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TEAM GAME ANYONE? Signup here.

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  • Googlie
    OK - playtest worked well, Miriam now not too powerful that a single team of 2 couldn't handle. She still gets D:AP by 2140, but that gives you 40 turns to prepare.

    (just kidding)

    As you know, when setting up a scenario'd start, I play the first turn to set passwords, beef up the AI, etc. Do any teams want me to offer the other team member your starting tech in that first turn?

    e-mail me if you do -

    game is imminent.


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  • johndmuller
    Hi knowhow2, welcome.

    So far there are 2 interested parties for game #2

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  • knowhow2
    In case of a #2, I'm interested.

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  • KrysiasKrusader
    I talk with him every day and use

    I was O.K. with him today as well...

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  • Mongoose
    Try this as an alternate. I always use both when sending him turns.

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  • Darsnan
    I have always used this:

    no problems, including today. FYI.


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  • johndmuller
    I got a hard email bounce on (Chaunk's address) earlier - I don't know if that is a sign of some flakiness in mine or his mail, but I hope it isn't. Anyone else have trouble with that one?

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  • smhfan86
    you're right darsnan and Q. being a solo playa i woulda went kamakazee on the first faction i met. lol.

    btw, i think i have way too many bases in alam, it's a pain checking on each base every turn. however, it is a huge map, so ya gotta have lots of bases.

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  • Darsnan
    I agree with Q's statement above in both regards. Good idea by smhfan86: having played you, I think you would've added a different dimension to the game that an AI cannot bring! However, it was my thought that, what with 6 players already, having a 7th human, would have slowed this game down for all players moreso.

    Good luck in #2, smhfan86 (and bad luck in Alam-al-Mithal - your doing too good, there! )!

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  • Qantaga
    Hey smhfan86, thanks for volunteering to play Miriam solo. It's a neat idea and would probably be pretty cool. Unfortunately, I think Googlie is absolutely correct that a lone human would unfairly unbalance the game for at least one of the teams.

    I'm glad you're signed up for game #2, though.

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  • smhfan86
    that's cool googlie.

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  • Googlie

    1 is a very lonely number - not sure how it would work out with 3 teams of 2 plus a spoiler.

    I can do things to beef up the AI that in a human's hands would be overpowering (eg I can create for the AI a preformed energy park, give it, say 20 crawlers, as "lurkers" for, say 50 years but mark them as scenario objectives for 150 year term (so that the AI doesn't just use them as exploring scouts, which it is wont to do absent any instructions to the contrary). Thus after 50 years the AI gets at least 40 extra energy, if Environ econ hasn't been discovered, and up to 200 extra if it has. Quite a mid-game boost for the AI.

    A human would just override these limitations and use the crawlers to instabuild the forst 3 SP's.

    I'm sure this Team-based game will spawn others, so you'll be first on the list for TEAM #2

    (What do the others think?)


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  • smhfan86
    oh, oh, could i play miriam. yeah, i'll get my butt whooped, but it might be fun as, i'm sure i can cause some damage.

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  • johndmuller
    So I guess everyone is happy with this. so Googlie, you can take it away (if you already haven't, that is ). Thanks again.

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  • Googlie
    Originally posted by Googlie
    How about monoliths? Recently, for skill games, I've been disabling techs and AA's - make you research, trade or steal the techs, and not be a random luck factor. same with AA's. They tend to favor the Gaians and Cult with their 3-tile mindworms' movement, and the Pirates and Spartans to a lesser extent with their increased mobility.

    oops - I didn't mean monoliths, I meant Unity Seed Pods

    Usually I give the start position a monolith to hjelp kickstart the HQ, and often I'll plop a monolith close to a resource tile in likely base #2 and base #3 positions

    And, of course, if techs and AA's are disabled from seed pods, the likelihood of popping a monolith increases as well


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