let me organize this:
26. Dissident
Former Usernames: (Krushala [1317 posts], Puaxant Tuvip [399 posts], Black Bart, Dissident Agressor)
Famous DL's: (Barfasm, Fistful of Steel, Ass Clown, Ass Puppet, Capo, Dark Helmet, Hellfire, Maryjane, ***** Galore, Rock Superstar, Thrasher)
Usernumber: #5009
Real Name: Jim Krushala???
Age Group: June 24, 1973 (30 yrs)
Nationality: American
Lives: America
Registered: April/May 1999
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Humor, AC
His former login- Krushala had a 660% victory rating in the AC ladders on thinker level
Here’s some information on dissident’s DL’s and their registered emails:
Ass Puppet evilbeavisempire@aol.com
Barfasm gridironbeavis@aol.com
Capo gridironman@freewwweb.com
Dark Helmet beavis3zeus@aol.com
Dissident dssdt@lvcm.com
Hellfire edgcrusha2@aol.com
Krushala jimkrsa@aol.com
Maryjane maryfreakinjane@aol.com
Puaxant Tuvip nuvagantu@aol.com
***** Galore armenius3hermann@aol.com
Rock Superstar ahaymo@aol.com
And on May 26, 2001 he received a 50% PCR for the DL-ish work described above; setting back his post count considerably; however, he persevered and managed to reach emperor level once again in Februrary 2003!
Last Updated 8/mar/03
Real Name: James or Jim H.
Lives: Las Vegas, NV, USA
website: http://www.geocities.com/Krusher3X/ (it's pretty crappy and I never update it
Contribution to Apolyton: AC forums in 99. Civ2 and Civ3 forums. Other Games- esp. with regards to RPG's, Major Off-topic poster (Libertarian/Conservative/Troll). And Civ3 PTW demo game and inter-site demo game.
other notes: I also had a 10% PCR a couple of months ago for spam in the Apolyton/Community forum. In addition to my 50% PCR above.
26. Dissident
Former Usernames: (Krushala [1317 posts], Puaxant Tuvip [399 posts], Black Bart, Dissident Agressor)
Famous DL's: (Barfasm, Fistful of Steel, Ass Clown, Ass Puppet, Capo, Dark Helmet, Hellfire, Maryjane, ***** Galore, Rock Superstar, Thrasher)
Usernumber: #5009
Real Name: Jim Krushala???
Age Group: June 24, 1973 (30 yrs)
Nationality: American
Lives: America
Registered: April/May 1999
Had/Has A Website: ?
Contribution to Apolyton: Humor, AC
His former login- Krushala had a 660% victory rating in the AC ladders on thinker level
Here’s some information on dissident’s DL’s and their registered emails:
Ass Puppet evilbeavisempire@aol.com
Barfasm gridironbeavis@aol.com
Capo gridironman@freewwweb.com
Dark Helmet beavis3zeus@aol.com
Dissident dssdt@lvcm.com
Hellfire edgcrusha2@aol.com
Krushala jimkrsa@aol.com
Maryjane maryfreakinjane@aol.com
Puaxant Tuvip nuvagantu@aol.com
***** Galore armenius3hermann@aol.com
Rock Superstar ahaymo@aol.com
And on May 26, 2001 he received a 50% PCR for the DL-ish work described above; setting back his post count considerably; however, he persevered and managed to reach emperor level once again in Februrary 2003!
Last Updated 8/mar/03
Real Name: James or Jim H.
Lives: Las Vegas, NV, USA
website: http://www.geocities.com/Krusher3X/ (it's pretty crappy and I never update it

Contribution to Apolyton: AC forums in 99. Civ2 and Civ3 forums. Other Games- esp. with regards to RPG's, Major Off-topic poster (Libertarian/Conservative/Troll). And Civ3 PTW demo game and inter-site demo game.
other notes: I also had a 10% PCR a couple of months ago for spam in the Apolyton/Community forum. In addition to my 50% PCR above.