I'm astonished ... Styx, if you don't want to play then that's fine of course. But eradicating the faction is a bit dramatic!! 
I agree Googlie, let's advertise for a replacement player. Adam Smith does like the Drones very much - it might be worth approaching him direct. The Drones *may* be in a poor position, but I think there are more options available other than just throwing in the towel on turn 1!!! Like, er, diplomacy? They have a lot to offer as a pact mate and I believe co-op is on for the OktoberFIST games?

I agree Googlie, let's advertise for a replacement player. Adam Smith does like the Drones very much - it might be worth approaching him direct. The Drones *may* be in a poor position, but I think there are more options available other than just throwing in the towel on turn 1!!! Like, er, diplomacy? They have a lot to offer as a pact mate and I believe co-op is on for the OktoberFIST games?