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Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!

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  • BugID: #0120, Datalinks_Impact
    Submitter: Darkstar,
    Version: Both AX and AC4
    Category: UI
    Status: Pending
    Priority: 4
    Save before: N/A
    Save after: N/A
    Description: Impact Weapons are missing from the Weapons and Modules section in
    Datalinks under Impact. They are listed as Particle Impactors, which is NOT what they
    are listed in the Workshop. Players not be able to find it's appropriate tech or cost in the
    Datalinks as a result of this odd naming.

    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


    • BugID: #0121, Maritime_Control_Center
      Submitter: Aredhran,
      Version: Both AX and AC4
      Category: Movement
      Status: Pending
      Priority: 3
      Save before: N/A (not available)
      Save after:
      Description: Prerequisite: You don't have Maritime Control Center.
      1. One of your ship attacks.
      2. You capture an enemy base that has MCC
      3. Your ship gets another attack due to the extra 2 moves granted by the SP
      Save File: Available

      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


      • BugID: #0122, PBEM_Probe
        Submitter: jimmytrick,
        Version: Alien Crossfire | Alpha Centauri v4 | Both AX and AC4
        Category: MultiPlayer
        Status: Pending
        Priority: 2
        Save before: N/A (not available)
        Save after:
        Description: In SMAC play by e-mail games the person doing the probing gets the dialog box message
        where the decision is made to declared vendetta or let off with stern warning, not the
        person being probed. This allows an easy cheat. I do not believe that this was changed
        with Crossfire. Could you address this in a patch?

        Genaciv: maybe NOT having the decision being made by the person who probes, but instead...
        LETTING the VICTIM know what action was taken.. or alteast that a probe team had
        committed SOMETHING. And then from there, the VICTIM, during HIS/HER turn can
        decide what to do.. also, in single player, you can frame other people, right? Can this be
        done in multiplayer? I doubt it, but am still pretty new to PBEM... If that were the case, my
        idea would work great, cuz the VICTIM might think it were another faction that probed
        him. Let me know if you get what I'm trying to say... maybe we could suggest this to
        Firaxis, but I suspect it would be too much work to incorporate... hopefully they can
        handle it better in CIV III...

        MoSe: PBEM probe action bug?

        Well, I guess we should think of a viable alternative handling of it, to propose it to FurXs.

        You know, of course, the way it behaves now looks unresonable. But how can it be done?
        Think that in PBEM the players can't interact *during* one's turn.
        You can't *receive* immediate feedback *during* your turn.
        But sometimes the game options would greatly differe whether you get to a state of
        vendetta *immediately*, while you're still playing the end of your turn, or you'll have to
        wait till your next turn to see the effects of your actions recorde in you diplomatic status.

        Tkae the "demand withdrawal" issue. If you'll have to wait till the invader's turn to take
        his units out or to get angry at you, your units movement in the zone will ne hindered, while
        if the game reacts immediately on behalf of the other player, you can play *now* with the
        opponent's units removed.
        Same for probing. You perform NOW an action which could lead to vendetta. Your
        subsequent actions in THIS turn will be different whether you find you in that vendetta or
        not. So, this is to be decided NOW, immediatley after the probing action. It's goofy to ask
        the offender how the offended would react. But what can we expect?
        You'd have to save your turn halfway that interaction (now impossible), send it to the
        porbed for just that reponse, and then continue it?
        Of course, FurXs idea was that you should have know in advance what the probed action
        would have been. But since you might not get spotted, asking him in advance would mean
        unnecessarily reveal your intentions, so we decidet to adopt a default action, which
        wonder why is always vendetta .

        The ideal would be if you could be online with the probed, while you keep your turn open,
        on hold. But that can't be reasonably expected.

        The stupid thing, is that the probed doesn't even get a warning in his turn, this lack of
        report could be easily fixed. Otherwise, which alternative do you propose when you get
        spotted in probing a human player?

        Darkstar: Simple answer: New State of Uncertain.

        This is a temporary state in which the pacted/peaceful units get unfriendly. They exercise
        their ZOC against the aggressor (or framed victim), do not permit the land to be worked,
        protect against air drops, yadda yadda blah. This state would last until the *player* of their
        faction get's to decide to declare war or not.

        This would also cover the situation when a Pact-mate goes to war, rather then your side
        automatically going into war with the offending faction, you and he go to Uncertain State.
        Then, when your turn rolls around, you are presented with the choice of honoring your
        Pact, or breaking it (as in single play).

        It would require a touch up to the code, but it fits into the consistancy and spirit of the
        game, as established by it's current MP IP and SP implementation.

        That simple. A new temporary state that is resolved once the player of the faction get's his
        turn. Thier are plenty of RL examples where allies and/or friendly powers acted more
        cautiously and not at all like an ally or friendly power while their Leader decided what
        OFFICIAL state of relations to go to.

        Note that the state of "Uncertain" can only last until the player (who needs to decide) get's
        their turn. They have to decide during their turn. No stalling and ending of their turn.

        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


        • BugID: #0123, Bonus_Stockpile
          Submitter: zsozso,
          Version: Both AX and AC4
          Category: Base
          Status: Confirmed
          Priority: 3
          Save before: N/A (not available)
          Save after:
          Description: When the build-queue is empty and a base facility is
          completed, the game switches to "Stockpile Energy" and
          immediately awards the energy for a turn even though, the
          production just finished and the user can setup a new building
          order with the carry-over minerals included for next turn.
          Therefore energy should not be awarded for this turn.
          If the user leaves the "Stockpile Energy" on, then next turn
          it is valid to award to energy points.

          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


          • BugID: #0124, Empaths
            Submitter: gunf1ghter,
            Version: Both AX and AC4
            Category: Rules
            Status: Pending
            Priority: 3
            Save before: N/A (not available)
            Save after:
            Description: After discovery
            of Centauri Empathy you do not gain Empath Specialists. Specialists remain Doctors.
            Have observed this in 4 seperate games now, as the Cybernetic Consciousness.

            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


            • BugID: #0125, Drone_crash
              Submitter: fuzzy,
              Version: Alien Crossfire
              Category: Crash
              Status: Pending
              Priority: 1
              Save before: N/A (not available)
              Save after:
              Description: I'm looking for confirmation on this. I'm playing the Morganites vs Spartans, Believers,
              Hive, Pirates, Usurpers and Caretakers on Ironman (my first mistake, as you'll see) and I
              had a city in drone riots for two turns consecutively. Now here's the bug: The game
              produces a divide by zero error when processing the city in riot.
              Could this be because the game is calculating the percentage chance of the city being
              taken by the (non-existant) Drone faction?

              Nehemiah Scudder: I have had this happen whilst playing as drones... usually when sending waves of probe
              teams at computer cities to incite drone riots/destroy morale improvements. I haven't
              bothered to send in a sav though, maybe I should since I probably have a few amongst the
              mass of saves on my hdd.

              fuzzy: Update- I started another game with the same settings (except this time I enabled the
              autosave) and forced the situation by allowing a city to riot. Sure enough, the game
              crashed. This time, I have the .sav file if anyone wants it. And indeed some of my libraries
              may be differnet, as I have all kinds of **** on my computer, some of which has installed
              updated various libraries. BTW: the game did not display a divide by zero, but rather I
              recieved the error when I ran a debug program.

              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


              • BugID: #0126, Alien_Artifact
                Submitter: Darkstar,
                Version: Both AX and AC4
                Category: Rules
                Status: Pending
                Priority: 3
                Save before: N/A (not available)
                Save after:
                Description: I just sent JKM a set of saves of a game where I just had an Alien Artifact just APPEAR.
                I had this occur to me in SMAC US v1.4, and now in SMACAX.

                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]
                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 10, 2000).]


                • BugID: #0127, Diplomatic_Victory
                  Submitter: AoA,
                  Version: Alien Crossfire
                  Category: Rules
                  Status: Request
                  Priority: 5
                  Save before: N/A
                  Save after: N/A
                  Description: Enhancement proposal: Change Diplomatic victory to be: You can be elected Supreme Leader even when
                  Progenitors present. Then all humanity immediately signs Submissive (and unbreakable)
                  Pacts to serve you and band together to wipe out the aliens. This would be similar to the
                  current situation that any dissenters to your Supreme Leadership have to be beaten before
                  you can finally win.

                  [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                  • BugID: #0128, Tectonic_Payload
                    Submitter: SoHappy,
                    Version: Alien Crossfire
                    Category: Rules
                    Status: Pending
                    Priority: 2
                    Save before: N/A (not available)
                    Save after:
                    Description: Desiring more land I decided to give up raising it and use the fun that is wrapped
                    within the Tectonic Payload missle. All good, worked a charm ..... but .... wait a minute ... all my bases are now polluting like
                    there is no tomorrow?
                    (Some background, I am a Hybrid player so I never have any pollution as this distracts and
                    who needs +100 minerals? All my bases have all the eco-friendly facilites and secret
                    projects (benefit of playing the Drones , and no factories etc. I have a planet rating of
                    +3, so this gives me my max of +2 on the pollution formula.)
                    I initially thought it may be population as some bases where getting onto 30+, No joy???

                    So then I relised through a bit of snooping, that Tectonic missles act like Planet Busters (go
                    figure that) by adding +5 to my pollution formula for each hit!!!! This gets very expensive
                    and has resulted in me having to sack all my workers and send them home.
                    Planet busters are a little higher on the harsh scale then a little tectonic missle as even the fungus one is more painful.

                    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                    • BugID: #0129, Self_Aware_Colony
                      Submitter: Fistleaf,
                      Version: Both AX and AC4
                      Category: Rules
                      Status: Pending
                      Priority: 3
                      Save before: N/A (not available)
                      Save after:
                      Description: Self-Aware Colony bug: Supposed to add 1 Police unit, but if your Police rating is high
                      enough for 3 Police units, you don't get any benefit. Even worse if you use Non-Lethal
                      methods, the 3rd actual Police unit loses the Non-lethal benefit.
                      I usually use 3 Non-lethal units to reduce 6 drones per base. After getting Self-Aware, I
                      ended up reducing only 5 drones.

                      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 08, 2000).]


                      • BugID: #0130, Friendly_Alert
                        Submitter: gnome,
                        Version: Both AX and AC4
                        Category: Movement
                        Status: Demonstrated
                        Priority: 3
                        Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                        Save after: N/A
                        Description: When placing an air unit on "alert" status, it flies out to intercept
                        friendly transports and air units, not just enemies. This causes the
                        problem of crusing a transport past your territory, all the "alert" planes
                        within range (and some out of range) will fly out towards the transport and
                        fly back. Similar to an air unit left in the air, all its "alert" cousins
                        will fly out there to meet it... this causes (a) game slowdown, with all
                        that useless moving around of planes, and (b) less effective air defense,
                        because next turn a real enemy could attack your base, and your plane could
                        be on its way back from chasing one of your own. This affects both SMAC
                        patch 4 and SMACX...

                        Saved game: Move the Chaos Tactical from University Base to just south of Mendelev
                        College and end the turn. If you keep hitting wait (skipping all the
                        other units that need to move) the Chaos Tactical on alert at Mendelev
                        College will fly out to intercept the Chaos Tactical from University

                        Alternatively, end the turn without moving the Chaos Tactical. Instead,
                        after the turn ends move the Destroyer Transport from Climactic Research
                        to the east, somewhere south of Mendelev College. When its turn comes
                        around, the Chaos Tactical on alert at Mendelev College will fly out to
                        intercept the transport.

                        Obviously this is useless and leaves the base vulnerable to attack by a
                        genuine opponent. It seems to me that the air units on alert simply
                        can't tell the difference between a friend or foe.

                        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 15, 2000).]


                        • BugID: #0131, Fake_Drones
                          Submitter: zsozso,
                          Helium Pond,
                          Version: Alien Crossfire
                          Category: UI
                          Status: Demonstrated
                          Priority: 4
                          Save before: N/A (not available)
                          Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                          Description: Some bases (population 4-7) display red drone pictures
                          on the base screen, even though the base has Punishment Sphere facility.
                          However, those drones never riot, and the psych display mode above shows
                          no drones at all. So, these are just fake drone-looking workers...

                          Aredhran (save I was playing my first SMACX game with the Pirates, and kept having drone
                          problems (or so it seemed). Captured bases with all anti-drone base
                          facilities (rec commons, holo theatre, research hospital, and so on, 20%
                          Psych), a police unit (with a +2 police rating) still showed some drones in
                          the main city display. The turning point was near the end of my game where I captured Alpha Prime,
                          which was a size 13 city. I elected to build a Punishment Sphere in there,
                          but upon completion the base screen still showed 8 "normal" citizens and 5
                          drones ! Curious, I thought, and ended the turn anyway. The base did not
                          riot ! The Base's Psych display shows the correct citizens, as does the F4
                          screen. Only the base's population display is incorrect.

                          Fistandantilus (save Still present in SMACX v.2, I run in it in pratically every game I play
                          In the save the bug appears in Misericordia, Mu Crescent, Nu square and other bases

                          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 14, 2000).]


                          • BugID: #0132, Patrolling_unit
                            Submitter: BustaMike,
                            Version: Alien Crossfire
                            Category: Movement
                            Status: Pending
                            Priority: 3
                            Save before: N/A (not available)
                            Save after:
                            Description: A while ago I was happy to learn that patrolling units could have multiple points to patrol
                            from, allowing the unit to move in a circle instead of a line. After creating several patrol
                            routes like this, I have found that even though the initial route looks like a circle, when the unit
                            begins moving for itself it just runs away into oblivion, totally disregarding the original route.


                            • BugID: #0133, Crawler_Crash
                              Submitter: Vi Vicdi,
                              Version: Alien Crossfire
                              Category: Crash
                              Status: Demonstrated
                              Priority: 1
                              Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                              Save after: N/A
                              Description: The map cursor is conveniently located at the offending square.
                              Just click on the supply crawler in the unit bar or on the terrain info / resource
                              value window right above it and blammo.

                              [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


                              • BugID: #0134, Amphibious_Probe
                                Submitter: Aredhran,
                                Version: Both AX and AC4
                                Category: Unit Design
                                Status: Confirmed
                                Priority: 3
                                Save before: N/A
                                Save after:
                                Description: When trying to probe a base with a team that's on a transport, I get the
                                message "Probe team must have amphibious pod blah blah", but this special
                                ability is not available when designing probe teams in the Design Workshop.

                                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]

