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The Belorussian Front HQ - (Darius)

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  • #31
    Re: Let me just say

    Originally posted by Colwyn
    that when you kill some units in summer 41 it just spawns 4 more!
    Suspicions confirmed Damn fascists!
    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


    • #34
      Now that would be telling..

      My lips are sealed, oh yes I'd love another bottle of vodka comrade ..................

      but I susspose I can twust the wommand staff.

      PKV IV's tanks but not the Grp2 ones
      Wermarch but not the Wermarch SG
      Stukas but not other aircraft type

      Avoid killing these types in summer 41, but get the rest.

      They spawn a little behind the front in cities and fortress's
      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


      • #35
        Re: Now that would be telling..

        Originally posted by Colwyn
        They spawn a little behind the front in cities and fortress's
        This is truely evil, those dam facists!
        *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


        • #36
          When do they stop spawning? In October 1942, I counted 42 Pkw IVs thrown against Rostov. And I didn't think to start counting until the stream of tanks was looking like it would be endless.

          I'm guessing that particular wave of panzers was events-generated... but does the spawning generally stop in winter 1941?
          "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

          "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
          "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


          • #37
            Spawing AI units

            Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
            When do they stop spawning? In October 1942, I counted 42 Pkw IVs thrown against Rostov. And I didn't think to start counting until the stream of tanks was looking like it would be endless.

            I'm guessing that particular wave of panzers was events-generated... but does the spawning generally stop in winter 1941?
            Pretty much german killed units spawning ceases after summer 41, but events generate units for most of the game for the AI as they don't build them in their cities till much later ie 44-45

            Kill and not be killed at all after summer 41 is the plan. Attack and then retreat back to cities is the way to do it.
            Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


            • #38
              Action Report for Sept 1941

              Germans enter the city of Minsk but are beaten back by partisans and a cosack calvery(see pic) storming though the city lobbing off german heads. Soviet Advance halted after a I-16 reports over 40 german divisions to the west of Minsk.
              I-16 kills 4 SS units in the marshes during the recon(see pic)

              Labor brigades start building a minefield b/w the forests, covered by a AA unit and PE2 bomber, that same pe2 destroys a panzergranider division to its north. Moscow divisions made their way West to shore up Smolensk reserves.

              I-16 ambush's 7 Ju88's heading towards vietsbsk and damages a Panzer III before crashing.

              Misc Wermarch SG and Panzer III's killed in/near the minefields NE of Viesbsk.
              Attached Files
              Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


              • #39
                Impressive work Comrade! More commanders should post pictures like this.
                Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


                • #40
                  Are you actually going to try to hold Minsk??
                  Sea Kings TOT

                  Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                  Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


                  • #41
                    Hold Minsk

                    Of course I'm going to try to hold minsk, comrade stalin would kill me otherwise.

                    On the other hand trying is not the same as succeeding, minsk will fall end September unless I get 10 kv1's moved to minsk this turn.

                    (translation - no we won't be trying to hold minsk but I will recapture it if its lightly defended ie 1 Wermacht SG last time.
                    Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                    • #42
                      Action report for Oct

                      The salient is holding! By elliminating german stageing area's in the area (City's/Fortress's) the hun have to mount attacks from afar and get caught up in my blocking zones. I then knock them off at my lesure and retreat back into the city.

                      The building of a few 1-16's has worked wonders as they knock off the Ju-88's in front of the AA batteries. Russian pilots sacrifice their lives on these one way missions. (fuel range )

                      Assistance i need from other commanders inc :

                      CRITICAL - Moving a motorised inf and 2 i-16's from Kiev to gomel(undefended), these 3 units will just be slaughted anyway but they can hold gomel for another turn or so and stop the german's from "spawning there" you will also help the ukraniun front big time as well as the belorussian with this act. please comrade....

                      Other cities : Build cosacks(rush buy) even if you expect them to fall soon, its costs so little but could hold the germans for a extra turn rather than having one advance german unit taking the city and giving them a new stageing ground to attack the same turn with 6* PKzIv's hummels etc.
                      Attached Files
                      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                      • #43
                        Re: Action report for Oct

                        By elliminating german stageing area's in the area (City's/Fortress's) the hun have to mount attacks from afar and get caught up in my blocking zones.
                        Wait, you arent destroying fortresses are you? This is against the rules. What do you mean?
                        Sea Kings TOT

                        Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                        Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


                        • #44

                          No I'm not destroying them, by elliminating I mean soviet units hold those positions esp fortress's which we often ignore.

                          This is a new stratagy that seems to be working well, need AA's though in fortress's with roads pillages to stop short tanks and german artillery short.
                          Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                          • #45
                            Oh, ok
                            Sea Kings TOT

                            Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                            Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!

