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Gufnork's Rumble

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  • M.Y. 2183 Complete

    Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2183:
    The Global Trade Pact resolution has been passed in the council. The effects of this resultion come just in time for the increased energy output of the major solar flare activity on Alpha Prime. CEO Rubin is thrilled by these current events.
    Colonel Santiago, however, has occupied important Rubinic resources. So far, Santiago has refused to remove her units. Additional military units have been dispatched in order to protect Rubinic citizens from the threat of the Spartan forces and the pending threat of nutrient shortage.

    *Public Announcement, M.Y. 2183*
    Brother Lal of the Peacekeepers has authorized a secret project, codenamed the Citizens Defense Force.

    End of Report

    Turn passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.
    Last edited by Rubin; October 15, 2003, 12:00.


    • GNN is on the air!

      Turn to HongHu.

      I entered the wrong password several times this turn, before it occurred to me that it was the wrong password. After the third time, the game kicked me out. I remembered what I was doing and got it right the next time. I suspect you'll get a double-load message from me.

      I'm a boy scout leader this weekend. I'll be out Friday and Saturday evening. I'll need a turn early Friday, if I am to play.

      Last edited by Chip_Buckner; October 15, 2003, 21:48.


      • turn sent
        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

        Grapefruit Garden


        • M.Y. 2184 Complete

          Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2184:
          Again, Colonel Santiago refused to respond to Rubinic diplomatic efforts. Rumor has it that CEO Rubin now intend to remove the spartan units by force. Patience is running low on both sides.

          *Public Announcement, M.Y. 2184*
          Sister Miriam convened the Planetary Council! Agenda: Repeal U.N. Charter. Sister Miriam and Colonel Santiago both voted YEA. CEO Rubin joined Brother Lal in voting NAY.

          End of Report

          Turn passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.
          Last edited by Rubin; October 16, 2003, 20:31.


          • GNN is on the air!

            Turn to HongHu. Unless you move this REALLY quickly, I'll "see" you all Sunday.


            • M.Y. 2185 Complete

              Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2185:
              The current global situation is critical. The initial hostility of Brother Lal declaring vendetta upon the Hive has had dangerous consequences. The Lord's Believers and the Spartan Federation joined the Peacekeepers in the war against Chairman HongHu, forming a global alliance: The Peacekeeper Alliance.

              It is unclear whether the Peacekeepers have been able to direct the Spartans or if Colonel Santiago initiated her own war upon the University which has now been drawn into the global conflict. During these events the Peacekeeper Alliance has been terrorizing all factions on Chiron. It seems if only a small possibility remains open before the Peacekeeper Alliance's warmongering escalates to total global war!

              In order to talk some reason into Brother Lal, our Planetary Governor, CEO Rubin has personally embarked on a risky journey to U.N. Headquarters. CEO Rubin explains: This conflict may soon land on Rubinic territory. Sister Miriam and Colonel Santiago have no respect for our borders. The mastermind behind the advancement of the war-inclined Ladies' battlefleets, the now infamous Brother Lal I expect, need to reconsider this pointless aggression. Hence, I shall try to convince Brother Lal to cease all fire and eventually withdraw from the conflict. And I shall do so in person. Not only the Rubinites are in danger of invasion... This concerns all factions on Chiron!

              The fact that the Peacekeepers actively prevented the council resolution to Repeal the U.N. Charter indicates that there may be hope for peace. However, the current build-up of military units all around the globe is alarming. Also, until the safe return of CEO Rubin Counsellor Kai of the New Chiron Party is acting spokesman of the Rubinites. The counsellor is best known for his political influence leading to the Rubinic change from Free Market economy to the more appealing Green economy -- preserving the ecology of Chiron.

              Finally, during M.Y. 2185 it became clear to the Rubinites that Provost Gufnork had completed the Cyborg Factory during the last couple of years. Congratulations to the Provost.
              End of Report

              Turn passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.
              Last edited by Rubin; October 20, 2003, 00:11.


              • GNN is on the air!

                Turn to HongHu.


                • Sorry for holding the turn. I have been quite busy lately.

                  Turn sent.
                  Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                  Grapefruit Garden


                  • Turn to Rubin


                    • M.Y. 2186 Complete

                      Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2186:
                      Counsellor Kai has ordered Rubinic terraforming engineers to focus on planting forests throughout Rubinic territory and many former workers have been trained as technological specialists in order to prevent the corruption of planetary ecology. Rubinic researchers expect a breakthrough next year which hopefully improves Rubinic commerce initiatives.

                      *Public Announcement, M.Y. 2186*
                      Colonel Santiago has joined the race for the Citizens' Defense Force. Prior to this, the Colonel convened the planetary council in order to Repeal the Global Trade Pact. Sister Miriam supports Colonel Santiago. Governor Lal and CEO Rubin voted NAY.

                      End of Report

                      Turn 2187 passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.
                      Last edited by Rubin; October 22, 2003, 17:50.


                      • GNN is on the air!

                        Turn to HongHu.
                        Last edited by Chip_Buckner; October 22, 2003, 21:19.


                        • Turn sent last night.
                          Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                          Grapefruit Garden


                          • Turn to Rubin


                            • M.Y. 2187 Complete

                              Turn passed to Lord Chip.


                              • GNN is on the air!

                                [Edit: Fixed the .htm link. I had left off the suffix. Sorry.]

                                Turn to HongHu.
                                Last edited by Chip_Buckner; October 28, 2003, 21:03.

