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Gufnork's Rumble

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  • Just want to inform you all that I sent the turn out I think on Saturday. I apologize for slowing the game. I had been rather heavily involved in the ACDG game (to more than I could afford really) for a short time. Now that Kody's return to the team I expect I'll have somewhat less load now and I'll try to avoid our turn sitting at my hands for too long next time.
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden


    • My apologies also . Turn 2197 to Rubin.
      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


      • M.Y. 2197 Complete

        Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2197
        While succesfully researching and developing new techniques to improve the health of the Rubinites a deadly virus outbreak was reported near Hydroponics One. The Prometheus Virus has reason to be feared as it may kill thousands within a single year. Fortunately, Dr. Jeneba was able to quickly find ways to contain the virus and Rubinic losses were minimal.
        Speculations have suggested that the virus may have been intentionally released.
        End of Report

        Turn 2198 passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.

        Merry Christmas!
        Last edited by Rubin; December 23, 2003, 04:52.


        • GNN is on the air!

          The sound effects weren't that complicated. It just took me awhile to get the different devices "talking" to one another.
          Last edited by Chip_Buckner; December 25, 2003, 19:36.


          • Turn sent. Merry Christmas everybody!
            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

            Grapefruit Garden


            • Come on Hercules ... you couldn't find time to play on a Saturday?


              • Turn 2198 to Rubin.

                Please note I called Planetary Council. It is a contest between the Hive and the University.


                all three AI abstained.


                Rubin - 80/88?
                Honghu - 132
                Chip - 57
                Hercules - 108

                I voted for Honghu
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • M.Y. 2198 Complete

                  Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2198:
                  During M.Y. 2186 CEO Rubin signed a deal with Provost Gufnork. While the Provost has already 'paid' his part, the CEO hasn't had the chance until M.Y. 2198.

                  In compliance with the Rubinic part of deal CEO Rubin cast all 88 Rubinic votes for Provost Gufnork during the recent council session. This voting seemed to surprise all faction leaders attending the council session -- even the CEO himself looked puzzled, in particular when considering the fact that the Rubinites have been at war with the University since M.Y. 2191, while the Hive and the Rubinites have had a peaceful and fruitful trade treaty for many years.
                  The document presenting the deal dating from M.Y. 2186 was brought before the faction leaders. The fact that the Provost had cast all University votes for Chairman HongHu presented a very odd situation. Sister Miriam, who had -- somewhat surprisingly -- faithfully supported the University agenda was the first to break the silence, sternly inquiring what was going on...
                  So far, neither Chairman HongHu nor Provost Gufnork has presented any kind of explanation. All that CEO Rubin could do was to inform the council that the Provost has not expressed any whishes towards changing the contents of the deal--in fact all diplomatic negotiations between the University and the Rubinites have been very quiet for several years.

                  (To this, rumors say that Provost Gufnork in reality is nothing but a marionette in the hands of a cunning strategist named Hercules.)

                  Recent events near the spartan city of Ironholm have forced CEO Rubin to openly sustain the Vendetta against the Hive. At least two Rubinic units were lost in the fierce hivean onslaught. Whether the Rubinic casualties were caused by collateral damage from hivean Missile technology or direct hivean aggression is still unclear. CEO Rubin demands a public explanation to this aggression and all diplomatic channels concerning the Hive have been closed until further notice. NEVER have the Rubinites conducted ANY kind of hostile actions against the Hive! If all this is a simple hivean mistake, Chairman HongHu should read her intelligence reports closely before ordering her forces to attack next time. The Rubinites do not wish to be part of the conflict between the Hive and the Spartan Federation.

                  End of Report

                  Turn passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.
                  Last edited by Rubin; December 28, 2003, 09:09.


                  • GNN is on the air!

                    (As noted in the broadcast, I'm pulling old audio broadcasts off the 'Web. I'll just keep the last ten years or so. I will, however, keep the transcripts up. They don't take much space.)

                    Turn to HongHu.
                    Last edited by Chip_Buckner; December 28, 2003, 20:49.


                    • Puppeteer Hercules Provost Gufnork goes looking for MY2186 Agreement.

                      Darn I could have been the Governor he mumbles and with all the perks associated with that posts. More TV channels and radio broadcasts and travel.

                      Ah well next time. Who would have thought the Rubinites would so confused. Must have been excess capitalist partying that effected reasoning.
                      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                      • 2181/6-Agreement (University/Rubinites), transmission transcript

                        University transmission, M.Y. 2181
                        As you may know I am now the opposing candidate in the election from governorship. I'm sure that neither of us like having him in that position. That is why I suggest that you vote for me as governor and in return I will share some of those benefits with you in the form of technology. How does this deal sound to you?

                        /Provost Gufnork
                        Rubinic transmission, M.Y. 2181
                        Greetings Provost Gufnork,

                        Have elections been called again? Anyway, I'm very positive towards your suggestion but I cannot properly evaluate the situation if the appointment of a new Governor lies 10-15 years from now.

                        CEO Rubin
                        University transmission, M.Y. 2182
                        10 years until we can call the vote. A global trade pact may be in our common interest however.
                        Rubinic transmission, M.Y. 2182
                        Greetings Provost Gufnork,

                        What research information would you be willing to share for the Rubinic votes? I may be able to take advantage of new technology before the council is called again and I grant you my pre-accepted votes. (The Global Trade Pact hopefully passes.)

                        CEO Rubin
                        Rubinic transmission, M.Y. 2183
                        Greetings Provost Gufnork,

                        I am still awaiting your diplomatic reply (M.Y. 2182). However, I'm very interested in missile weapon technology ASAP -- as I may have a bit of a, ehh, problem shortly. How do you consider this possibility?

                        CEO Rubin
                        University transmission, M.Y. 2183
                        I am willing to grant you the schematics to missile weaponry in exchange for your votes in the upcoming election. You may receive it by M.Y. 2185. First I must ask who will cause these potential problems. I would not appreciate you using my technology on a valued ally.

                        /Provost Gufnork
                        Rubinic transmission, M.Y. 2183
                        Greetings Provost Gufnork,

                        First of all, is the missile weapon technology the only technology you'll trade for my votes? Secondly, unless you consider the Spartans your 'valued ally' I can assure you that I shall not use any new weapon technology on any valued ally of yours. However, it has been several years since Brother Lal has been visiting within my borders and I may be forced to use all means possible, should he show up again. Finally, I haven't seen any Gaian units and I'm sure Chairman HongHu can tell you that she, too, has no units occupying my territory.

                        I may be missing your point, so please ask if this information is unclear to you.

                        CEO Rubin
                        University transmission, M.Y. 2183
                        Missile technology is the only thing I'm willing to send you now atleast. I am uncertain if your vote is even necessary when election time comes. I will send you Missile technology as a sign of good will despite negotiations being in progress.

                        /Provost Gufnork
                        University transmission, M.Y. 2184
                        After talking to your scientists and disovering the poor state your science department is I've decided that I can give you High Energy Chemistry as well so that you could provide some resistance atleast. Are you interested?

                        /Provost Gufnork
                        Rubinic transmission, M.Y. 2184
                        Greetings Provost Gufnork,

                        I thank your for the files on Synthetic Fossil Fuels. And you are right: Rubinic scientist have had only poor success in defensive technologies. High Energy Chemistry would definitely improve my defenses. So, yes I'm interested in the files.

                        CEO Rubin
                        University transmission, M.Y. 2185
                        I sent you HEC. Your world map would be most appreciated, knowledge is power after all. After all I've given you it's not too much to ask, is it?
                        Rubinic transmission, M.Y. 2185
                        Greetings Provost Gufnork,

                        Well, currently maps are classified, but you can certainly expect to know more once you are able to claim governorship. Consider my votes bought. Additionally, by the time you've been elected would you be interested in a pact to further increase our commerce income?

                        CEO Rubin
                        By early M.Y. 2186 the Rubinites received and accepted the University technological files on High Energy Chemistry, thereby completing the signing of the agreement; known as 2181/6-Agreement (University/Rubinites).


                        • Turn sent.

                          Chairman HongHu appreciate the support and trust by all of her friend factions and also appreciate CEO Rubin's integrity as he showned by voting for a faction that he has an ongoing war with. Chairman HongHu also would like to announce that she had no intention of fighting the good CEO. The fact that CEO Rubin is pacted with the warmongering Spartans was an entirely surprise for her. She therefore offers her most sincere apology for any and all Rubinite casuaties that were inadvertantly caught in the war.
                          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                          Grapefruit Garden


                          • Turn 2199 to Rubin. Congratulations to Chairman Honghu.
                            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                            • M.Y. 2199 Complete

                              Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2199:
                              CEO Rubin is delighted that the elections did not favor Provost Gufnork as Planetary Governor and the CEO sends congratulations to Chairman HongHu! Sceptic voices call the elections a complete farce. While the CEO's integrity seems intact, Provost Gufnork may have dubious intentions. The fact that Chairman HongHu is pacted with the untrustworthy University is the main Rubinic cause of concern.
                              The public statement of the Chairman, that she [...] had no intention of fighting the good CEO, hardly corresponds with the recent military actions of the Hive. As always, the madame Chairman's actions speak louder than her words, and Rubinic Intelligence has reason to believe that the hivean public profile is nothing but a dangerous and deceitful charade. The recent hivean aggression against the Rubinites is believed to be far from inadvertent -- the Chairman is far too skillful to make such a foolish mistake.
                              A public Rubinic collect in support of the victims at Ironholm has enabled Rubinic business emissaries to convince the hivean forces at Ironholm to enlist in the Rubinic defensive forces. Colonel Corazon Santiago suggested that her longtime pact-sister Miriam Godwinson would benefit the most from this newly liberated base ... and so Rubinic goodwill has now favored the Lord's Believers at Ironholm.
                              When considering the hivean lack of diplomatic initiatives upon the recent aggression, the question arises as to what point the Chairman is trying to make?!? Is this a desired hivean war in expense of valuable peace and trade opportunites?

                              General warning: Rubinic scientists have issued a general warning on the import of hivean supplies. Tests have shown that these may be contaminated with dangerous quasi-nuclear materials!
                              End of Report

                              Turn 2200 passed to Lord Chip of the gaians.
                              Last edited by Rubin; December 30, 2003, 16:42.


                              • Turn to HongHu. Broadcast after my son's birthday party.
                                Last edited by Chip_Buckner; December 30, 2003, 20:23.

