M.Y. 2123 Complete
Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2123:
Jeneba has set up a research complex on the borders of Rubinic territory. Scientists are studying native flora and fauna in search of answers. A strange crimson lifeform covers vast tracts of Rubinic territory and movement through these areas is extremely difficult. Preliminary results suggest that this lifeform is related to the fierce attack on hydoponics module C-1187 and its escort more than 20 years ago.
*Public Announcement, M.Y. 2123*
By the end of M.Y. 2123 Brother Lal announces that the Peacekeepers have initiated the building of Chiron's first Secret Project. Brother Lal has appropriately named the project: The Merchant Exchange.
End of Report
Turn 2123 complete. Turn passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.
Rubinic Report, M.Y. 2123:
Jeneba has set up a research complex on the borders of Rubinic territory. Scientists are studying native flora and fauna in search of answers. A strange crimson lifeform covers vast tracts of Rubinic territory and movement through these areas is extremely difficult. Preliminary results suggest that this lifeform is related to the fierce attack on hydoponics module C-1187 and its escort more than 20 years ago.
*Public Announcement, M.Y. 2123*
By the end of M.Y. 2123 Brother Lal announces that the Peacekeepers have initiated the building of Chiron's first Secret Project. Brother Lal has appropriately named the project: The Merchant Exchange.

Turn 2123 complete. Turn passed to Lord Chip of the Gaians.