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AHAC1 Turn tracking thread

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  • Err, I think Mongoose is mad at me. My plan was good, I just got blindsided by the Hive. Oh well, Ironholm is probably going to burn soon. It's been fun so far, and I'd love another match with you all. Maybe on a larger map so we can have more complex strategies.
    Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
    The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


    • Does this mean you have refused the Hive's final ultimatuum...tut tut tut - i thought the Spartans were survivors !
      Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
      ---Pablo Picasso.


      • It's been fun so far, and I'd love another match with you all.
        second that.

        AHAC2...the revenge.
        Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
        ---Pablo Picasso.


        • My plan was good, I just got blindsided by the Hive.
          No, your plan was not good. Matter of fact, it stunk. There was no gain for you in starting a war with me. I had no techs you lacked. I had a pitiful amount of ec to take or extort. I had no bases large enough to survive capture, provided they were garrisoned. You had better territory than all but one of my bases completely accessible to you. All I had of any potential use to you or anybody else was my doubled vote count, which you cannot take, and can be made the beneficiary of only through friendship.

          At the same time, JPJ had already initiated two agressive wars and was already bidding fair to run the table. Thanks to the surrender of the UoP and his early communications advantage, he had the best or near best tech in the game. Thanks to starting in the MJ and to the inherent Hive GROWTH bonus, he was outgrowing anybody else by 2:1. Thanks to his inherent PDs, he would have been a horribly tough nut to crack under the best of circumstances.

          A good plan would have been to assemble some coalition against him-military, economic and political. A stinky plan eliminates, or seeks to eliminate a component of that coalition for, let me repeat, NO POSSIBLE GAIN WHATSOEVER!

          Then, to top it off, you offer the lamest of justifications. To wit, "I'm playing in character for the Spartans."

          Damned right, I'm mad!


          • Originally posted by John Paul Jones

            second that.

            AHAC2...the revenge.
            OK, although I'm not doing great in this game, why I'd love to play another as well! So count me in, too! Also, I think we should set this new game up with Mongoose and arborman right next to each other again: should make for some great early game fireworks!



            • Originally posted by Darsnan

              ...should make for some great early game fireworks!

              Probably not. I'm not generally one to carry a grudge from one game to another.

              As long as we don't play on a small or tiny map, I'm for it.

              Allow me to clarify. I am not upset because Arborman attacked me, per se. I'm upset because his doing so did nothing to help him win the game. To the contrary, it only hastened JPJ's victory.

              Also, it's possible that it didn't matter. JPJ might well have won even had we all pacted against him in '30. But I don't think it would have been as easy!


              • Here's how I saw it when I decided to launch my attack on the Peacekeepers:

                Gaia and the Believers were already my allies to the east, providing what I hoped was a buffer from the aggressive Hive for a few turns. Nobody lay to my immediate west. I was in a desert, as were most of us, and I had the Spartan industry penalty. It was taking me way too long to build and expand, as well as gaining tech. I saw what I knew was a weak faction to my south. UN Headquarters was large enough to capture, and the main purpose of may assault was to take it. I did not expect the arrival of the Hive on my western flank, as I had expected them to be busy with the Believers and Gaians. A tiny map like this leaves little room for a builder approach, so I decided to go for it. It backfired on me, as is now obvious on the map.

                Believe me it was nothing personal Mongoose. I actually prefer playing a builder style of game. The Spartans only means of expansion is through conquest this early in a game, so I had to try it. Give me a different faction and I will play it differently, though probably with as much success.
                Fifteen apparitions have I seen,
                The worst a coat upon a coat hanger


                • Move 2132 to Mongoose!


                  • 2133 to Darsnan


                    • onwards to Chairman jpj! Now that the communications channels have been cleared (I think this was a Hive conspiracy this past weekend), why I can say that, although the Gaians have lost a city to The Hive, we completely destroyed their attack force in a counterattack!!! No Hive units were sited in this Standard Turn!


                      • The clever Gaian engineers were able to construct a road to rush a counter attack to the scene of Razorbeak Wood's Fall. Casualties were greater than expected but still within mission parameters (In fact this accounts for half of Hive total losses in the past 33 years). If he was suprised by that attack - it will be nothing compared to the Chairman's next sneaky plan...

                        The beleaguered Colonel has put up a brave fight in the face of overwhelming odds. The attack party that delivered the final surrender ultimatuum to Ironholm was met by a reply of impact laser fire, I'm not quite sure but i think this means "no".

                        I think I'll instruct my next attack party to wear red camoflague next time so they wont be spotted so easily hiding in the fungus.
                        Maybe it was the dayglo ablative armour that gave them away.

                        on to Knowhow2.
                        Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
                        ---Pablo Picasso.


                        • tun to comstr

                          the original idea about tiny map (or small as it might be) was mine. The early conflicts was sort of the point of it all hence "All humans All conflicts". Although a standard map won't be entirely different, I bet large and huge certaintly would give that feeling.

                          So I stay for part II if we don't go further than standard (small would be even better but you can't always get what you want).

                          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                          • Pretty sure this is only a small map.

                            UN HQ started 4 squares from Sparta Command.

                            That's Bull****.

                            Guess how many 2 nut squares are within 4 squares of UN HQ.


                            I'm not interested in playing another two base/recon rover rush game.


                            • Turn to aborman.

                              Seeing a good thing when it can see it, Morgon Industries is happy to make Pact with the High-Tech Powerhouse of the universty.

                              With it's brains, and it's brains, it should be a fruitful partnership.

                              AS FOR THE GAME ITSELF...

                              I would like to play in the next game. BUT PLEASE INCREASE THE SIZE AND INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF RAINFALL! That and Morgon stinks on small, crappy maps. Having to build physc buildings and nothing else until the game ends isn't very interesting.

                              And we need a GM to make sure either everyone gets near a geograpic part of the map, or no one does. Having the hive START in the jungle seems to have made this game have one ending. Did everyone else start in a desert?


                              • Comstr, if we do get a AHAC2 going, care to swap factions?

