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Planetfall: Humanity's New Challenge (turn reporting thread)

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  • OK, I tried to call elections to melt the polar caps, but to no avail: got a statement that the resolution can only be called once every 20 years, and it had just been called in 2117.

    Turn to Spasm


    • Oops. That might be a problem.
      Anyway... onwards!


      • I have pledged truce with Miriam - looks like you guys are doing well enough without my forces. The GEF is returing to its Home Territory, the Spartan Colonies.


        • Miriam who?

          Well, things are working out.
          We 3 are the only factions remaining on Planet.


          • Worms, worms everywhere. I don't know about you, but I'm going to focus on getting my eco-damage under control. It's times like these that make me want to be the Green Eco freaks... Almost.

            So what are the rest of you going to do? Build up and race for Trancend, try a Diplomatic Victory, or is Big Blue going to stomp the rest of us into the ground?

            Turn to Darsnan.
            Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


            • The worms ARE nasty, but they provide good money!

              I tought we agreed that transcend is out of the question? It doesn't matter anyway...


              • turn to Governor Spasm


                • "Governor"? Darsnan, don't you mean "Supreme Leader, he Who is Wise and Mercyful, Ruler of Worlds" ?

                  I decided to take matters in my own hands and vote myself "Supreme Leader ... Worlds". Unfortunatelly, to do this, I had to turn the PeaceKeepers territory in a nuclear wasteland

                  Their talents and high votes (102) stood between me and total domination of the council.

                  P.S. I wouldn't have tried this if the Morgans hadn't canceled their nuke 1 turn ago. That nuke would be now ready.

                  Anxiously waiting for the results,


                  • the very last turn of PHNC has been forwarded to Spasm, Supreme Leader of Planet.

                    Its been a very good, interesting game, and I look forward to the rematch in TBP!


                    • Congratulations SPasmofiT on your victory.

                      Wait a minute did you really Planet Bust me? So that's where all the PK bases went.
                      Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                      • Thank you, thank you!
                        I promiss I'll be mercyful and always have a nice sense of fashion.

                        You can get your chance for a rematch with the Teedy Bear stuff.

