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Why was this allowed to continue?

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  • #46
    nothing puritan about rape AH... I dont think it was real anyway,,,

    it doesnt matter how old the girl was, it is all a question of did she consent or not..
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • #47
      Get over it people

      And we don't know the answer to that question
      Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

      Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


      • #48
        when your as ugly as he is you need to rape little girls to get sex... I guess tha texplains it all
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #49
          I agree it was inappropriate

          Are you the father of daughters Raz? I suspect that some of those most upset about this are. I can understand that.
          Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

          Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


          • #50
            More answers to interesting posts...

            Since I consider this post the most foolish, I will begin here;
            Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui

            Exactly, this is what makes me mad about Chris's whining (which has become very very annoying lately) about the mods!
            And just what "whining" would that be, Imran, that I expect them to do there jobs?
            Stop trying to be such a company suckup, they gave you the title.
            There is a thread called "I'm a pig". I wouldn't even open it unless I was very bored.
            And what do you think my link in the first thread is to?
            Usually I don't click on threads like that. Interestingly Mods don't read EVERY thread. This is something you should TRY to understand.
            I know it full well, and I also know that there are supposed to be rules of conduct.
            This is public to prove a point, that went straight over your head, and a lot of others.
            Yoy, and the site managers, basiccally don't give a damn about women, or their rights.
            You have to report a thread to a mod and if you didn't, then stop whining.
            I'm not a mod, and it isn't my job to be one, or to act as one, and I wouldn't want to be one.
            Stop trying to kiss mark's ass, it's quite unbecoming.
            The fact is, a lot of you only care about pendantic bullsh1t, but when confronted by rape and child abuse, as well as degrading and hurtful remarks to women, you turn into a giant "oldboys network", complete with this nonsense spindoctoring your attempting with you "stop whining" comments".
            Mods don't look at everything!
            I'm fully aware of that, in case you haven't noticed, one of them is a really good friend of one.
            The point is, most of you didn't care about this, but a bullsh1t troll about religion throws the lot of you up in arms.
            Time to start rethinking your priorities in the real world.

            Sheesh, some threads are like walking on eggshells for some of you. What we don't understand is why he wanted to drag us into this sordid little episode, if it wasn't just a plain old troll, which is what I personally suspect.
            The real point is not about walking on egg shells, Provost, but my attempt to get some of the more chauvanistic of you towards women that your attitude is rude and hurtful. I'll take the shots, and the critisim of what I post, but the callousness of many of the posters here is amazing.
            You feel because the few woman that we have here say nothing, it's alright with them.

            Some have contacted me privatly since I started this, and don't want to come foward because of just the attitudes displayed by many of you in these posts.
            The fact that someone like Imran, who is intelligent, views moral outrage as whining, proves the point spendidly.
            A lot of you just don't get it.
            And no, I won't ever reveal whom they are.
            and now to Siro:
            Yeah, but that isn't exactly the same as raping some girl in the sense that you tie her up and violently rape her. I'm not familiar with the law terms, but I don't think that should be dealt in the same way.
            Anytime a woman, or in this case, a girl says no, it is rape.
            Forget leagal nicities. Try to see this from the victim's perspective.

            I'm sorry but I really didn't understand how was eli's thread degrading to women. If anything it showed how stupid men usually are. And if every topic containing details about a sexual act is degrading towards women, then I'm really sorry they have no way to relieve themselves of their urges without degrading themselves.

            It also seemed to me like that thread was written by a woman. If anything, the "If man wrote Cosmo" thread was much more degrading. And it was a joke also.
            I only broought that up to prove a point about the moderation of the site.
            Read it again, it is.

            I still don't care if you make a joke about blacks or jews. It's a joke. If you go saying blacks or jews are sub-human, that's when I start to worry.
            I cannot disagree with this more. Most of that kind of thing implied it. So does what i'm talking about here.

            That's not a joke. Hence, it is meant to be rude and offensive.
            That comes down to what is considered what by guidelines, which, as i remember, were cut and pasted in that thread, and showed that it was in clear violation of forym guidelines.

            Imran has numerously said things like : "Shut up jew", Mao said: "Aah! jewish invasion!" and Ecthelion said too maany things for me to remember. I wasn't hurt by that. Infact other people often got over protective and were angry at Ecthelion for his jokes. I think they're being too strict. It's one thing singing about bathing in jewish blood and another joking about jews taking over the world.
            Maybe you wern't but, as you point out, others were.
            I can try to understand how can you see it as such.
            I glad that you are trying, and I mean that.

            I could add more, but this is enough.

            My point is there, take it or leave it.

            Most of you will leave it, and to you, I say, you are not worth my time, so don't bother answering. You know how I feel.

            Many more agreed with me, and they are worth the time.

            Maybe someday, the rest of you will understand why.
            Last edited by Chris 62; July 5, 2001, 01:34.
            I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
            i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


            • #51
              Oh get over it Chris

              This is getting REALLY boring.
              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


              • #52
                Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                Doesn't sound like consent. Sounds like he got her drunk and overwhelmed her.

                Yeah, but that isn't exactly the same as raping some girl in the sense that you tie her up and violently rape her. I'm not familiar with the law terms, but I don't think that should be dealt in the same way.

                I find your comments dispicable. I hope that you never have to deal with the aftermath of something like this and in doing so discover how utterly insensitive your views are. You have no idea what rape is and what it does to a woman. I suggest you take a few minutes to fully read what you have said. It has nothing to do with legal terms and everything to do with a man forcing himself on a woman, this case a child. The only people that are worse than the actuall perps are the people who explain it away. To be honest, I don't know if this is a troll or not, but some of you are having a good laugh over it. It's not entertainment. It's not some teenage right and it's not something to explain away.

                Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                • #53
                  Re: Oh get over it Chris

                  Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
                  This is getting REALLY boring.
                  Then don't read the thread. No one is forcing you.
                  Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                  • #54
                    It is over

                    Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
                    This is getting REALLY boring.
                    I have said all I'm going to, but I had hoped for better from a man like you.

                    I'm sorry that you disapointed me in this.
                    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                    • #55
                      This is one of those things that you either get or you don't. Some people here can't see what the big deal is. I'm taking it personally because I've seen what rape does to a girl. It's something that stays with them forever and affects every relationship they will ever have. Some here seem to want to argue about age of consent, affects of alochol, or if she relented after pressure. The real shame here is that someone thought that it was amusing enough that they would post it. In the end it doesn't really matter if it happened or if it's a troll. If life is the least bit fair, he will one day get what's coming to him.
                      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                      • #56
                        Elma Fud

                        Originally posted by Sprayber

                        If life is the least bit fair, he will one day get what's coming to him.
                        i.e. probably that girl

                        You guys have really gone over the top on this one. Take a few deep breaths or something.
                        Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                        Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                        • #57
                          Re: I agree it was inappropriate

                          Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
                          Are you the father of daughters Raz? I suspect that some of those most upset about this are. I can understand that.
                          2 daughters AH.. whixh is why i said above any rapist needs to be castrated if it happened to my daughters i would do it personally to the culprit, law or no law...

                          But if it was consental i wouldnt be as agresive regardless of the age....

                          This wasnt consental as the a$$hole had to get her runk and force himself on her, that proves jsut how grotesque he must look that he cant even get a 14 yr old girl to like him without booze and force...
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • #58
                            Re: More answers to interesting posts...

                            Originally posted by Chris 62 and now to Siro:

                            Anytime a woman, or in this case, a girl says no, it is rape.
                            Forget leagal nicities. Try to see this from the victim's perspective.

                            Exactly. We don't have the victims perspective. Some girls are infact stupid enough to say one thing and mean another. When we're in a middle of such a situation we should always assume no means no. However we don't really know.

                            From his description, she didn't really try to make him stop. If I would be raped completely against my will I would be kicking and screaming. Not asking to stop or gently moving the attacker's hand.

                            That's what makes me not so sure about her real intnetions. Was it a "hell no" or "i don't think i want to but i'll give in if you try" no.

                            Yes, I know they should be treated the same, and we have no way of really knowing what she meant. Which is exactly my point. So until we actually get her point of view, we can't know if it was rape, or focefull convincing. And there is a difference.

                            I only broought that up to prove a point about the moderation of the site.Read it again, it is.

                            nope. it's not.

                            I cannot disagree with this more. Most of that kind of thing implied it. So does what i'm talking about here.

                            there is a difference of whether I imply you have high morals with a joke, or whether I call you names.

                            Jokes are based sometimes on facts, usually on stigms and misconceptions. That's what makes them funny.

                            If it was popular opinion 80 years ago jews are trying to take over the world which was disproved, you joking about it would be hurtful. But as it is untrue, we find it funny.

                            It's the same like with jay leno's joke about the french resistance in WWII: "OH you nazis, go away "

                            That comes down to what is considered what by guidelines, which, as i remember, were cut and pasted in that thread, and showed that it was in clear violation of forym guidelines.

                            Which are meant to prevent porn from being posted here. Not jokes about sex.

                            Maybe you wern't but, as you point out, others were.

                            Others really were. But those others, weren't the people at whom the joke was directed at, but side viewers who have hyper sensitive morals.

                            A jew doesn't mind a joke about jews and the holocaust. A non-jew minds that because it makes him feel guilty, that when this was hapenning for real, he did nothing to stop it.

                            I'm sorry, but I won't stop telling and listening to jokes because some people are eaten by their guilt.

                            I glad that you are trying, and I mean that.

                            thanks. I understand it. But I still think it's wrong. well, not wrong, but unnecessary. You take evrything so seriously.

                            I could add more, but this is enough.

                            You couldn't add more huh ...

                            My point is there, take it or leave it.
                            Most of you will leave it, and to you, I say, you are not worth my time, so don't bother answering. You know how I feel.

                            Many more agreed with me, and they are worth the time.

                            Maybe someday, the rest of you will understand why.
                            What's the point of only arguing with people who see eye to eye with you???

                            That way, neither you nor they change their views, learn or grow to be better people.

                            As I said, the day I would stop arguing, both with others and myself will be a sad day.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Sprayber
                              I find your comments dispicable. I hope that you never have to deal with the aftermath of something like this and in doing so discover how utterly insensitive your views are. You have no idea what rape is and what it does to a woman. I suggest you take a few minutes to fully read what you have said. It has nothing to do with legal terms and everything to do with a man forcing himself on a woman, this case a child. The only people that are worse than the actuall perps are the people who explain it away. To be honest, I don't know if this is a troll or not, but some of you are having a good laugh over it. It's not entertainment. It's not some teenage right and it's not something to explain away.
                              As I said to chris, we don't really know what hapenned and how much was it really against her will. The description he gave just doesn't cut it.

                              Like the other day she gave in and we started to make out. After making out for a while she moved away and asked me if I really loved her. I said yes.

                              She did give in to some extent. Sure, maybe it was the alcohol and he had no right doing it anyway.

                              But if she did give in for a while, she could have created the impression with in his drunk mind that she's playing hard to get. One moment pushing away, the other moment giving in.

                              If she had really not wanted him, she wouldn't have given in. So it's not clearly rape.

                              Is she to blame? no. He did it. But if she gave him signs he could have misinterpert, he should be treated differently.


                              • #60
                                Re: Elma Fud

                                Originally posted by Alexander's Horse

                                i.e. probably that girl

                                You guys have really gone over the top on this one. Take a few deep breaths or something.
                                Oh grow a sack, you gutless little pussee. What next...calling up mothers of servicemen and telling them their sons have died. YUK YUK YUK.

                                You little CAV worm. I'd love to have you on the wtrestlling mat...I'd snap your little pencil-neck.

