men, we cannot fight them like they wish. We are gun'ta bayt the piss out of em', I want a full charge, bezerk ere', no prisoners lads." said Collins.
    "CHARGE!" yelled Collins as he rode his horse hard into the center. The Rebels followed quickly, screaming as they ran down the hill.

    "Aye, they wish to take us down like the Barbarians do, pathetic, fire the Catapults." the underofficer looked at Wellington.
    "Sir, our men, we must call a retreat."
    "Why? The Rebels will notice, we won't hit too much of our men, we must take them down Adolf, war is hell." Wellington replied.
    "Aye, tis, FIRE CATAPULTS!" with that the clumps of mud and brick, affixed with Greek fire went to the sky. Numerous men died, Collins rode steadfast.
    "C'mon ye' lasses, we must win ere' CHARGE!" he yelled.
    "I lost my sword sir, I have to stop running!" yelled a German rebel, running alongside Collins.
    "Fight with yer hands ye pisser, we must win ere!"
    "Were gonna lose sir, we are defeated!"
    Much of the Rebel infantry was taken out, only around six hundred men still survived, the Royals had over one thousand still in backup.

    "HOLD CATAPULT!" yelled Wellington, "alright, we will run Templars again and follow with Infantry, this is it we finish them off here."
    "TEMPLAR CHARGE, INFANTRY APPROACH!" yelled the underofficer.
    "You will be a great man one day Sergeant Hitler, remember that." said Wellington as he pulled his sword and lead the charge.

    The battle of Venice claimed over two thousand lives, the Rebels were narrowly defeated, Napoleon and Collins both escaped with their lives, Collins lost vision in his left eye due to a puncture from a spear. The remaining Rebels (203) retreated towards Vienna, most of which abandoned the cause, leaving only 62 returning to Timanskij, where another invasion would be planned.

    The Rebels had lost on the field, but the Royals that left told their friends of the speeches of Collins and Napoleon, as did the surviving royal soldiers, the speaches went down in history. The Rebel cause became stronger, more men left their homes for Timanskij, the Rebels lost the battle, but the war they were determined to win...
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • #47

      Drake VI:
      The Oracle appeared to me in a dream last night. He wept for mother earth and pleaded to me. He said that his mother was being raped and pillaged by the people of the world and that she could take no more. He asked that I stop expanding my empire for the good of the earth and all of the people living on it. Who am I to defy the Oracle? In the morning I awoke and immediately dispatched my fastest riders to send the word. Our empire will make due with what is has now and be grateful. There is much to build upon.

      Well the rebellion in Europe is over and the rebels, led by Napoleon, have taken the power. King Martel, a long time friend to my fore fathers was decapitated in a most bloody display. This event marked the end to the Monarchy in Europe and the beginning of Republican rule. The people will now rule Europe (in essence). While we were happy for the fighting in Europe to be over, we were most disturbed by the words of some of the followers of the revolution. They said that the people will soon follow suit in Mongolia and India and crush our monarchies as they had in Europe. We found this personally insulting, for the Kings of both nations are fair and just.

      However, the people are starting to find more and more comfort in the teachings of Hinduism. Many citizens have become quite consumed within their religion, so much so, that every day life has become secondary. As this movement slowly moves south from the townships of the northern forests, we fear that religious rule will soon be in competition with our Monarchy. Perhaps the rebels were right.........

      Word has returned from the east. The first explorers of Mongolia have landed in the Americas! We landed in what our American friends call "Alaska". Upon meeting with American settlers, who have laid claim to this region, we sensed some curious paranoia from the Americans. Although we only had explorers to make maps, a war ship appeared next to our caravel. We have talked minimally with the ruler of America, the great Dimbleby, but we have given him no reason to be suspicious of our intentions. We are hoping that he will call off his war ship and allow our caravel to continue on it's plotted course.

      We have plans to make an epic journey very soon. We wish to make contact with the elusive Canadians and Brazilians. We want to be the first to map the entire world as well. We are certain that our maps are the most extensive in the world and we wish to keep it this way. This is obviously a feat that will take many generations to complete, if it ever is.

      Napoleon and his Republicans have proposed a great trade pact, regarding the people of Europe, Asia and Africa. While we find the proposal most interesting, with great potential, we will not commit to it until certain domestic goals have been reached.

      Our people are quite excited about the discovery of Sanitation. Proper plumbing and water management has already been installed in several cities and more are slated to follow suit. We don't know how we ever managed before, here in Karakorum. Some day soon, it will be law that all of our townships have proper Sanitation. It is not proper to wallow in your own feces, as I have heard they do in Egypt. This implementation will also insure that our cities can grow safely, without worry of plague and disease, which had been a concern up to now.

      Relations and discussions with India are stronger than ever. Plans for a great mutual project are almost finished.....most exciting times are coming.
      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


      • #48
        Paris Post
        500 A.D.
        1 Gold.

        TOP STORY: Republicans capture control of European Kingdom, rename and execute Charles Martel.
        Paris, France - In an extreme amount of fanfare, King Charles Martel of the Franks has been executed in a most horrific manner by Republican extremists. "The Hawks have taken it upon themselves to institute the death penalty upon Martel, in lieu of legislation regarding such penalties, it was a horrific display, and no doubt an embarrassment upon our people." said William of Orange (Dove - Netherlands) who turned Republican after allowing his province to decide its own fate.
        Bonaparte, who was named "Consul for Life" by the European Senate, has issued the penalty upon Charles Martel based militariliy, citing his prescence upon the planet is a danger to the Republic and its themes. "He was an example to those at the gathering, including ourselves, that power is only as good as the people allow it, I outlined this in my defamation of the Pope, and illustrated it in the death of Martel." said Napoleon, who served under Charlemagne, Charles' father in Khazakstan and Persia as under-officer to the late Alexander of Macedon.
        Executions are scheduled for the entire Habsburg family, seven of which have escaped Republican arrest, as well as Duke Wellington of Britain and Ivan the Terrible of Russia, who was defeated by Vladimir Lenin at St. Petersburg the day after Martel's execution. "There will be no more executions until our legislation has been decided upon" remarked Hawk senator Otto Von Bismark "But we are pressing hard for execution for these terrible men, they made slaves of us, they deserve their death."
        "When you look upon the death of Martel, know that this will happen to you if you do not heed the will of your citizens" said Napoleon to the assembled dignitaries of Mongolia, India and Egypt, who all said they were disgusted by the barbarous display of death towards Martel. After the assembly, Michael Collins of the Irish branch of the Republican movement said "This isn't over, there are still five other nations on this planet that have yet to convert to Republicanism, that is our goal, worldwide freedom for all, the Drakes of Mongolia may say they are benign rulers, but they continue to deny the people's ability to self-govern, thus they are enslaved."


        Strange disease kills thousands in Ireland.
        Dublin, Ireland - Thousands of settlers were deployed to northern Ireland to found the city of Belfast in the territory known as Ulster. However they were unable to do so. Early reports say that not only was the ground suffering from severe drought, but there was present a disease which caused instant irritation of the flesh and caused heaves. After a week of suffering the effects, nine hundred of the one thousand settlers perished, the cause unknown. "There are reports from the Mongolian Oracle that the world is suffering, and while the Mongols will take this at face value, we cannot, it is our duty to find a solution." said Dove Senator Mikhail Gorbechav from Kalingrad. For the time being attempted settlements in Persia, Khazakstan, Russia, and other areas that will not be disclosed by the government at this time have been put on hold. "We will not send our citizens out to die" said Consul Bonaparte "Any intrepid souls that wish to brave the harsh lands and seas may do so, but we will not force any settlement, as of now the European Union is set where it is, we have enough problems than to deal with new territory to tell you the truth".

        Public works increased over two hundred percent, taxes decreased under new government.
        Paris, France - Legislation has been passed with an overwhelming majority to decrease the tax rate, and increase public works spending. "Our citizens lived like paupers" said Consul Bonaparte "Now they can have a better life, more money towards churches of all denominations, towards marketplaces and sporting arenas will be increased due to this bill, which was bi-partisan, more jobs will be available within the government, thus increasing incomes and the econonmy." Despite overwhelming riots following the Republican coup de etat, the bill seemed to have quelled these questions. "I pay less and I get more, it is that simple, I have no reason to be angry." said Stockholm native, Otto Viderjagt.


        Eurasian Trade Pact suggested by Senate, no word yet on acceptance.
        Jerusalem, Palestine - Emissaries from Europe and Egypt convened in Jerusalem in order to discuss the specifics of the Eurasian Trade Pact, which was drawn up by Consul Bonaparte and accepted by the Senate. Despite a lengthly discussion with Egyptian emissaries, as well as with Mongolia and India, in a joint summit at The Hague, no word is out on whether the accords will pass with other nations. "We don't feel the need to committ at this time" said King Drake VI "The bill is interesting, but at this time it would not be wise" continued the Mongolian King. India has yet to release an official statement, but their sentiments are on par with Egypt's.
        The bill is a three part document, outlining ways to battle the current problems plaguing the planet. "The disease and droughts have become unbearable" said French General Charles DeGaulle "We are feeling the effects in the Ural ranges, defending the borders is becomming quite a difficulty." Scientists have deemded that the drought has yet to effect urban zones due to "prior irrigation, and natural fertilization through human waste."
        The bill has three points, the first being development of Infrastructure; a joint effort to connect all cities with roads in order to boost the effects of trade, as well as a technology agreement that would serve to develop new ideas in infrastructure development and food preservation, as well as productivity of cities. The second part dealt with expansion of land "If we spread out sporadically, we can thus improve the land into proper soil" said German Senator Frederick (D). City populouses would be decreased so new centers can be built, and with the original plan the old cities would grow quicker, resulting in growth accross the board.
        The final point was not given to the press at this time, and is deemed a situation of "National Security" by Consul Bonaparte.

        Recall of Royal Forces causes dispute over Takla boundries.
        Takla, Mongolia - Royal forces still on the march were ordered back by Mongolian forces near Takla. "We were in the process of demilitarization." said Consul Bonaparte "We understand their concern, we are a very imposing army, but we feel disrespected by the manner in which they noted our prescence, rather aggressive on their part." Royal forces are still on the move in the Himalayas, as well as in Persia, the Middle East, the Khazak desserts, northern Siberia and other undisclosed areas. "It will be a while, upwards of decades until everyone is accounted for and we re-establish a new military prescence" noted Benito Moussolini, former criminal of Martel and current head of Italian forces. "We mean to harm to foreign nations, its just tough returning our men home."

        Euro-Egyptian Alliance ended.
        Cairo, Egypt - The European Union and the Egyptian Republic formally ended thousands of years of perpetual freindship in Cairo last week. The treaty originally signed by Charlemagne and Easthaven (deposed Egyptain King), was ended after over four thousand years of existence. "The treaty was originally signed under aggressive pretexts" said Consul Bonaparte "I was there at the signing, it was forced, it was horrible. The best thing to do now is to end the treaty, and rework our relationship with the Egyptian Republic. I think both sides should decide where we want to be in the next few years before committing to such arrangments, signed by Kings."
        Despite the supposed falling out, technology exchanges and other agreements have been made with no problems, according to the European and Egyptian Senates.


        Giuseppe Garibaldi

        So, we have our revolution. We have our Republic, I have never felt so good about anything in my entire life. So far, there have been widespread means of celebration, wages have increased, money has increased, the soldiers bearing down upon your homes has decreased. This is a very new age for our land. I await it with great amounts of pride in our people for having this occur.
        I am slightly discouraged at Bonaparte's prescence as "Consul for Life" by the Senate. Only five votes seperated the Hawks, who voted for Bonaparte, and the Doves on this issue.
        Not to poke fun at the man, but he is very old, and will probably die within the next few hundred years. Which brings me to my next point: Is there anyone capable of leading this country? The two other leaders of the Revolution, Vladimir Lenin and Michael Collins are braggadocious rebels, they were fighters. Their leadership was good on a battlefield, but can they be as effective in an office?
        I am not sure, but I question their ability. Further, I disagree with the Hawk's belief that the revolution should be global, and we should use violent means. While they were pretty much responsable for our new government, they fail to realise that they had to have support first.
        The Doves on the other hand believe that we should let nature take its course, with economic and ideological help, this I agree with most of all.
        I believe that Napoleon's warning to the world was needed, they must see what can happen to them if they ignore the will of the masses. It was a terrible display, and it is a shame it happened in the manner it did, but it was a needed evil, it was a truth, if you do not believe in your citizens, they will not believe in you.
        The world should realize this.
        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

        One Love.


        • #49
          Pictures from around the globe:

          In a suggested new feature that could bring great interest and fun to the Diplogame post, I propose a "pictures from around the globe" weekly. This would include a screenshot from somewhere on the map that is interesting. It doesn't necessarily disclose any secret information, but it would be used sort of as pictures in the weekly paper are- as an added bonus to add interest to the game.

          This would be a most interesting feature, particularly to people who have no idea whats going on in the rest of the world. I don't think a lengthy story needs to accompany the picture (or pictures)- just a brief caption outlining why it is interesting, or where it is, etc.

          I'll start it off.

          Worldly culture is shared between three great nations in the Afghanistan region. Stories and customs between the Europeans, Indians and Mongols flow easiest in these lone crossroads between the three superpowers.
          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited December 10, 2000).]</font>
          I see the world through bloodshot eyes
          Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


          • #50
            Drake had a good idea, I think everyone should do this after each session, so here is mine...

            As the center of European trade and naval superiority, the low countries serve an important role in the might of the European Union.
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • #51

              "Push on men, we must work with haste!" barked the Mongolian captain.

              The groundwork for a pass that runs through the Himalayas was being laid. Settlers from the homeland, armed with pick axes and shovels cut into the unforgiving rock of the harshest mountain range on the planet. It would take centuries to complete, and many men would die completing it, but a pass linking Mongolia to India would one day be completed.
              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


              • #52
                Minutes of Senate session, Con. Bonaparte is the speaker...

                Consul Bonaparte: I call into order this session of the European Senate. The issue stands at SR-142, the cession of Persian Lands Act, the honorable Gorbechav of Kalingrad has asked that Mr. Ghulman of Tehran be heard before we convene on the issue, I have granted him this, he has five minutes to orate his viewpoint...

                Mr. Ghulman: Thank you most esteemed Consul, members of the Senate, before you today is a matter of great importance. Before you today is the final decision upon the territory known as Persia. I cannot fathom this land being given away by the European Union, men from this land have fought and died in numerous battles and marches all over the world. They have fufilled the population quota, and yet have not been admitted into the Union with any type of support from their European neighbors, this type of action towards the Persian holdings is atrocious. The Palestine as well as Turkey have recieved preferential treatment, although they are not "European" in the sense that Persians are not either. As a nation we cannot agree to this act. I was born a European and I intend on dying one, if you grant this land to any nation on this planet I can assure you that there will be heavy resistance from the people of Tehran, no doubt all Persians. Due to word that India or Mongolia may take the reins, there is already an amount of resistance established, we do not wish to be under the rule of an archaic monarchy, or supposed Oligarchy, the very shackles that our revolution attempted to destroy you would place upon loyal citizens? I cannot understand this logic, it behoove-

                Con. Bonaparte: Mr. Ghulman your time is up, I will grant you time to finish your statement.

                Mr. Ghulman: Thank you Consul, as I was saying, it manifests itself into an armed resistance to both Europeans and any nation that would try and control our lives, tell me; would any similar dealings be made with England? Scandinavia? Jerusalem? I think not. Thank you and good day. Viva la Europa!

                Con. Bonaparte: Well said Mr. Ghulman, I believe we now have the honorable Orange-Nassau of The Hague who would like to add on to that statement, you have five minutes Senator.

                Sen. Orange-Nassau: Esteemed colleagues, as we come upon the new age, an age of famine, an age of revolution and an age of changes. We must take into consideration what that entails. Obviously we wish for our revolution to occur on an international level, maybe not with weapons and death as ours was composed, but of understanding and equality. To do otherwise would be a step backwards, which is what we would do to the Persian territories if we sign this legislation into order. Like Mr. Ghulman, I find it painstaking to accept the turning over of free lands to India or Mongolia for the express purposes of acquiring more weapons of destructionl, for imperialistic gains. Such is the work of Kings and Tyrants, have we forgotten our noble cause? In the Netherlands, instead of letting the revolution cause into effect war-

                Sen. Diaz: You are a pompous aristocrat William, nothing more, you knew your power was-

                Con. Bonaparte: Order order! Please, Sen. Orange-Nassau, continue.

                Sen. Orange-Nassau: As I was saying, when I was Duke of the Low Countries, I realized that if the people wanted their own abilities to govern, then they shall have it. I didn't force the revolution on them, nor did I force the crown upon them. Such should be granted to the Persians, not only have they paid our taxes, and recieved no, I repeat, NO change in infrastructure, they have filled out the population quota for Province and yet have not been granted it. To put things quite mildly, the Persians are as slaves to the Republic. Not only should we not allow this act to be passed, but we should make some changes in Persia as well.

                Con. Bonaparte: Thank you Senator Orange, you have one minute remaining. Would you like to cede such time to Senator Collins?

                Sen. Orange-Nassau: Yes, I don't believe in partisanship.

                Con. Bonaparte: Aye, Senator Collins you have six minutes...

                Sen. Collins: Thank you Consul, as we sit here in this room, a flag hangs above our heads. Look at it gentlemen, that is the flag of the European Union. Many years ago we were marching through Persia, we had to hide because the citizens favored the Crown, they pelted us with rocks when they had the chance. We were forced into the Khazak deserts, Consul you were there, they are harsh lands indeed. We pressed on, until we came accross a man tied to a stake in the desert, he was shot, his chest was open and decaying, the sand had been soaked with his blood, a patriot's blood. We pressed north, and came accross the Mongols and Timanskij, they reported that the man had been captured. Upon further investigation, it became apparent that while in Tehran the man was taken by the Royal authorities and then butchered in the desert to test a new invention, namely Gunpowder. This man suffered for this invention, he was taken by Persians, we should reverse the process, we should acquire this technology in his name, and use it on our enemies, anyone that would oppose international revolution should be fired upon. It is in our interests as Europeans to let the other nations know that we intend on full-scale revolution.

                Sen. Orange-Nassau: Collins you are a hyprocrite, we will be giving the land to the Monarchs!

                Con. Bonaparte: Order order!

                Sen. Collins: Hold yer' toungue Dutchman, with guns we can destroy them, you sat in your f*ckin' palace while we-

                Con. Bonaparte: Please gentlemen, Order!

                Sen. Collins: marched through the desert and the swamps, and the goddam ice, you are a peice of sh-

                Con. Bonaparte: Gentlemen please, Mr. Collins continue.

                Sen. Collins: Argh, I have lost mah'self, goddam Doves always complaining like *****es in heat! Regardless gentlemen, we must get Gunpowder and establish a base in a far off land, it serves the international revolution. Viva la Europa! Viva la liberte!

                Con. Bonaparte: At this time, I will call a recess, one hour, please make haste. We convene in an hour...
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • #53
                  Con. Bonaparte: I call this session back into order, I believe Mr. Collins from Ireland last spoke. Which will bring us to the Honorable Frederick of Germany. You have five minutes.

                  Sen. Frederick: Esteemed colleagues, countrymen. I believe that, up to this point, the legislation we debate today is the most pressing and of the utmost importance to the validity of our Republic. Under the strict outline of the European Constitution, which has its roots in the old Mongolian Republic. We are posed witih an interesting question; is it in the power of our government to overturn parts of our country, and thus our people, to the power of foreign nations? Such a question cannot be decided in as quick a time as we are alloted, but we are a wise and plucky people, we shall make due. I am personally in disagreement with this act, and despite the fact that the Dove party is in disagreement with this act, I do not make my basis on the same lines as my fellow party members. Many points have been made at this session, and of the utmost importance is whether or not Persians should be considered members of the European Union. Under the credo of the European Union charter, "Any landmass within the confines of areas settled by the Caucasian race may apply for Province, as long as they have under the alloted area 100,000 people of any descent, these people must in turn vote at least 70% in favor of joining the Union." Those are our laws, that is what I am arguing. The Persians have achieved every aspect of this doctrine, and thus should have been admitted as a Province by now. However, on that same token the following law gives credence to the Hawk idea that this is proper; "The Legislature may reserve the right to seize private or public lands as long as they will be used in a manner that aides the general public, or is in keeping with legislation passed by the Senate." Thus we have our paradox.

                  Con. Bonaparte: Senator Frederick, your time has expired, however I shall grant you three more minutes.

                  Sen. Frederick: Thank you Consul. As I was saying, both sides are legally backed. Thus we have a situation where we have to decide which is the more powerful of the two. Legally the Hawk vision is, and under the terms of this agreement they CAN do this. However it requires legislative action, thus we are to decide it, there is no legal doctrines disallowing this to occur. Finally, and to my disgust, Persia has been disallowed enterance into the Union based primarily on Hawk rhetoric, they contend that Persia remained loyal to the Crown thus it should recieve no status within our Union. This very Province, France, was loyal to the crown as well, as was Germany and Austria. Do we punish them as well? I don't believe so. I think that Persia should have the right to appeal to a court for status, and claim that the legislature has broken the law in disallowing them entrance. Thank you, and God save the Union.

                  Con. Bonaparte: Alright, veered off from where I thought you were going, but such is the way of the Dove I assume. Alright, we shall begin voting at this time, there is a fifteen minute time limit on votes...

                  Total Members of the Senate: 63
                  Hawk - 38
                  Dove - 25

                  In favor - Hawk (36) Dove (6)
                  Against - Hawk (2) Dove (19)

                  Bill passes 42 to 21; Under the bill the territory of Persia is now partitioned into Federal Land and can be used under legislative action for any purpose deemed by the Senate. Taxes will continue to be levied by Persia, and ONLY Federal Law applies to the territory.
                  "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                  One Love.


                  • #54
                    "Khalid, it is time"

                    Khalid looked up, who was this child who was speaking to him? No more then 16 or 17, this little girl with such romantic notions. She had believed in, that was not right, she had believed in his ideal. He must'n regret his descions, for the people werent believing in him, who was flawed, but his ideal, which was true.

                    "Yes, its time"

                    As he walked towards the balacony of the Ministry of Science, he saw his de-facto commander and chief, Deserial, decked out in his old Commandanta's uniform. He paused for a smile

                    "You are much more then a meer frontier commander today old friend"

                    "Aye! I am a revolutionary commander! We both are."

                    "No" Khalid thoughtfully said "No, today, we are no longer revolutionaries are we?"

                    Khalid faced the red velvet curtain. It had been a bloodless revolution. For a country which celebrated its heralded victory of the barbarian hordes of the Scythians as one of its two greatest holidays, it seemed odd so few Indians on ethier side were wishing to let blood. Not that Khalid dare complained, but beyond skirmishes on the Delhi streets between rioters and police, this battle had long been won on the streets of this same city, in the famous debates of old.

                    It began as a meager trickle. European philosophers during the slightly uncouth rule of Martel and other long forgotten Kings, trekked westward to the fabled philosophers paradise of Inner India. Confronted with a rigid establishment, the elite's didnt permit these "lesser men of learning", lacking in the degrees of Madras, Bombay, and Delhi, to even enter the institutes of learning or the debate halls, much less participate in the various arguements taking place. These "street philosophers" however began to get converts among the common, especially since their message appealed to those same commoners.

                    Soon, the lessons of the street philosophers, long ignored and dismissed by the establishments arrogance, took hold. And so came the greatest of them all, a Rousseau from Paris. And so began the events, destined to lead to this.


                    Khalid snapped out of his thoughts.

                    "yes yes of course"

                    Outside they were cheering, chanting, for him.

                    "showtime I suppose"

                    Khalid stepped through the curtain.
                    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by GNGSpam (edited December 14, 2000).]</font>


                    • #55
                      Pictures from around the globe

                      The foundations for major development in Kazakhstan. Lake Balqash aims to be a center for trade in the future of the Mongolian Empire.
                      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                      • #56
                        For those interested, here are some links for statistical information regarding the game:

                        Power Graph

                        City and Unit Count

                        Top 5 Cities
                        (I personally like this list the best )
                        <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited December 14, 2000).]</font>
                        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                        • #57
                          Jerusalem, Palestine....

                          -Consul Bonaparte-

                          The dusky badlands of the Palestine serve as a stark contrast to the ornatley uniformed Consul Bonaparte. Decked out like a grand Emporer. His men hold numerous, and pointless, flags and ensigns of the old revolution, Bonaparte wallows in his nation's past but today its future stands at the forefront...

                          "Men, it has been long since I have seen these lands, they are terrible and unforgivng. But they created the man you see before you, they shall create great men of you. Today we fight against the forces of Kiya, she is an evil woman, a terrible woman. She gained power much like we have, but unlike her we did not use our plight as an excuse to oppress. We are fighting for the survival of a people, but know this men; when you are on the field of battle think not of the oppressed muslim, think not of this tyranically government passing itself as one of freedom and justice. When you fight, think of this"

                          He points to the EU flag.

                          "Think of your family, think of those before you that marched with me, and died with me! Think of yourselves, think of the people that charge at you, fighting for oppression, fighting for evil. You are galliant warriors, you are freedom fighters! This shall be your day, when you return to your homes you will be greated with fanfare, you will be heroes. This men is your proving ground, the revolution is not over, it has just begun..."

                          He walks towards the EU flag, and looks up at it, his hand in his shirt like his proverbial paintings, gazing up at the flag, posing for his men...

                          "I shall command you into battle men, I am a general, a determined general. We will not rest until all of the Muslim world is freed from the grips of the tyranical Queen Kiya. Men, now is the time to forget your rhetoric, to forget your personal gripes about the Egyptians, we are at war. If you make this personal, if you have hatred for your enemies we will lose. If one man errs, we all pay the price, we must be a well oiled machine. Sleep well tonight, enjoy the riches of Jerusalem, holy city to Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike, tommorow we embark on a journey, tommorow we finish the revolution. Viva la liberte. Viva la Europa!"

                          He then walks back into his tent...

                          &lt;font size=1 face=Arial color=444444&gt;[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited December 14, 2000).]&lt;/font&gt;
                          &lt;font size=1 face=Arial color=444444&gt;[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited December 14, 2000).]&lt;/font&gt;
                          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by The Capo (edited December 14, 2000).]</font>
                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.


                          • #58
                            "Oh Commadanta, surely you dont consider this a serious issue?"

                            "Minister, while it bears no direct bearing on our immediate safety, the flood of refugee's is overwhelming. Simply registring them and feeding them is overstretching our logistics and manpower to the limit"

                            "Yes yes I see that is an problem, but there is hardly anything I can do now is there?"

                            "That I know Minister, but you are part of a greater group, you must speak to the Lok Sabha-"

                            "But about what? What can we do? We have requested the Afrikaners stop their atrocious violence on the Muslim minority, they simply cannot accept reason. Their tradition is one of much more Zeal then ours."

                            "Minister! Beyond this being an affront to humanity and indeed civilization, their actions are causing an enormous disturbance in and Cunaxa and Hamburg. We have a large muslim population in those cities, and indeed all of Arabia. These people have an extreme kinship, and the atrocity stories coming from Cremona worry them. The pressure on the local governments is enormous."

                            "Yes yes, I understand...I shall discuss this further with my brothers in the Lok Sabha. We will be in contact."

                            "That is all I wish"


                            • #59
                              A small leather bound book is found on the streets of Choybalsan. Blood stained the golden stamp on the cover. The stamp read: Drake VII...........

                              The man begins to read a few excerpts from the book as the flame of torches light up the night sky:

                              August 9th, 685 AD

                              The grand roads of Mongolia now stretch from Bokhara to Tabriz. It's a very exciting time for me and my people. Trading will make us very wealthy indeed. This great road shall be called the "Path of the Drake" in honor of my momentous achievement.

                              February 4th, 699 AD

                              I do not understand the people. I provide and care for them with all that I am, and all I ask is that they pay a tax to the royal family. The Temples that I build to appease them are expensive! Do not they understand this? I only ask for 60% of all that they make. Is this un-reasonable? I think not, for all that I have done for them. My domestic advisor tells me that they need luxuries and comforts, but we are Mongolians! We are not like the soft and pampered white man. The reindeer have been most prevalent in the great Karelian forest of the north this year and my people are well fed. It's time they toughen up......

                              April 23rd, 703 AD

                              The people are quite mad I must say. Their obsession with religion and their beliefs has gotten out of hand. I shall send my knights to quiet the people in the streets.

                              October 11th, 703 AD

                              Ok, now I am scared! In Choybalsan, just a few hundred miles from my palace, the people are erecting what appears to be a great statue in a clearing of their western woods. I have not seen it with my own eyes, for my General will not allow me to leave the capital, due to the hostility of the rapidly growing masses. But this statue; this idol; is without a doubt a sign of rebellion. Perhaps I shall make an attempt at pleasing them with an offering of gold. What else could they want from me?

                              January 2nd, 704 AD

                              I have prepared a great chest, filled to the brim with gold, silver and gems. I prepare to offer this to the people in Choybalsan and the representatives of surrounding cities. I will ask that they disperse and stop their ludicrous demonstrations. All work on the statue shall be halted, and the resources gathered for it will be returned to their sources. I am quite certain that this will make them happy finally. If it does not, my personal guardians are quite prepared to shed some blood. I must show the people who their true leader is. After all, I am of an enlightened heritage. I shall bring the royal family along with me to ease their fears. The queen has advised me not to go, for she fears for my safety, but what would a woman know? We will depart in the morning. By weeks end my empire will be under control.

                              The man turned the page, but there were no more passages in the book.............

                              "Drake VII...........what a waste of a man!" thought the man............he held the book to the torch that he was bearing and threw the book to the ground. As the book began to catch fire, the man smiles......"It was not money we wanted you old fool, we wanted a new that didn't include you."

                              Looking up in the sky to the west the man saw a great vision- the statue had been completed, and the torch, which represented their movement shone brightly.

                              The Monarchy of Mongolia has fallen.......the Drakes shall be no more!
                              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                              • #60

                                "Yes father, I am right here!" the small boy smiled.

                                "Ah yes, you are so tiny I didn't see you there, come now, sit on my lap." the man pulled the boy to his lap and opened a book.

                                "This is a very special book to me, it is a history book, it is important to know your history my son." said the father, he turned the pages his eyes affixed to the pictures.

                                "Daddy, this is a Mongolian book"

                                "Indeed it is, see this man, this is the eighth king in the Drake dynasty of Mongo-"

                                "Like me, he is like me"

                                "What do you mean" the father was astonished looking at his son..

                                "I am Drake too!" said the boy with a large smile.

                                "Oh, yes, you are Drake too..." the man trailed off. He continued turning the pages. "Look at these pictures, it is amazing, the Mongols were great warriors"

                                "They are bastards father!" said the boy.

                                "Who told you this?" asked the father.

                                "Uncle Mick, he told me that the Mongols were the worst people, was Michael lying?" asked the boy as he put his head on his father's shoulder.

                                "Don't call him uncle, he is a terrible man son, do not be like him, I don't like you hanging around him anymore, okay?" said the father.

                                "I promise Daddy... Daddy?" asked the child.

                                "Yes son?"

                                "Why are our skins differant?" the son asked as he placed his hand on his father's hand.

                                "Everyone is differant son, even relatives, but we are all the same, we are all equal." said the father.

                                "All the other boys have the same skins as their daddies, but not me." said the son as he looked down to the ground, a small frown on his face.

                                "If you only knew how important you are son, you come from a grand family."

                                "Yes daddy, BONAPARTE! I am Drake Bonaparte!" The boy was interrupted as the door opened and a man entered with some papers.

                                "Consul, the report from Turkey, it is quite interesting we have a fleet headed-"

                                "I am with my son Gregory, place them on my desk, send for Senator Michael Collins, thank you..."
                                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                                One Love.

