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The Apolyton 100: Comments/Suggestions

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  • let me organize this:

    26. Dissident
    Former Usernames: (Krushala [1317 posts], Puaxant Tuvip [399 posts], Black Bart, Dissident Agressor)
    Famous DL's: (Barfasm, Fistful of Steel, Ass Clown, Ass Puppet, Capo, Dark Helmet, Hellfire, Maryjane, ***** Galore, Rock Superstar, Thrasher)
    Usernumber: #5009
    Real Name: Jim Krushala???
    Age Group: June 24, 1973 (30 yrs)
    Nationality: American
    Lives: America
    Registered: April/May 1999
    Had/Has A Website: ?
    Contribution to Apolyton: Humor, AC


    His former login- Krushala had a 660% victory rating in the AC ladders on thinker level

    Here’s some information on dissident’s DL’s and their registered emails:

    Ass Puppet
    Dark Helmet
    Puaxant Tuvip
    ***** Galore
    Rock Superstar

    And on May 26, 2001 he received a 50% PCR for the DL-ish work described above; setting back his post count considerably; however, he persevered and managed to reach emperor level once again in Februrary 2003!

    Last Updated 8/mar/03


    Real Name: James or Jim H.
    Lives: Las Vegas, NV, USA
    website: (it's pretty crappy and I never update it )
    Contribution to Apolyton: AC forums in 99. Civ2 and Civ3 forums. Other Games- esp. with regards to RPG's, Major Off-topic poster (Libertarian/Conservative/Troll). And Civ3 PTW demo game and inter-site demo game.

    other notes: I also had a 10% PCR a couple of months ago for spam in the Apolyton/Community forum. In addition to my 50% PCR above.
    Last edited by Dis; March 24, 2003, 15:16.


    • Originally posted by DarkCloud
      Shadowstrike- I do my best

      Anyways, I'll make certain that the list always grows to include all emperors They deserve the recognition!
      A worthy goal, though by the time I became emperor the point where it guaranteed a place in the top hundred had been passed, because I was still 102 or something similar. So in the future maybe you will be doing the 'Poly 150.


      • I'm not much for lists as I consider it to be not that much more than ego-boosters for most people. Anyhow it wouldn't hurt to give you some information about me as you considers it to be sad that so little is known about me... Not gonne write a lot as I don't think it's that necissary.

        Edits in bold:

        86. Kropotkin
        Former Usernames: none
        Famous DL's?: none
        Real Name: -
        Age Group: 25 years old
        Nationality: Swedish
        Lives: European Umeå, Sweden
        Registered: 2-15-99
        Had/Has A Website: No
        Contribution to Apolyton: Civ II, CTP, Civ III and OT

        He came back in February 2001 and stayed till June, debating in the Civilization II and III sections, then, more or less, disappeared from the On Topic. Rarely posts on topic anymore because he doesn't own any of the newer games. However a frequent off topic poster. A fantatical fan of the Championship Manager series. Quite a unconvetional lefty anarchist, more of a realist than an idealist.


        • DC,

          'Tis a very interesting work that you do in quantitative analysis. I just wonder if there isn't a good way to do a more qualitative analysis of the posters here on apolyton.

          While the number of posts is important, I think a similar example would be if we ranked countries by the number of people they have. According to the US Census Bureau the order would be: China (1,286,975,468), India (1,049,700,118), United States (290,342,554), Indonesia (234,893,453), Brazil (182,032,604), Pakistan (150,694,740), Russia (144,526,278), Bangladesh (138,448,210), Nigeria (133,881,703), Japan (127,214,499). While the number of people (a quantitative analysis) is interesting, I don't think it truly reflects an actual ranking of the "top" countries in the world.

          If only we could implement a sort of qualitative way to look at the users, such as a words per post stat, in combination with the quantitative stat, then I think a more true top 100 would form.

          As this top 100 stands, I think it encourages abuse of the forums (which may not be an entirely bad thing).

          Just food for thought.


          • Words per post stats is also quantative data. The description is qualitative information.


            • After thinking about it last night, you're right Kropotkin. Words per post is a quantitative stat. But I think it has a little more correlation to a top 100 list than does number of posts.


              • But one should not penalise succinctness.......after all, it is brevity that is the soul of wit, not words per post.


                • DC, I was thinking, if you are at a loose end and want to do something slightly different to the hall of fame and top 100, you could do a Top # Avatars. People vote for their favourite avatars that various posters have used.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • Nice Idea BC

                    Have you just dusted your extended english vocabulary dictionairy?
                    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                    • Originally posted by alva


                      Have you just dusted your extended english vocabulary dictionairy?
                      No, it's called eloquence.......perhaps you could try it sometime.


                      • Originally posted by DrSpike
                        But one should not penalise succinctness.......after all, it is brevity that is the soul of wit, not words per post.
                        WPP was just one suggestion. It's hard to measure quality (a top 100) in a forum. I just think that there are better ways to measure the quality of members contributions than straight # of posts.


                        • Well, first off (if we go with the words per post idea) I don't think it's possible to do it in any practical way but that's beyond me. Secondly, even the number of words per post can be a crude way to measure as some people are able to put forth quite elaborate ideas and thoughts with fewer words but would get stuck with spammers while some people write on and on about the most pointless detail. Like this one for example.


                          • Originally posted by badams52
                            I just think that there are better ways to measure the quality of members contributions than straight # of posts.
                            But that's not the point of the list. Its for the top 100 posters i.e. those with the top 100 post counts, not for the 100 Best posters, i.e. those with the best posts.

                            Which would be impossible to quantify and rank IMO.
                            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                            • Originally posted by Immortal Wombat

                              But that's not the point of the list. Its for the top 100 posters i.e. those with the top 100 post counts, not for the 100 Best posters, i.e. those with the best posts.

                              Which would be impossible to quantify and rank IMO.
                              Well with the way some people carry on about their placement...


                              • not for the 100 Best posters, i.e. those with the best posts.
                                so that's why I'm not in the list

