Maybe you can combine your attacks with comrade Henrikov? If he attacks Tallinn at the same time you take the other cities, we will have some secured fronts, and comrade Henrikov could have his troops ready to invade Germany or attack Finnland, what is needed most, without having to garrison Leningrad with most of his troops.
No announcement yet.
North-West Front HQ
Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.
Yes, I could, and I will, but I need to make sure everything else is brought up to speed with it. Because if I take the city and it doesn't have city walls, I am screwed. I want to move all together to ensure I can get this all done quickly and then consolidate. Also I am still moving the engineers into Kholm, so until they get there I can't rebuild roads. Move faster!Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game
Its now sept the time is ripe to attack you have built up good forces, onwards comrades before the butts of your soldiers rot.---------------------------------------------
Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.
The status: the engineers were slightly too far away so now they are one or two spaces away from the gap. Next turn they will build the road and at the same time I will launch the attack. I managed to occupy the fortress east of Riga, but there is a stack of German units on a river square 2 squares away and there is an arillery unit there But I still have many forces. And if winter comes, I will still be prepared as I have cossacks, siberian guards, and red guards, and I still should be able to wallop the Germans.
So until next turn...Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game
Success! With no unit loss, Pskov, Daugavpils, and Riga were secured! Army Group North has been drawn, quartered, and annihilated! Here is the sggested plan for my successor: first secure the current holdings. Then if possible, take Kaunas and Vilnius (a road will have to be built one square north of Daugavpils). Then maybe you may want to make a raid on Konigsburg or attack Talinn to help the Baltic front destroy the Estonian Pocket. Good luckGeorgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game
Comrade Soldiers of the NW front:
Comrades, I have sad news for the Rodina. Our glorious General Anzyakov, while leading his grand offensive in liberating the northern workers of our nation, suffered a grave wound while leading his troops courageously into battle. The wound, while severe, is not fatal, though he may become a cripple. However, he will be unable to lead his front for some time.
Due to an expected shortage of generals, the Marshall and the Politburo have granted me a field command and I have transferred here to command you brave soldiers into combat. And trust me, before I was a *beancounter* , I was killing counter-revolutionaries by hand, for your freedom, during the Civil War, while you still nursed from your mother in your petty villages along the Volga!
We shall continue the advance, and free the Baltics and all Soviet territory from the facist menace who have oppressed your families. Then we shall enter Germany, and bring the benefits of true socialism throughout Europe. For Lenin, Stalin, and the Revolution!!! Onwards!!!!
No can do on the katyusha in Demyansk. The city is locked down by civil unrestSea Kings TOT
Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!
Hopefully then the NKVD can check it, or else I'll go in and fix it next turn when the game finally gets moving again. (My soldiers are tired of sitting in the tanks, they want action under their new general).
The Germans have countered attacked, and air recon has picked up large formations of German troops near Konigsberg and Kaunas. I shall need healthy troops and my own reinforcements brought up before I can continue. For some reason, Siberians and KV-1's are fortified in the rear on my front. My plan shall be to wait and try a winter offensive to take either Kaunas or Konigsberg.
Local offensives to cement gains, 13 German divisions destroyed by tired but advancing Soviet troops. Riga is reinforced with another KV-1, my goal is to have two per front city, especially if they are weak and half strength as they are now. Is the Baltic front to relieve me as soon as Talinn is connected to Riga via road?
And a pretty picture of the front after I thinned out the Germans a bit by killing a few stacks before retreating. Still plenty of targets left.Last edited by PinkyGen; July 8, 2003, 23:58.
3 German Wehrmacht divisions and one Panzer division destroyed as the troops travel through snow to the outskirts of Konigbersg. Only the the winter snows prevented attack this month, but rest assured, next month the city will fall, then on into Kaunas. It may not be as glorious as the Belorussian front, who may beat us to Danzig by skipping by Kaunas , but we will enter Germany, and once the weather clears, my smaller forces can really take off.
Henrik, If you aren't going to do anything with that transport in Riga, next turn I'd like to use it to lift my then healed KV-1 and Katyusha to Konigsberg.
Advances on Two Fronts!!!
Advances on Two Fronts:
1.German infantry divisions attempt to counter-attack out of Kaunas, but they are ambushed and easily destroyed in the open. All divisions destroyed, and this greatly eased in our efforts to triumphantly capture the city!! 154 rubles were liberated after our katyusha’s and tank hunters bravely stormed the city. Our glorious troops then used Kaunas as a base to attack the forward German infantry in the rear, catching them by surprise and annihilating them. About 10-12 German Infantry divisons were destroyed in this endevour, the Germans were hindered by overcrowding their troops in this endevour.
2. The once "Free City of Danzig" is free once more, free to fly the red banner that is. I stole a Red Guard out of Konigsberg, and killed him, so Henrik can take one of mine. Danzig was taken, 280 rubles, and with anti-tank defenses and barracks intact. It also has a naval base and air force base!!! Around 3 German infantry divisions killed, as well as one AA battery.
Other news: German hedgehog destroyed by Kholm.
Henrik, I also have a tank hunter in Riga I would like sent to the front in either the transport or road repair. I am sending a Labor Brigade to assist in road repair, but it is some distance away.
Also, I have a labor battalions between Khoml and Pskov I am not using.
That is it, if I forget anything, feel free to do it while I am gone.