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Keygen's Factions Strife!

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  • #31
    Well, I guess that is a solution.

    Just a couple of world settings left before we are ready to go, then: pods and random events.

    My votes:
    Pods on
    Random events off


    • #32

      I vote:

      pods on
      random events on

      (Random events are, to recap:

      Asteroid strikes base (base destroyed
      Biology lab event (blight if no lab, +1 nut for ten years if one)
      Bumper crop (+1 nut for 10 years)
      Childrens Creche event (if noe, extra drone for 5 years, if one, pop surge for as long as sustainable)
      Energy Bank event (if none, all nearby mines destroyed, if one, +50 credits)
      Market crash/boom (reduction of 75%, or if 4th place or lower, doubling if <500)
      Resource lifecycle (a reseource will peter out)
      Famine (-1 nut for 10 years)
      Hail storm (all solar collectors near base are wiped out)
      Haze (-1 energy for 10 years)
      Heat wave (+1 energy for 10 years)
      Industrial boom (+1 min for 10 years)
      Industrial collapse (-1 min for 10 years)
      Network Node event (if none, then all current research credits wiped out; if one, free tech granted
      New resource (a new resoiurce pops up)
      Prometheus Virus (if base has a research or nanohospital, no effect -or if faction ahs one of the "medical" SP's - otherwise base pop reduces by 1/2, and any base within a radius of affected base former pop also reduced by 1/2 - unless it too has a research or nano hospital)
      Sea Beetles (wipe out kelp farms at base
      Sunspots (communications disrupted for 10 - 20 turns)
      Tidal wave (mining platforms destroyed
      Volcano (destroys all enhancements and reduces populations of bases within radius set by formula) - only happens if faction is in first or second place.
      Asteroid strike on Nessus Prime (20% chance if selected - all nessus mining stations destroyed)
      Solar flare (20% chance if selected -all orbital power trans,mitters and defense satellites destroyed - all bases produce triple energy next turn)


      Each turn the game randomly picks a base . If less than 100, it picks a number between 1 - 100. If no base corresponds to that number (Bases are numbered according to founding) there is no event.

      If the base picked is less than size 4, or is the only base of the faction, or is already under the effects of a longer term random event, then there is none for that turn. If the event would have no effect (eg asteroid strike on nessus) and there are no mining stations there, then there is no event.

      All events are equally likely, but the game has a high probability of ignoring events that are beneficial to factions that are above average (e.g. 1, 2 and 3 in a seven faction game) and ignoring events that would penalize a below average faction

      As a faction that seems doomed to do poorly, I obviously vote for this great game leveller.


      [This message has been edited by Rynn: (edited January 25, 2001).]


      • #33
        Pods on, Random events on, just to help poor Rynn.
        Team 'Poly


        • #34

          (of course if I were playing as the Pirates, I'd vote pods on and random events off)


          • #35

            Voting to date:

            Pods scattered:

            on ...... 4
            off ...... 0

            Random Events:

            on ...... 2
            off ...... 2

            Still need Solver, mark13 and Misotu to cast their votes.


            • #36
              Well, but exactly, why do you zip the PBEM turns? In CtP, we never do, as Zip, at best, decreases size by 10 KB, so it's not just worth the effor in CtP.
              And now, also, I think that we have all the questions cleared, and can start the game with our CMN in place.

              Solver -
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • #37
                Pod's on
                Random events off

                SMAC turn size is about 3-4 times bigger than CTP.
                About 500KB, less or more.
                Zipped= 40-50KB.


                • #38
                  It looks like a Council's session .


                  • #39
                    It certainly does. Hmmm.. should have withheld my vote and hoped for a bribe.


                    Pod Scattering: Measure passes (I do not think we have anyone with Executive Veto )

                    Random events (default is yes, so we must be voting over a removal): Currently, measure fails. More votes could change matters, though.


                    • #40
                      I vote for pods on, events off. I hate sunspot activity, as for me diplomacy is very important, and 20 turn w/o it are boring.

                      Solver -
                      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                      • #41
                        Pods on, randoms off. If this is to be a rated game, we should not have to be at the mercy of an asteroid, or the increasingly annoying sunspot activity.

                        Just Mis to go....
                        We're back!


                        • #42
                          Final votes:

                          Pod scattering:
                          For: 7
                          Against: 0

                          Random events:
                          For: 2
                          Against: 5


                          • #43
                            Hey! I've joined the royalty.
                            Team 'Poly


                            • #44
                              Thank goodness. You know how I hated hanging out with warlords ...
                              Team 'Poly


                              • #45
                                Still waiting to be a king, after 4 months of posting....hmmm....
                                We're back!

