yup there a few sites out there...but so many are long gone....
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City size
The answer is 'yes'.
This is due to the fact that, when you deliver a food caravan, there are 2 consequences (similar to the 'One Time Bonus' and the 'Continuing Trade Route' for commodity caravans):
1) 1/2 box of food in the food box of the destination city.
2) A 'food route', 1 food/turn transfered from the Source City to the Destination City during all following turns until the route is destroyed.
If you send 20 food caravans to a city, let us say your SSC, the 'cost' is 1 food route if all food caravans come from 1 city and 20 food routes if they come from 20 different cities.
(make your choice)
Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
What does SSC stand for?
I knew about 1 and 2, I just thought you guys knew some extra cheat.
I've read how some people build up a city with squads of caravans which is a technique that I haven't tried. I'm still pondering if I like the idea. Using food caravans is an aspect of the game that I seem to ignore, perhaps to my own detriment.No greater love has one than to lay down their life for a friend.
Originally posted by sirsnuggles
What does SSC stand for?Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
Discworld Scenario: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...8&pagenumber=1
POMARJ Scenario:http://www.apolyton.com/forums/showt...8&pagenumber=1
LOST LEGIONS Scenario:http://www.apolyton.com/forums/showt...hreadid=169464
Originally posted by sirsnuggles I ask because I never use food caravans (I like to use all three caravan slots for trade only).
Food trade routes are only necessary if you have planned your city site really badly, or if you want to take advantage of a 4-special site with no decent food-producing land. Take a caravan from a city with a large surplus and it will give your starving friends one wheat per turn and half the food box upon delivery. Once you have managed to irrigate the hills or desert or whatever and your city can grow normally then you simply have to send another caravan back to the host city to cancel it.
Food caravans are a great thing though, and all my wonders are built with them. You can have your three commodities on ships to distant corners of the globe while the food caravans hang around inside your wonder city waiting until you discover the tech.
Originally posted by duke o' york
Food caravans are a great thing though, and all my wonders are built with them. You can have your three commodities on ships to distant corners of the globe while the food caravans hang around inside your wonder city waiting until you discover the tech.Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
Discworld Scenario: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...8&pagenumber=1
POMARJ Scenario:http://www.apolyton.com/forums/showt...8&pagenumber=1
LOST LEGIONS Scenario:http://www.apolyton.com/forums/showt...hreadid=169464
Originally posted by duke o' york
Once you have managed to irrigate the hills or desert or whatever and your city can grow normally then you simply have to send another caravan back to the host city to cancel it.
If a food freight is sent from a large city to a small one there is a half-way house result. The despatching city will neither lose a trade route in the city screen nor have its food decreased. The only result will be found in the receiving city which has half its food box filled.
SG(2)"Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
"One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit
This stands to reason because you only get to see the top three paying trade routes on the city screen and since food doesn't pay anything then it wouldn't appear but it is still effective and you can see it on your resource screen:No greater love has one than to lay down their life for a friend.
Originally posted by SG
The situation isn't as simple as that. By sending any food caravan from the SSC you run a risk of losing a proper trade route and replacing it with a food route! This will weaken the arrow power of the Science City.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment