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Sealurk Alert -Turn Tracking thread

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  • Turn to Gregurabi.

    Personal Log, Col. Northswordsman:

    It looks like we are alone on our continent, for which I have mixed feelings. We need the room to grow, and yet I grow anxious not knowing where the other factions are. We know they survive, we have picked up some stray signals and carrier waves due to the "bounce effect" off the atmosphere.

    This planet is... eerie. That report they gave us back on Earth describing this as a good world was utter trash. I wonder if they even got anything right about this place. It's a hellhole from what I've seen so far.

    My people are uncomfortable, I know, but they are bearing up well and showing the discipline expected of such crack troops. I'm proud of them. Their training helps cope with the oddness this planet manifests. At least it's keeping us on our toes and keeping our discipline at an all-time high.

    If we ever get back to Earth, we have to consider this place as a training planet. It's perfect for that role.


    • Turn 2125 to Flubber.

      "As our nation expands, I face additional administrative challenges. Even though we are not yet a formal Democracy, each base has its own internal political games; we must have leaders, and yet a position of power acts as a magnet for those who crave power for its own sake. Much energy is wasted in the bickering and infighting of those who vie for authority.

      "The common people sense this, even when they do not have full information about the nature of these petty feuds. Some of our Talents have gone on a sort of strike; they act as Normals. Soon, we fear, even the common workers may become Drones, and the Drones may even riot. For that reason among others, I have made the study of Social Psychology a top priority for my behavioral scientists.

      "In our Planned economy, there is simply too great a potential for a single individual to control the destinies of his fellow men. As the saying goes, Power corrupts. Eventually we must abandon this stance; and yet, for now, our growth and development depends upon a firm hand for guidance."

      -- Commissioner Gregurabi's Journal, M.Y. 2124


      • 2125 to smartfart
        You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


        • Spartans again.
          My life, my rules


          • Turn to Gregurabi.

            Come out, come out, whereever you are! Santi wants to play rover tag!


            • 2126 -> Flubber


              • Turn 2126 to smartfart

                I forget who I warned already so this is just a reminder that I am likely unavailable for several days as I get hitched on friday. I will be playing regularly by Sunday but in the interim it is iffy. Turns will be played tomorrow but after that . . ..
                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                • NorthSwordsman.

                  Nothing to report. Just waiting for my bases to spit out those colony pods.

                  Flubber : No prob. Hitched? English isn't my native. Is that a marriage? If so,congrats
                  My life, my rules


                  • Thanks smartfart

                    yup-- it means getting married--
                    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                    • CONGRATS ON THE MARRIAGE FLUBBER! I wish you and your beautiful bride the best.

                      Turn to Gregurabi. Waiting to get those pods out.... like SmartFart said...


                      • Congratulations on your Pact, Flubber! Oh, and by the way, here's turn 2127. Take your time....


                        • 2127 on to smartfart

                          Yup Mrs. Flubber and I have made an unbreakable forever pact ( the wedding went great)
                          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                          • Welcome back.

                            My life, my rules


                            • Turn to Gregurabi.


                              • 2128 -> Flubber

                                I've turned pink!

