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New 3 Player SMAC(X) Game

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  • #16
    I would hope that starting separately or not, they would start in contact with one another. I certainly don't want to have to wander over to where my other faction is just so I can trade centauri ecology for example.

    Secret projects only affect one faction, each does their own research and building etc. Completely separate to most intents and purposes.

    Googlie, whatever you think with regard to an AI and therefore map size. I'm quite partial to an AI, and Darsnan's idea for an alien ai sounds good. I'm somewhat against giving the ai an SP if you can avoid it though. I'd much rather they were all still buildable.

    Request that we allow stockpile energy in build queues as a house rule, and otherwise use standard 'Poly rules.

    Play hangman.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ChairmanSlick
      In this game do our faction start seperately on the map.... OR adjacent to each other???

      AND will they be doing there own SEPERATE research and earning there own SEPERATE energy credits??????
      I've never played a 3 X 2 before so really can't answer whether a players 2 Factions start adjacent each other or not ( I don't care either way myself). Each Faction will be doing their own research and earning their own energy credits, but I would think (and hope) that a player can immediately start trading techs and EC's back and forth with his 2 Factions. FYI.



      • #18
        cool, thanks a lot-

        yeah it doesn't really bother me i just wanted to choose my faction..

        so i want Zak & Yang- which i think googlie is doing anyway..

        if we have a large map - please have PLENTY of water...
        i think that too much land is suffercating.

        i am relatively new to pbem but have played IP for a few years now.. so i will have lots of question-i hope this is not annoying for u....

        --- what does setting stockpile energy credits in build que do??

        are we allowed to treaty with each other??

        ie. the humans??

        ... please make it that the alien, or whicheve AI it happens to be does not start on one of our continents and not another. It is a big disadvantage to have an aggressor next to u, and not next to someone else. *for obvious reasons.*


        • #19
          another thing, will supply pods be included?? -- sometimes i feel that just resource bonuses are better.. in most cases at least more fair...

          and another question - what will the affect of probe cruisers inthe game be?? For the AI i mean.. do they subvert form the coast and ****??


          • #20
            Originally posted by ChairmanSlick
            another thing, will supply pods be included?? -- sometimes i feel that just resource bonuses are better.. in most cases at least more fair...

            and another question - what will the affect of probe cruisers inthe game be?? For the AI i mean.. do they subvert form the coast and ****??
            Supply Pods are a normal part of any PBEM. And yes, Probe Cruisers can subvert coastline bases (which of course means the Pirates have the most to worry about in this case).



            • #21
              Sorry for the delay - my new cable internet service got splotchy there for a day or 2 (as in NOT)

              Some thoughts from past 2 x 3's i've set up that seemed to work:

              Any AI would be equidistant from all 3 players - equally accessable to all and equally threatening to all (might "want to talk" to one of your 2 factions and "an atrocity victim" of the other??)

              The other games I've set up have requred a player wanting to move a unit (say a former, or rover) to his other faction to pass through another players territory (those were in pre-pirate days, which kind of subvert that concept, so maybe I won't apply it this time)

              In other 3 x 2's no-one liked sequential turns. A player could, for example, snatch the CA and build nothing but choppers in one faction, and with the other snag the CN and CF and churn out high morale drop defenders. You open a turn to find ten bases chopped and dropped and you couldn't do a thing about it (like rushing defenders to an empty base, etc) It just seemed to give far too much power to the momentum combos

              But I'll go with the majority decision on this one

              If there is an alien AI. I'd propose moving gas way down the tech tree - maybe to "Secrets of the Manifolds" - otherwise it's just a pushover

              I suggest disabling the EG - I think concensus now is that in PBEMs it too overpowering an SP - certainly my most enjoyable games are where one has to probe rather than just snag the EG. With just 3 players - and an ineligble alien AI I'd suggest disabling Council as well (no Governor and automatic infiltration for him - and human players always seem to ignore the sanctions anyway - obviously you can't ignore the economic in-game sanctions for atrocities, but mostly automatic vendetta by everyone upon PBing an enemy just don't happen in human-controlled games)

              A large map with 50% to 70% water would resemble earth, as well as the default Map of Planet



              • #22
                Sounds good. I'm a big fan of sequencial turns, otherwise this game'll act like a six player, which would be less than optimal fun. And in fairness, we all have that same advantage as each other.

                Agreed with the nerve gas move. Secrets of the Manifolds may be too far... perhaps Bioengineering?

                Also agreed about the EG. I'd rather not disable the counsel, just have a house rule that no governorship can be had (If everyone agrees, I'm happy with that rule.) Then infiltration must be earned the hard way

                Large map, 50-70% water? I'd prefer as close to 50% as possible please, with the pirates on board. Otherwise there's way too much of an advantage for them there.

                Play hangman.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Googlie
                  If there is an alien AI. I'd propose moving gas way down the tech tree - maybe to "Secrets of the Manifolds" - otherwise it's just a pushover

                  I don't think the #ABILITIES section of the alphax.txt file is imprinted onto a game, meaning it wouldn't be moved from its original position. If I'm not mistaken, the only section that is imprinted onto a game is the #UNITS section. What we can do is just simply agree not to use gas on the alien AI (on each other, well, thats just a different matter (cough - Chaunk - cough)).

                  Getting rid of the Empath Guild is fine by me - I plan on having everyone infiltrated by MY 2137 anyways, so its really to my advantage.....

                  I would like sequential turns, simply to make the game go quicker. Not stuck on this, though.

                  Oh yeah,

                  Large map, 50-70% water? I'd prefer as close to 50% as possible please, with the pirates on board.
                  Do I hear someone lining up their excuses already?

                  Finally, we're gonna need a name for this turkey. Maybe "CGN 6, Part Deaux", or perhaps "Unfinished Business"?



                  • #24
                    Unfinished business please, although the irony of CGN 6, Part Deaux on poly should escape no one Let's let Mr Slick decide.

                    With regard to your infiltration by 2137, I plan on having probe defenses up and running by 2127, so you'd better be infiltrating me first

                    Play hangman.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Chaunk
                      Large map, 50-70% water? I'd prefer as close to 50% as possible please, with the pirates on board. Otherwise there's way too much of an advantage for them there.
                      My maps tend to err on the more land side of the % anyway (as I tweak the maps, add island strings and swamps, etc etc)

                      So I'd expect it to be closer to the 50% than the 70%



                      • #26
                        man, pbem seems like such a strange world to me...

                        but really; getting rid of EG etc. really does seem sensible, if not a lil strange...

                        = )

                        map sounds great!

                        thanks a lot googlie u seem like ur putitng in some hard yards -- and sequential turns is what i was presuming.. i think the fact that u would have to send and recieve twice for one turn to be completed seems farkin dumb.

                        so lets get started... i feel kinda please i'm on the outskirts of a personal vendetta between u two --- meanwhile i'll just lap up the techs... muhahahaha

                        o what ..more techs---- thanks you--

                        o what.. theres still fighting...

                        o what... i win... gee that was good!


                        • #27
                          --- o, and i don't care bout name but if u want me to pick i choose : "unfinished business"


                          • #28
                            Well, yeah in CGN 6 there was some "unfinished business" between me and D, but in CGN10, we won (or at least he & my replacement KK did.) So you could experience fighting and/or collaborating in the game...

                            My money's on fighting though

                            Play hangman.


                            • #29


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Chaunk
                                Well, yeah in CGN 6 there was some "unfinished business" between me and D, but in CGN10, we won (or at least he & my replacement KK did.) So you could experience fighting and/or collaborating in the game...

                                My money's on fighting though

                                So to cut to the chase, why I think what Chaunk is trying to say is it probably wouldn't be a good thing to get caught between us, as if you are then either your gonna end up being a speed bump for both of us, or else a lesson in anatomical dissection.....

                                My Gaian empathic sense tells me Googlie is almost complete with his playtesting, and we will shortly be bound for Planetfall. Hope you all payed Googlie some EC's for a sweet landing spot, like I did!


