Originally posted by OzzyKP
I think Raz had an accurate assessment of the situation. And as any diplogamer knows, truth is the version of history that gets posted first.
I think Raz had an accurate assessment of the situation. And as any diplogamer knows, truth is the version of history that gets posted first.

Really?? First makes it true?? Accuracy matters not to diplogamers?? Saying that people who are asking questions are spammers is your idea of truth??
You are still, I believe, ducking responsibility for the delay.
Originally posted by OzzyKP
Raz isn't being defensive, he is just correcting your mistaken idea that diplogaming is new. Diplogaming has been around Apolyton longer than you have. Perhaps it is our failure of promoting it that has caused you and many others to have not heard of the genre before, but it is very widespread in the Civ2-MP forum going back several years.
Raz isn't being defensive, he is just correcting your mistaken idea that diplogaming is new. Diplogaming has been around Apolyton longer than you have. Perhaps it is our failure of promoting it that has caused you and many others to have not heard of the genre before, but it is very widespread in the Civ2-MP forum going back several years.
Again you play dodgeball. The term I used was "newish." For both of you to go off on "new" IS defensive. And I have "been around Apolyton" since way before MP. But that is not the point. For anyone just hearing about diplogames, the idea IS newish.
Your diplogame would be more inviting had you acted more responsibly, but if that's what works for youse guys, more power to you. Good luck getting your group.