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Gufnork's Rumble

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  • #76
    Nothing new under Alpha Centauri.

    2120 to HongHu


    • #77
      2120 to Univ
      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

      Grapefruit Garden


      • #78
        2120 to Rubinites.

        If only you could see which way the mind worms are travelling!


        • #79
          M.Y. 2120 Complete

          Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2120:
          The 2nd Decade Report is ready. Also, exploration units of the GPE are returning home. CEO Rubin has decided not to reveal any information or new maps from the GPE to the public. It is still uncertain when the CEO launches the GPE phase 2.
          End of Report

          Turn 2120 Complete. Turn passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.

          2nd Decade Report attached below.
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Rubin; August 5, 2003, 07:00.


          • #80
            GNN - 2121

            Exploration through the rocks continues slowly.

            2121 to the Hive.

            * * *

            [The CEO isn't releasing exploration data to the public? Why not? Aren't his taxpayers paying for the research? Why conduct the exploration, if not for the benefit of the public? The CEO sounds more like "The Despot" to me.]


            • #81
              PLAH report 2121

              The highly awaited first unit of terrain reforming former are delayed due to burocracy. The treasury department mistakenly issued fewer energy credits required by the rush building of the former. The publicly issued explanation by the commissionar of treasury stated that due to the depletion of gross energy credit reserve all public funding were cut in half. There were increasing public outcry of reducing expenses for military support.

              2121 to Univ
              Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

              Grapefruit Garden


              • #82
                "My god, they're hostile!"

                2121 to Rubinites


                • #83
                  M.Y. 2121 Complete

                  Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2121:
                  Underground Strategic Command Complex (USCC), Colony Headquarters, 60 meters below planet surface, Communications Protocol:
                  - Technician: Sir, we've picked up some kind of... eh... signal*. We are not able to locate the source, and... it seems to be just garbled static noise. Strange?!? Very strange...

                  [*Meta-Transmission-Transcript (decoded): I fully understand the CEO's decision. I his situation information is both a blessing and a curse. While the public is indeed entitled to knowing what's going on, a very fragile society should not be presented with any unnecessary 'critical' information. If the citizens knew that they were entrapped by xenofungus or dangerously close to a volcano or hostile faction etc., unrest may force all bases into a crippeling chaos. Secrecy like this is of course only a short term solution. Once a firm infrastructure is set up public unrest shouldn't pose a serious threat (-- it might even be beneficial). Meanwhile, the CEO is taking very good care of his 'employees'; providing them with a living far beyond that of simple survival. A single absolute ruler is not necessarily a despot!]

                  End of Report

                  Turn 2121 complete. Turn passed to Chip.


                  • #84
                    Turn to HongHu


                    • #85
                      PLAH Report, 2122

                      The winter of Chiron was so hard. Without terrain improvement facilities, citizens are starving, production are striving.

                      2122 to Univ
                      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                      Grapefruit Garden


                      • #86
                        2122 to Rubinites

                        I hate randomness. Especially when the odds are in favor and it's important. My colony pod had to suffer for it this time.


                        • #87
                          M.Y. 2122 Complete

                          Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2122:
                          Colony Headquarters has suffered from a decrease in production. Unit maintenance and support has reached very high levels and workers are constantly asking for new supplies. Currently there is no solution to the problem. Production has been temporarily halted.
                          End of Report

                          2122 not recieved! Gufnork, you sent me 2121 and your 2122 (Univ).

                          Turn 2123 sent to Gaians...
                          Last edited by Rubin; August 8, 2003, 06:02.


                          • #88
                            2123 to HongHu


                            • #89
                              2123 to Univ
                              Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                              Grapefruit Garden


                              • #90
                                2123 to Rubinites

