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Turns of AXT042 game in Apolyton PBEM Tournament

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  • 2151 to cbn.


    No can do that weekend, I'll be out of town. In fact, I'm going to be gone from the 2nd to the 8th. I /may/ be able to keep playing via pbem during that time, but I'm not sure. I'll keep you guys updated.


    • I'm back.

      I would gladly let some other player substitute for me during my absence, but I have no idea who to turn to. So if you guys have some suggestion on whom to turn to or how I should get a sub I am all ears (or in this case: eyes).

      It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


      • I have most of this Saturday, the 28th, available for tcp/ip. I know cbn will be gone in the afternoon. Is there any chance we could play earlier in the day? This would be a hardship only for Tench, who's on the West Coast. Whaddya say, Tench? How devoted a fanatic are you? Wanna get up at 5:00? *grin*

        Okay, it's looking impractical... Nevertheless, since I had the day free, I wanted to let you guys know.

        I have most of the previous day, the 27th, free as well, although my late afternoon is booked.



        • How about Saturday, May 12th, guys?


          • may 12th works for me..... if and only if we decide for this right away, because if we leave it hanging something else might come up and then the priority thing comes in between..... so we have 3-4 days tops to set the day for play or not.

            It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


            • I'm afraid I'm committed to work on the 12th... I think it's nights, though. We could play for a few hours in the afternoon, same schedule as before. I should be available from 14:00 CST, 15:00 Apolyton time, but could only go until 17:00 CST, 18:00 Apolyton time.



              • quote:

                Originally posted by knowhow2 on 04-23-2001 04:52 PM
                may 12th works for me..... if and only if we decide for this right away, because if we leave it hanging something else might come up and then the priority thing comes in between..... so we have 3-4 days tops to set the day for play or not.

                We'll wait until cbn gets back on Thursday. Hopefully he'll see our recent messages on this thread and respond quickly.

                And Walt, it does seem like we'll do the same hours as before. Hopefully this time, we can get started sooner, now that we've got some experience.


                • I am back home tomorrow and should be able to go back to a turn-a-day pace. Sorry again about the delay but there is something about earning a living that detracts from time for gaming.

                  I saw the messages today and I think that May 12 would work for me as well.


                  • 2152 to knowhow (actually played it and sent it last night but forgot to post here)


                    • turn 2152 to tench.


                      are we still on the 12th?
                      It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                      • 2152 to cbn.


                        Works for me, although I'll be working that night. If it's agreeable to everyone else, we can start at 14:00 my time, that's 15:00 Apolyton time. I believe that's one hour earlier than our scheduled start time on our last tcp/ip occasion. I'll have to stop playing shortly after 17:00 CST, 18:00 EST/Apolyton time.


                        • Okay I am on. See you al at ICQ?

                          1337 swedish time right now.
                          It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                          • 2152 is complete-- 2153 is on its way to the cult

                            some more direct play could really move this along-- looks like a fun game so far


                            • turn 2153 to tench


                              fun game? well hopefully there are more faction around beside mine....
                              It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                              • Year 2153 to Walt.

                                Fallacies of a Free Market, Part III
                                "Delusions of Grandeur"

                                One aspect of every Free Market economy is a general stock exchange. By letting average people with money buy shares of corporations, the theory is that everyone (that is, anyone with money to spare) can partake in the profit-taking, and the risk of investment is spread across many people instead of a few.

                                However, history has told us time and time again how the stock market turns into nothing but a grand Ponzi scheme. Euphoria often drives stock prices up, and every shareholder feels she or he has made money. But of course, no money is really made until shares are actually sold, and when people need to convert "imaginary" money into real money, the resulting sell-off erases the so-called gains, and only the speculators end up making money off of those who sold too late.

                                There are many examples of stock market crashes throughout the history of Old Earth. The crash of 1929 was significant because it was the first, but the biggest by far came in 2010. That was when global energy prices spiked tremendously (which itself was caused in no small part by free market exploitation of natural resources), causing stock markets all around the globe to collapse and never recover again.

                                OK, direct-connect session #2:

                                Date: Saturday, May 12th
                                Apolyton Time: 15:00
                                Tenchusatsu Time: 12:00
                                Walt Time: 14:00
                                cbn Time: 15:30
                                knowhow2 Time: 21:00

                                Everyone agree to these times? Can't wait!

