Well, you have read the email I suppose
You know what to do.
Anyway I post the same here so you won't need to keep the email ->
1. SMACX 2.0 will be used. If someone doesn't have it (I doubt) then email us and will start a SMAC instead.
2. Accelerated start: 200 energy credits extra, 3 colony pods, 5 intepended scout patrols (The Pirates will take 4 foils instead and the Spartans 3 scouts & 2 speeders instead), 3 intepended formers (Is it possible? Pirates will take 3 sea formers) and one free Level 1 Tech (two for the Univ.).
3. Each faction will preserve its own characteristics. The Belivers will suffer the 10 turns penalty.
4. MSN will possibly be DilithiumDad. He will be responsible for creating the above "scenario".
5. Everyone will email MSN his/her preferable extra tech and password.
6. Player's faction and order will be:
a) Keygen -> The University
b) Solver -> Consciousness
c) Tau Ceti -> Spartans
d) Googlie -> Pirates
e) Big Kanuk -> Morganites
f) Misotu -> Hive
g) Mark13 -> Peecekeepers
7. Rules:
Huge Map of the Planet
All winning conditions on
Thinker lavel
Blind research off (Directed)
Random events off
Restart eliminated players on
Everything else default
8. For any question or objection refer to the "Keygen's Factions Strife!" topic.
9. Game will launch on Friday 26 January 2001.
You know what to do.
Anyway I post the same here so you won't need to keep the email ->
1. SMACX 2.0 will be used. If someone doesn't have it (I doubt) then email us and will start a SMAC instead.
2. Accelerated start: 200 energy credits extra, 3 colony pods, 5 intepended scout patrols (The Pirates will take 4 foils instead and the Spartans 3 scouts & 2 speeders instead), 3 intepended formers (Is it possible? Pirates will take 3 sea formers) and one free Level 1 Tech (two for the Univ.).
3. Each faction will preserve its own characteristics. The Belivers will suffer the 10 turns penalty.
4. MSN will possibly be DilithiumDad. He will be responsible for creating the above "scenario".
5. Everyone will email MSN his/her preferable extra tech and password.
6. Player's faction and order will be:
a) Keygen -> The University
b) Solver -> Consciousness
c) Tau Ceti -> Spartans
d) Googlie -> Pirates
e) Big Kanuk -> Morganites
f) Misotu -> Hive
g) Mark13 -> Peecekeepers
7. Rules:
Huge Map of the Planet
All winning conditions on
Thinker lavel
Blind research off (Directed)
Random events off
Restart eliminated players on
Everything else default
8. For any question or objection refer to the "Keygen's Factions Strife!" topic.
9. Game will launch on Friday 26 January 2001.