First a look into overall strategies...
For me it has become customary to divide factions into two distinct categories based on their social priorities, nature and most cost-efficient overall strategy. Dictatorian factions pursue power on the expense of infrastructure and economy, warfare is essential for the success of faction. Democratic factions put their efforts into infrastructure and peacetime development.
Dictatorian : Hive, Sparta, Believers
Democratic : Peacekeepers, Gaians, Morganites, University
Other way to make distinction between faction strategies is to sort them by their primary intrest. To great extent this is a subject of opinion, of course.
Explore : Gaians
Discover : University of Planet, Peacekeepers
Build : Morgan
Conquer : Believers, Spartans, Hive
There's also some victory conditions which some factions clearly aim for. UoP go for Trancend, PKs Diplomatic, Morgan for Economic. Other factions mostly have best chance at Trancend, Diplomatic or Conquer.
Then factions with their most cost-efficient SE, IMHO...
Democracy, Free Market/Green, Knowledge/Wealth, Cybernetic/Eudaimonic
University is definitely for Democracy. I've used Free Market with success, but in the early game +1 Drone is bad enough making Free Market very hard to sustain. Playing as UoP though you have the most realistic aim for VW, and HGP is not far away either. Green makes a good early economy in case you don't succeed to get the support for FreeMarket. Knowledge seems as best option in most of the cases. Future Societies are an open question but if in FreeMarket one would probably take Cybernetic. And if Green, Eudaimonic.
Democracy, Planned/Free Market, Knowledge/Wealth, Cybernetic/Eudaimonic
Democracy for Peacekeepers, that's a sure one. Because of PKs' 2x multiplyer for votes and +1 Talent it makes sense for them to pursue Planned for the Growth bonus. Then again, +1 Talents makes it that much more easy to run FM, it might come into use if you don't need that Growth bonus. It's also easier to pursue GA when playing PKs, amd Democracy, CC and GA is enough to get Population boom anyway. When it comes into Values, PKs go well with Knowledge and Wealth and if you need to "punk some heads", Power doesn't hold them back in any significant manner either. Cybernetic makes sense because of its efficiency advantage, in this point of game one usually can use some efficiency anyway. Which future society comes into question depends upon your other social choices.
Democracy, Green, Wealth/Knowledge, Cybernetic/Eudaimonic
The late game boosting +2 Efficiency opens a lot of doors for Gaians. Considering their -Police and -Morale they don't serve well in Police State or Fundamentalism. I would make most out of their Planet advantage and go for green hippie style. Wealth could also come handy considering their emphasis of native life forms. Inherent penalty of Moral makes it that much harder to create a well-trained conventional army in the early-mid game. Maximing efficiency in very large empires, Knowledge may come useful and the late game options stay open for Gaians. Cybernetic grants them +5 Planet, 50% Combat bonus, and native life is probably the best way for Gaian to go until they start to have enough high tech to sustain conventional army with reasonable costs and power. Eudaimonic is nice though, if you run Knowledge and want that +1 energy per square.
Democracy, Free Market, Wealth/Knowledge, Eudaimonic/Cybernetic
As Morgan I wouldn't consider any less economy supporting politics than Democracy. Having good relations and relatively small faction with all the possible Economy turned on makes a nice trip to wealth but even minor "over expansion" calls for more efficiency. It's usually a good idea to limit your size when playing as Morgan and choose to go all wealth. That makes SE pretty simple.
Fundamentalist, Green, Power, Thought Control/Cybernetic
I think our beloved believers leave little choice for leaders in their SE settings. Miriam can pack a great deal of punch and very early on if used wisely. But Miriam's faction calls for arms more than any other faction. Constant probing and invasion are essential when playing Miriam. Constant offense is usually only way to keep up with Technocrats, in fact, I usually halt all research after I establish sufficient probing network. One of the main themes when playing as Miriam are constant drone difficulties being the only dictatorian with no Police advantage.
Police State/Fundamentalism, Green, Power/Knowledge, Thought Control/Cybernetic
It's good to notice that since Spartans don't have any economy/research restrictions as other dictatorships it's completely possible to pursue more Build centered strategy. Considering their nature and advantages though, this doesn't make much sense. I'd go for Police State to get that early Support bonus and +3 Police. Fundamentalism works well with their Morale but I don't really see +2 Probe that useful. You will most probably need Green to neutralize efficiency penalty, and you are going to have more than few bases if you play Spartans anyway. Spartans prefer Power, nice, but it's not necessarily in need when you consider they already have +2 Morale and with Police State they have enough Support.
Eudaimonia sacrifises Morale to the altar of humanism, absurd for Spartans. Cybernetic disarms you top notch police forces. And you probably don't have any adv. facilities to deal with discontempt citizens often preferred as Drones. And Thought Control is cool
Police State, Planned, Knowledge, Cybernetic
The SE for Hive is predestinated if you ask me. You have to aim for high population Growth and good Industry, controlled and supported by Police State. Police State seems to make only reasonable Politics setting in any given situation when playing Hive. Wealth might seem to support that Industry and lift off penalties in Economy. But in most situations I find Knowledge only way to go, unless in heavy conflict with enemy which might call for Power. The Hive usaully becomes large faction(up to you of course), both inefficiency and associated b-drones are tough problems to chew on. But it's a safest choice for fast expansion and fundamental production.
You don't agree? I'd be worried if you do
For me it has become customary to divide factions into two distinct categories based on their social priorities, nature and most cost-efficient overall strategy. Dictatorian factions pursue power on the expense of infrastructure and economy, warfare is essential for the success of faction. Democratic factions put their efforts into infrastructure and peacetime development.
Dictatorian : Hive, Sparta, Believers
Democratic : Peacekeepers, Gaians, Morganites, University
Other way to make distinction between faction strategies is to sort them by their primary intrest. To great extent this is a subject of opinion, of course.
Explore : Gaians
Discover : University of Planet, Peacekeepers
Build : Morgan
Conquer : Believers, Spartans, Hive
There's also some victory conditions which some factions clearly aim for. UoP go for Trancend, PKs Diplomatic, Morgan for Economic. Other factions mostly have best chance at Trancend, Diplomatic or Conquer.
Then factions with their most cost-efficient SE, IMHO...
Democracy, Free Market/Green, Knowledge/Wealth, Cybernetic/Eudaimonic
University is definitely for Democracy. I've used Free Market with success, but in the early game +1 Drone is bad enough making Free Market very hard to sustain. Playing as UoP though you have the most realistic aim for VW, and HGP is not far away either. Green makes a good early economy in case you don't succeed to get the support for FreeMarket. Knowledge seems as best option in most of the cases. Future Societies are an open question but if in FreeMarket one would probably take Cybernetic. And if Green, Eudaimonic.
Democracy, Planned/Free Market, Knowledge/Wealth, Cybernetic/Eudaimonic
Democracy for Peacekeepers, that's a sure one. Because of PKs' 2x multiplyer for votes and +1 Talent it makes sense for them to pursue Planned for the Growth bonus. Then again, +1 Talents makes it that much more easy to run FM, it might come into use if you don't need that Growth bonus. It's also easier to pursue GA when playing PKs, amd Democracy, CC and GA is enough to get Population boom anyway. When it comes into Values, PKs go well with Knowledge and Wealth and if you need to "punk some heads", Power doesn't hold them back in any significant manner either. Cybernetic makes sense because of its efficiency advantage, in this point of game one usually can use some efficiency anyway. Which future society comes into question depends upon your other social choices.
Democracy, Green, Wealth/Knowledge, Cybernetic/Eudaimonic
The late game boosting +2 Efficiency opens a lot of doors for Gaians. Considering their -Police and -Morale they don't serve well in Police State or Fundamentalism. I would make most out of their Planet advantage and go for green hippie style. Wealth could also come handy considering their emphasis of native life forms. Inherent penalty of Moral makes it that much harder to create a well-trained conventional army in the early-mid game. Maximing efficiency in very large empires, Knowledge may come useful and the late game options stay open for Gaians. Cybernetic grants them +5 Planet, 50% Combat bonus, and native life is probably the best way for Gaian to go until they start to have enough high tech to sustain conventional army with reasonable costs and power. Eudaimonic is nice though, if you run Knowledge and want that +1 energy per square.
Democracy, Free Market, Wealth/Knowledge, Eudaimonic/Cybernetic
As Morgan I wouldn't consider any less economy supporting politics than Democracy. Having good relations and relatively small faction with all the possible Economy turned on makes a nice trip to wealth but even minor "over expansion" calls for more efficiency. It's usually a good idea to limit your size when playing as Morgan and choose to go all wealth. That makes SE pretty simple.
Fundamentalist, Green, Power, Thought Control/Cybernetic
I think our beloved believers leave little choice for leaders in their SE settings. Miriam can pack a great deal of punch and very early on if used wisely. But Miriam's faction calls for arms more than any other faction. Constant probing and invasion are essential when playing Miriam. Constant offense is usually only way to keep up with Technocrats, in fact, I usually halt all research after I establish sufficient probing network. One of the main themes when playing as Miriam are constant drone difficulties being the only dictatorian with no Police advantage.
Police State/Fundamentalism, Green, Power/Knowledge, Thought Control/Cybernetic
It's good to notice that since Spartans don't have any economy/research restrictions as other dictatorships it's completely possible to pursue more Build centered strategy. Considering their nature and advantages though, this doesn't make much sense. I'd go for Police State to get that early Support bonus and +3 Police. Fundamentalism works well with their Morale but I don't really see +2 Probe that useful. You will most probably need Green to neutralize efficiency penalty, and you are going to have more than few bases if you play Spartans anyway. Spartans prefer Power, nice, but it's not necessarily in need when you consider they already have +2 Morale and with Police State they have enough Support.
Eudaimonia sacrifises Morale to the altar of humanism, absurd for Spartans. Cybernetic disarms you top notch police forces. And you probably don't have any adv. facilities to deal with discontempt citizens often preferred as Drones. And Thought Control is cool

Police State, Planned, Knowledge, Cybernetic
The SE for Hive is predestinated if you ask me. You have to aim for high population Growth and good Industry, controlled and supported by Police State. Police State seems to make only reasonable Politics setting in any given situation when playing Hive. Wealth might seem to support that Industry and lift off penalties in Economy. But in most situations I find Knowledge only way to go, unless in heavy conflict with enemy which might call for Power. The Hive usaully becomes large faction(up to you of course), both inefficiency and associated b-drones are tough problems to chew on. But it's a safest choice for fast expansion and fundamental production.
You don't agree? I'd be worried if you do
