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Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!

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  • BugID: #0180, AutoFormer_Move
    Submitter: overcome,
    Version: Alien Crossfire v2
    Category: Movement
    Status: Confirmed
    Priority: 3
    Save before: N/A
    Save after: N/A
    Description: On occasion, a few formers that have automated orders, would move back and forth
    across a few squares endlessly. It took several minutes to regain control of the program. Sometimes
    you can try to open the city in the middle, and it would break the phenomena, other times you had to
    "end task" the game.


    • BugID: #0181, Lose_population
      Submitter: overcome,
      Version: Alien Crossfire v2
      Category: Base
      Status: Demonstrated
      Priority: 3
      Save before: N/A
      Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
      Description: Some cities seem to loose citizens after they are built. In one particular game, the first
      city I built could not get more than 8 citizens in over 100 years, while the second city built was up to
      over 13 citizens. I would watch the city grow to 4 citizens, then shrink to 3, for no reason. Then it
      would get up to 5, then shrink to 4, for no reason. I could not figure it out. No mind worm attacks or
      anything from normal gameplay.

      About the save: I am certain that there is enough food. The nutrient bar is always in the
      positive digits. I am vigilant about checking resources every turn.
      Northern Hub is the city, faction Cult of Planet.


      • BugID: #0182, Inactive_Former
        Submitter: overcome,
        Version: Alien Crossfire v2
        Category: Movement
        Status: Demonstrated
        Priority: 3
        Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
        Save after: N/A
        Description: Formers would complete their terraforming orders, and then become inactive. It will
        stay inactive until you click on it to activate. Once you click on the former, it would activate and take
        new orders.

        about the save: The former in question is in the attached file in 22,6 (Caretakers faction,
        Worlds Within). I tried to replicate it again, and was successful once.
        This was a multiplayer game, I opened it and try to save it and I got kicked
        out of the program altogether, but the save worked.



        • BugID: #0183, Disembark_Inactive
          Submitter: overcome,
          Version: Alien Crossfire v2
          Category: Movement
          Status: Demonstrated
          Priority: 3
          Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
          Save after: N/A
          Description: Units moved onto transports go into an inactive mode. Once the transport is moved
          directed to a land square, nothing happens. Normally, a popup window asking you if you want to
          disembark appears. If you click on the transport, it appears in popup with the other units, from which
          you can select.


          • BugID: #0184, Self_Eradication
            Submitter: Ken Coleman, ???
            Version: Alien Crossfire v2
            Category: Misc
            Status: Pending
            Priority: 3
            Save before: N/A
            Save after: N/A
            Description: I was playing the Spartans, and the rest
            of the factions were the Gaians, Hive, University, Believers, Peacekeepers,
            and Free Drones. The Hive, Peacekeepers, and Gaians were all eradicated
            (Hive & Gaians by me).

            In about 2350, the Free Drones started attacking me, and then about 20 years
            later, the bug occurred. They sent a probe team into my HQ and released
            their leader. This was very odd, since they'd never been eradicated. After
            that, they thanked me for releasing their leader, gave me all their money &
            techs, and then vanished off the face of Planet! Every base and unit just
            disappeared. After I had won and the playback played, that was exactly what
            it looked like, too - they were there, and the next step they were gone.


            • BugID: #0185, Allied_Base_Transport_Loading
              Submitter: Bblue,
              Version: both AX and AC4(?)
              Category: Movement
              Status: Demonstrated
              Priority: 4
              Save before: N/A
              Save after: N/A
              Description: Can not load land units onto a sea transport (IoD in the case of the save) if the sea
              transport is in an allied sea base.



              • BugID: #0186, Time_Warp
                Submitter: Bblue,
                Version: both AX and AC4(?)
                Category: Rules
                Status: Demonstrated
                Priority: 4
                Save before: [/b] http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                Save after: [/b] http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                Description: Game will occasionally go to the next turn and the game year will not advance.

                Regarding the saves: the before save shows my first 2350 turn (note that the Cloudbase Academy
                under construction in Concentration Pit) the after save, still year 2350, has the Cloudbase Academy
                completed.. not even sure that these were the only year 2350 turns I took. I think there was another
                turn between these two in which I rush built the Academy, as it is not near completion in the first
                save. The year did change and continue to change normally after the 'Save after' save.


                • BugID: #0187, Missing_Probe_Capture
                  Submitter: BustaMike,
                  Version: Alien Crossfire v2
                  Category: Multiplayer
                  Status: Demonstrated
                  Priority: 3
                  Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                  Save after: N/A
                  Description: In this game there is a Peacekeeper probe (AI) in Cybernetic (human) territory. Normally you have
                  the option of
                  A. Killing the probe
                  B. Kicking it out of your territory
                  C. Leaving it alone

                  In this game there is no option to kick the probe out of Cyborg territory. Killing it would cause
                  vendetta and leaving it alone could be bad. This is a bummer situation.


                  • BugID: #0188, ShareTech
                    Submitter: overcome,
                    Version: Alien Crossfire v2
                    Category: Multiplayer
                    Status: Demonstrated
                    Priority: 4
                    Save before: N/A
                    Save after: N/A
                    Description: I am playing a multiplayer and my Cult of Planet faction shared Mind Machine
                    Interface with the Caretakers. After the transaction, the tech would not list on my opponents Lab
                    list. She also claims to have discovered it before I gave it to her. When I went to share, it listed in my
                    pick list that she did not have that tech. Have sent files for several different period in the game to
                    check progress.


                    • BugID: #0189, Sold_Command_Nexus
                      Submitter: Travathian,
                      Version: both AX and AC4(?)
                      Category: Base
                      Status: Pending
                      Priority: 4
                      Save before: N/A
                      Save after: N/A
                      Description: After building the Command Nexus, I had run out of money one turn and the next turn I didn't have
                      enough money to support the Command Center in one of my cities, it sold it. It was still there and still
                      in effect, but I made the 30-40 energy for it being sold. And NO I hadnt built one previously cause I
                      have never built them in just about any game, lol.


                      • BugID: #0190, TerranX_Crash
                        Submitter: Fistleaf,
                        Version: Alien Crossfire v2
                        Category: Crash
                        Status: Demonstrated
                        Priority: 1
                        Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                        Save after: N/A
                        Description: This is a rare case of a crash at 2199.
                        Terranx cause division by zero fault or something.


                        • Bumped for the sake of new readers...


                          • Bumped for the sake of new readers...


                            • BUMP - there are many new posts about people re-discovering some of these and they are not sure if it is a bug or not. This list should help them...

