The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Last time we played I was told we were taking off 2 weeks, and that we would resume play on Jan. 10.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Mr Dimbleby (edited January 04, 2001).]</font>
Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.
Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.
After a long, life threatening journey through the Himalayas, Mongolian traders have finally reached the Indian controlled country of Bangladesh. Here, they hope to interest local merchants in silk and gold.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
"Batu, the word has arrived from the front!" yelled an anxious young Mongol from the streets in front of the Karakorum palace.
Batu walked to his balcony with a gleem in his eyes. He was confident that his armies had been victorious, but he was still nervous. The Europeans were still an army to be reckoned with.
"It has been a rout! The White man has been driven back from our sacred land! They ran to the mountains like scared little children!" yelled the Mongol.
Batu smiled....."Quick boy, come up here and tell me all about the good news!"...
The young Mongol knealt before Batu as he walked into his chambers. From his satchel, he pulled out a small scroll. He began to read:
Greatest Batu,
It is with the greatest pride that I send this messenger to you. Our armies have been victorious in the steppes just south of the Urals. Our clearly marked territory had been desecrated by the white man's presence and so we dispatched knights to deal with the situation. We quickly learned that there were three divisions of forces in our homeland. A legion, and a troop composed of archers and Crusaders. Apparently their "invasion" was poorly thought out and a rout ensued.
Our well trained veteran knights first slaughtered the archers and crusaders in a mighty display of ferocity and strength. The knights returned to Bayanhongor wounded and tired, but as heroes.
In the second battle, years later, a European band of Crusaders attempted to rush our musketeers who had been fortified just outside the Bayanhongor city limits. This attack quickly turned into a shooting gallery and was squished like a bug. It took weeks to clear the white man's bodies from the desert sands.
Our third and final victory to report was a message to Europe. The legion troop who initially had entered our territory were on the run to the West. Those cowards! Bayanhongor's finest division of Crusaders quickly caught up with the fleeing Legionnaires and in a surprise attack, killed them effortlessly. They will know now that we are not to be played with. It's almost sad that there had to be so many casualties, but being that the whites are sub-human, the guilt involved with killing a human was removed.
And so ended the first encounter with Europe's pathetic army. Your recent investment into the Mongolian military has payed off. I hope your men have brought you as much pride as they have brought me. Hope all is well in Karokorum. Please send the good word to my son in Bokhara.
General Tughrik
Batu smiled and thanked the messenger for his prompt arrival. He then sent him off to bring word to the people of Bokhara and other eastern provinces.
With an evil grin on his face: "This is just the beginning............."
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Paris University
Document 544
================================================== =====
After Years of unrest in the new Democratic States of India, SunTzu II and his family: Margaret and SunTzu III his Son, were drove out of India by ex-King Neria. SunTzu II and his family moved to Paris in the European Union.
Margaret, the sister of Napoleon Bonaparte was secretly leading the terrorist group, The Red Mask.
Who was secretly planning on the overthrow of Napoleon and the Republic European Union.
Ten years after fleeing to Paris, SunTzu II was murdered in the street by Bonapartists. Enraged SunTzu III took arms with his mother and planed the assination of Napoleon.
On July 14, 870AD SunTzu III and The Army of The Red Mask, stormed the presidential palace in Paris along with 10,000 other parisians.
SunTzu III murdered Napoleon and dragged his body through the streets and throwing him into the Siene River. SunTzu III, now the age of 26, took control of the European Union, and renamed the country the Democratic Union of Europe.
================================================== =====
Years have passed since the Arabaic Wars have taken place. The captured European civilans who have lived under European control for hundreds of years cried out for their savoirs to free them from the opressive Egyptians.
SunTzu III knew in his heart that he could not let his people suffer.
He thus declared unconditional war on the Democracy of Egypt, on the grounds of oppression of European civilans.
The First attack came at Antioch and Damascus. The Evil and treacherous Egyptians bribed, Antioch and Damascus, while killing thousands of civilians.
Two Caravels filled to the brim with European Crusaders from Rome set sail for the port city of Tripoli in the Egyptian homeland.
The Egyptians broke the Gilbralter defenses and landed in Lisbon virtually unmolested. Taking Lisbon they have gained control on the European continent.
The Romans landed on all sides of Tripoli but were forced into the sea after killing the military fortified in the city and then burned the major residential area of tripoli.
10,000 military and civilian losses were recorded in the Battle of Tripoli.
================================================== =====
Batu's forces grew and grew and Europe's army was deployed to Russia to engage in the Ural War. A most bloody battle ensued in years to come and both sides were dealt great losses. In the year 1280, after years of fighting it came to an end................
The rest will have to occur in your imagination, for Ultradip has seen it's last week this week. It is a sad announcement I must make, but I feel the players and community must know why.
1) Though it was good intentioned, the world is just too damn big to do anything constructive. The 255 city limit crippled the possibility of having a worldly community.
2) Rounds were taking forever and in the frame of a game, we were really just at the beginning.
3) There wasn't a great deal of interaction between the players. (ie:There wasn't enough diplomacy for a diplo game)
4) Anonymous players have expressed an interest to end this game for quite some time for above reasons, and perpetuating a game that had lost it's interest doesn't make much sense.
5) There was no posting really.
6) Various other reasons that don't involve me.
To round it up, it just got too boring to continue. I really wanted to beat the diplo curse of games folding up, but this is an obstacle that is un-able to be negotiated. You can't breathe life into a dead horse. Don't ask me where I got that expression, I don't know.
So, from the Drake Dynasty, and the Fundamentalist nutcases, Tsaatan and Batu, I bid the Ultimate Diplomatic game fairwell. It's un-fortunate that Genghis Khan will never make an appearance. He was to be born in two or three centuries.........
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited January 12, 2001).]</font>
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Well that's too bad, I was enjoying financing (thru tech) Egypt's wars with Europe.
Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.
You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
your head and **** down your neck!
Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.
Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.
im out also. It was a good game, but the problems Drake mentioned ruined it.
To big, turns took to long. War was a ridiculous enterprise, because there was to much space, it was impossible to conduct. The only succesful campigian in the game was through bribing, which was amazingly easy because of the epic Empire size of all of us. The turns took ENTIRELY too long. I begged for a time limit, but guys, this last session, I was playing N64 while the game went on and barely noticed anything. Im sure thats bad, but when it takes 30 minutes to complete ONE turn, youve gotten ridiculous.
Anyways, im glad we played the game, and hopefully we can learn from these mistakes. Id like another Wenseday night game, just smaller map =)
I think it is wrong to end this game now! We should play until the end no matter how boring it is at the moment; Its civ; it will always be fun again..
..After we have played 10(?)-12(?) times, and for a total of 50-60 hours (all of them at the night between 01 and 05-06) it is "stupid" to "throw them away" by ending the game.. ..i really tought that this game would be played until the end; this game would be THE game that would "stand the test of time".. .. but nope, we ended this game too before its time. .its sad.
Anyway; i guess this is final, and we will never play this game again.. (wich i dont hope); so i wishes to thank everybody for a great game and a great civ experience for me. I, for once, had a great time! It was the first diplogame i have ever played, and it was fun from the first years until the end.. Everything, (except its ending), has been worth some nights sleep and lost math-classes. Thanks for a great game everybody!.
..and i hope that we will play a game together again some time, if you start a new game (preferably on a better time.. please let me know if you do.. (..and I promise to be better at making posts, talking with people, etc, if we play another game)..
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by ml_4da3 (edited January 12, 2001).]</font>
While I don't believe in formally ending a Diplogame, I guess its been done. There's not much left to say about this game, it was good, but it had too much going against it from the start.
I knew American was funding Egypt the entire time, I think that's basic international knowledge of the EU's claims against our "brothers" accross the drink. But whatever, the point is moot...
The game ended, when it did at least, based on the actions of one person, I expect this person to take full responsability for what he had done to this game, he couldn't help it, it was tempting to do, any other method, any other action would have resulted in wasted time and resources. This person, again knows who he is, and he should be utterly ashamed of himself, even when I tried to reason with him, when I tried to tell him not to do what he did, that the game would be destroyed if he did it, he continued, he only cared about himself and not the others......
His name is the Capo.
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
I thought you were talking about me, i was about to say. Its no ones fault the game ended. I didn't mind the long turns, it was the size of the map. If the game designers wouldn't have put a stupid limit to nearly everything in the game, the game would be more entertaining.
Sid, i hope your listening, NO LIMITS IN CIV3!
Magnus, the only reason you want to continue is your in the lead with 60 cities. Youve already taken advantage of the system by intentially grabbing as many cities as you could to reach the limit with an unfair advantage, then your persued a campigian of bribing cities for Capos sub. Quite frankly for all your dedication you were underhanded and not very fun to play with. Im glad you want to continue systematically bribing a someones subs cities, but im not having any fun, nethier is anyone else.
Well it did piss me off everytime he bribed my cities. But hey i think it was legal to bribe so no harm done. You war monger you! lol
Can't wait till the next diplo game