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You know you spend too much time on Apolyton when...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DrSpike

    Original ones are few and far between. If that's true it's hilarious.
    Nah...I gotta admit I allowed myself some artistic freedom on this one. His pronounciation of the word "Far" (dad in Danish) is letter perfect, however.

    Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


    • #32
      Originally posted by Asmodean

      artistic freedom

      It was still funny though. It would have been more believable if you didn't have such a difficult name.


      • #33
        ... if your rank is anything but settler or chieftain
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #34
          Most people on the site then.


          • #35
            I almost added [EDIT:] to a paper I was writing yesterday... It would have fit in so well, too
            cIV list: cheats
            Now watch this drive!


            • #36
              Originally posted by H Tower
              ... when you expect someone to make a happy birthday thread for you


              • #37
                ... when you pm an admin for the "So-and-so wears apolytonwear, why don't you?" thingy.

                ... when you wear shirts from the apolyton store.

                ... when you refer to yourself mentally by your nick


                • #38
                  ... when you refer to yourself mentally by your nick
                  Also applicable for the "You know you need medical attention..." list.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by H Tower
                    ... when you expect someone to make a happy birthday thread for you
                    Speaking of that, MrWhereItsAt's name was in the birthday list yesterday (or was it the day before?). Did we miss that?
                    Last edited by MattH; September 4, 2003, 20:52.
                    cIV list: cheats
                    Now watch this drive!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                      You are not a munchkin if you find a +1 chainmail shirt and say "Wow, this will help me a lot."
                      You are a munchkin if you find a +5 mithril shirt and say "Another one? Ah, better throw it in my backpack with the others."
                      Real munchkinism is knowing (without having to look it up I might add) that mithril shirts are actually +4.
                      +5 shirts are made of adamantite.

                      You know you spend too much time on Apolyton when you're thinking about Vels EU2 co-operative game more than your own game, even while playing your own game, and it causes you to do something stupid.
                      That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it ...


                      • #41
                        .. you run out of witty repartee to put as an end to the "You know you spend too much time on Apolyton when...."

                        .. you write a witty repartee that actually becomes a circular sentence and want everyone to notice it.
                        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                        • #42

                          BC wrote a witty reparte that became a circular sentence!


                          • #43
                            Wow, talk about bizarre coincidences!
                            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by MattH
                              I almost added [EDIT:] to a paper I was writing yesterday... It would have fit in so well, too
                              That's like people who watch to much sport on the tele. When a situation occurs in real life, they still find themselves waiting for the replay

                              Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                              • #45
                                ... you miss out on game time to be here
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

