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TEAM GAME ANYONE? Signup here.

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  • Googlie
    For Teamgame #3, please migrate to:


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  • EnsRegis
    Yesh, I'm a newbie. :-( I just today downloaded the patch from firaxis. So *that's* where they put the PBEM option... :-)

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  • smhfan86
    hmmm, sounds like we have a new player to pbems. how many are new players?

    because, it would awkward to have 2 newbies on one team.

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  • FlameFlash
    *getting excited for a team game.*

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  • EnsRegis
    Yeah, sign me up for game 3, with whatever faction is left.

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  • Googlie
    Originally posted by EnsRegis
    Can you play PBEM games with just SMAC?
    Yes - in fact this game is a smac game (but all factions filled). So feel free to sign up for teamgame #3


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  • Lonestar_jpm
    sorry i placed that last message in the wrong forum

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  • Lonestar_jpm
    hmm i thought the powergraph was an important source of information . but gj at tweaking miriam nevertheless

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  • Lonestar_jpm
    yes, im in

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  • knowhow2

    Sounds good to me.

    So Lonestar_jpm, are you still us?

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  • EnsRegis
    I'd like to play a SMAC game (I don't have AX on my laptop). Can you play PBEM games with just SMAC?

    I'll take any faction, I don't care. Just LMK!

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  • Googlie
    Not yet - it's usually the last thing I do before sending out the passwords.

    Did an extended test last evening (200 turns of two separate factions0 just to see if my Miriam tweaks would hold (problem in single play testing, versus "play all factions" testing, is that pactmates sometimes won't talk)

    Was still a bit overpowering in thise tests, so I dumbed her down a bit. I think it will still take decent teamwork to handle her, though - you'll need to find the right buttons to push

    As in Game #1, I've disabled techs and AA's from seed pods - you'll have to research your techs. That vastly overpowering (in Multiplay games) SP, the Empath Guild, has also been disabled. Miriam starts with the Planetary DataLinks, so once she has infiltration on 3 factions, watch out

    Also, like #1, to ensure she doesn't go exploring with the handful of crawlers I gave her, I made them objectives - the only effect on the game is that it disables the powergraph (or at least reformats it as each faction's power will now be the % objectives achieved) - doesn't affect gameplay or victory conditions - just the information in the powerchart boxes.


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  • FlameFlash
    Looking good! Is there a thread started for game #2 yet?

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  • Googlie
    Originally posted by Googlie

    A random throw of the official Apolyton CMN dice produced the following teams:

    knowhow2 and Lonestar_ipm (Hive and UoP)
    Comstr and Ados (PKs and Gaians)
    Flameflash and Dilithium Dad (Sparta and Morgan)

    Yup - they were random. IMHO, though, they are pretty well balanced as pairs, with offsetting strengths and weaknesses

    4th team, of course, is Believers + Planet


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  • Archaic
    Well, unfortunatly for me, it looks like those teams were created at random for game #2, but if Googlie's willing to let us choose teams this time around like with game #1....

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