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New 3 Player SMAC(X) Game

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  • New 3 Player SMAC(X) Game

    Any interest?

    I propose either a standard 3 player game (With somewhat tweaked ai I hope) or a 3x2 where we all get two factions each (possibly chosen by the opposing players?)

    large map, normal lifeforms, rainfall, rockiness etc. Sea content chosen by the CMN. No permapacts (Except between the two factions controlled by one player if we go that route natch!)

    What say you?

    Play hangman.

  • #2
    i am interested but i would not want to play a large map. they take far too long and it will never get finished.

    however if on a normal map i would be down for any of those options.


    • #3
      Re: New 3 Player SMAC(X) Game

      Originally posted by Chaunk
      Any interest?

      I propose either a standard 3 player game (With somewhat tweaked ai I hope) or a 3x2 where we all get two factions each (possibly chosen by the opposing players?)

      Hmmm, I haven't beaten the crap out of Chaunk in quite a while! I'm also really interested in the 3 X 2 format, having never played a game this way before. Also concerning a tweaked AI: I hope this would include Googlie's Probe Cruiser - I have to say personally it has really added new dimensions of gameplay for me, as before this I never had to worry about the AI coming across the sea and MC'ing my bases, and now it seems every other turn I've got to scramble to keep those dammm cruisers away from my unprotected bases!



      • #4
        And then there were three!

        We do now need a CMN, as well as a proposed list of tweaks... Certainly the probe cruiser should be on there but I'm open to suggestions by you guys. The AI NEEDS advantages like more units, better terrain, preterraformed etc, as they'd be outnumbered 2:1 by any one player in a 3x2.

        If you guys are up for choosing each others factions, then I propose we each PM the CMN two factions, one builder and one momentum faction. The CMN then gives each of us a builder faction and momentum faction, one from each of our oponants.

        I thought that might need clarifying, so here goes:
        PM's to CMN contain:
        Chaunk - Uni & believers
        ChairmanSlick - Morgan & Cult
        Darsnan - Cycon & Cult

        We would then end up with the following combinations:
        Chaunk - Morgan & Cult
        ChairmanSlick - Cycon & Believers
        Darsnan - Uni & Cult

        The remaining AI would be chosen by the CMN.

        Otherwise we can all choose our own factions, duplicates allowed.

        ChairmanSlick - I find standard to be quite claustrophobic at times, there's rarely enough room to expand with seven factions. Can we settle on a size in the middle of large & standard?

        Darsnan - Beating the crap out of me? In your dreams buddy!

        Any comments questions? Otherwise, I shall go and find a CMN tomorrow evening (GMT).

        Play hangman.


        • #5
          sounds terrific...

          ok on the size

          i want to choose my factions = i want UoP and Hive.

          question : do our factions start together??

          if they do not then i would like to change to Aki and Yang.

          if they do :as stated -- Zakharov and Yang.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chaunk
            Any comments questions? Otherwise, I shall go and find a CMN tomorrow evening (GMT).

            1. I would like the Pirates and Gaians.

            2. As far as CMN's go, I can see if Googlie is interested in "experimenting" on us. Let me know and I can approach him and see. Rubin and johndmuller might also be available. FYI unless you've already got someone in mind, Chaunk.

            3. The larger the world the better, but I am not stuck on it being Large or Huge.

            4. Beefed up AI's, maybe to include some interesting SP's to boot.

            5. Extra starting units: 3 Scouts, 3 CP's, 3 Formers (note: for the Pirates it should probably be scaled back to one Scoutship, 3 Sea Formers, 3 Seapods, especially if playing on a smaller map).

            6. Turn rotation should be set so that each player's two Factions are sequential, and that we also take advantage of the International dateline. Best rotation would probably be Chaunk, Darsnan, ChairmanSlick, or a derivation thereof. Does this sound correct?

            Oh yeah,

            Darsnan - Beating the crap out of me? In your dreams buddy!
            I didn't know you lived in the state of De Nial!?! Anyways, sounds like the CMN should set the "Trashtalking" option to "ENABLED"!



            • #7
              Darsnan: PM box full. Empty it please.
              (Might as well say that before Chaunk has to post it himself)

              The rest of you:
              I've never seen a DUAL faction game. Send me the results, as I'd like to see how the Uni carries the Cult, or Morgan carries the Believers.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
                Darsnan: PM box full. Empty it please.
                Done. Sorry about that. I'll look into sending you some maps from games that aren't currently going on.

                I've never seen a DUAL faction game. Send me the results, as I'd like to see how the Uni carries the Cult, or Morgan carries the Believers.
                Their a different twist, and theres at least one other "3 X 2" going on right now, if I'm not mistaken. You may want to look that up and see if someone will send you a turn. If not, we can keep you posted (at least until Chaunk gets eliminated, that is......).



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Darsnan
                  If not, we can keep you posted (at least until Chaunk gets eliminated, that is......).

                  It looks as if you made a mistake here D, it should have said:
                  Originally posted by Darsnan
                  If not, we can keep you posted (at least until I get eliminated, that is......).


                  Factions, I'll go Morgan & Believers I think, so long as we play SMAX.

                  I too think the larger the world the better (I admit it, I'm a builder at heart!), but so long as it's larger than standard I'm ok.

                  I'm ok with more units to beat Darsnan up with, a CMN of your choice D, and the turn order proposed. I should like to have Morgan -> Believers in the turn order please!

                  Lets get this bad boy on the road

                  Play hangman.


                  • #10
                    I can set this up for you (I have set up a couple of other 3 x 2's - but both with no AI in the game)

                    If 7 factions I'd suggest the large map - if 6, then a custom smaller variant perhaps. But with 3 players a large map shouldn't drag the game down

                    Chaunk - Morgan & Believers
                    Darsnan - Pirates & Gaians
                    ChairmanSlick - UoP & Hive

                    (By start together do you mean sequentially in turn order, or adjacent to each other on the map?)

                    Start with 3 scouts (1 sloop for the pirates), 3cp's and (Darsnan, do you want to give away the Gaians centauri ecology advantage) 3 formers to each faction (seaformers for the Pirates?)

                    If an AI, I'll see what I can do to make it an interesting competitor


                    • #11
                      do our factions start next to each other on the map---

                      coz. if they are seperate i would like aki since i think she can handle herself better than zak.

                      If our factions do start together on the map then yes... Zak and Yang.

                      Another question: probably obvious to u guys... but will sercret projects affect BOTH of our factions or just one??

                      I guess it goes without saying that they will have seperate economies an seperate research-- does it??

                      i do not mind if they are seperate-- just curious and am preparing my self for the onslaught...


                      • #12
                        Hi Googlie,

                        thanx for setting this up for us!

                        Originally posted by Googlie
                        (By start together do you mean sequentially in turn order, or adjacent to each other on the map?)

                        Start with 3 scouts (1 sloop for the pirates), 3cp's and (Darsnan, do you want to give away the Gaians centauri ecology advantage) 3 formers to each faction (seaformers for the Pirates?)

                        If an AI, I'll see what I can do to make it an interesting competitor

                        By start together I mean sequentialy in turn order. Giving up the Gaian advantage of Centauri Ecology in the early game is OK, and Sea Formers are a definate Yes for the Pirates. Sea Monoliths would also be a nice touch, but may help the Pirates too much.

                        I'd like an AI, but not stuck on it. Maybe Hmnneee with the PDL, or Roze floating around lots of Probe Cruisers.

                        Another question: probably obvious to u guys... but will sercret projects affect BOTH of our factions or just one??
                        Only the one Faction possessing the SP.



                        • #13
                          The faction teams I would figure are:


                          That's if you're starting apart, and thus do not have access to the starting tech of the other faction.

                          For a tech-fling straight to IA,
                          Angels//Morgan is the way to go.
                          If you're looking to snatch the SoftHB,
                          Uni//Cult is your best bet.
                          For Impact Rovers,
                          Spartans//CyCon is the way to aim.

                          Many possible combinations.
                          In such a game, I'd likely go Uni//Hive, second to Gaians//PKs.


                          • #14
                            ok so i still don't know answer to my question:

                            In this game do our faction start seperately on the map.... OR adjacent to each other???

                            AND will they be doing there own SEPERATE research and earning there own SEPERATE energy credits??????


                            • #15
                              btw... thanks Googlie -- top stuff mate

