Originally posted by Darius
It depends on the screen resolution. To test this, I just opened the same turn in 800x600 and 1024x768. With the 800x600 resolution, I got the "linked" indicator. With the 1024x768 resolution, I did not. I suspect it has to do with subtle differences in the screen layouts and font sizes.
Note that if you use the "Video Mode" command in the Alpha.ini file, it will override the resolution you have set for Windows.
It depends on the screen resolution. To test this, I just opened the same turn in 800x600 and 1024x768. With the 800x600 resolution, I got the "linked" indicator. With the 1024x768 resolution, I did not. I suspect it has to do with subtle differences in the screen layouts and font sizes.
Note that if you use the "Video Mode" command in the Alpha.ini file, it will override the resolution you have set for Windows.
m not changing my great resolution for SMAC!