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Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!

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  • BugID: #0165, Mass_Scrap_Shutout
    Submitter: Vi Vicdi,
    Version: Both AX and AC4
    Category: UI
    Status: Confirmed
    Priority: 4
    Save before: N/A
    Save after: N/A
    Description: If you mass-scrap a series of buildings you will not be allowed to scrap a building at a base that did not have the type of building scrapped en masse.
    Example: You build Citizen's Defense. You scrap all Perimeter Defenses, using the provided "Scrap All" menu selection. But 3 bases didn't have Perimeter Defenses ... even so you can't scrap anything at those 3 bases; you erroneously get the "only 1 scrap per turn allowed" error message.
    "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


    • BugID: #0166, Transend_Interlude
      Submitter: Bblue,
      Version: Both AX and AC4
      Category: UI
      Status: Confirmed
      Priority: 4
      Save before: N/A
      Save after: N/A
      Description: In the interludes for when you transend reguarding this line:
      "Some, like the prankster $SHIMODA9 and the demon $NAME5 are semi-dominant and often hover near the plane of Your Thought"
      $NAME5 seems to be anything ranging from your faction name, an opponent faction name, left blank, even just "Pact Brother".
      [This message has been edited by Bblue (edited January 21, 2000).]
      "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


      • BugID: #0167, Naval_Probes
        Submitter: Bblue,
        Version: AX and AC4
        Category: AI/Unit Design
        Status: Enhancement
        Priority: 5
        Description: Modify the AI so that it makes use of probe foil and crusier units.
        [This message has been edited by Bblue (edited January 21, 2000).]
        "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


        • BugID: #0168, Transfer_Upgrade
          Submitter: Theben,
          Version: Both AX and AC4
          Category: Unit Design
          Status: Pending
          Priority: 4
          Save before: N/A
          Save after: N/A
          Description: Ally transferred air units to me in a city. Pop up asked if I wanted to change all new air units production (in same turn) to allied (inferior) type + newer reactor; responded no. During city change production but BEFORE my turn had actually started I entered the unit workshop and the AI had created the allied + new reactor unit type, upgraded this type to my preferred version (no actual units were upgraded or costs incurred). When my movement turn started, all newly transferred units had been upgraded to my preferred air unit type, apparently for free.
          "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


          • BugID: #0169, Free_Commlink
            Submitter: Bblue,
            Version: Alien Crossfire
            Category: Faction Editor
            Status: Pending
            Priority: 4
            Save before: N/A
            Save after: N/A
            Description: a custom faction that you give the ability to have a free commlink at start don't seem to recieve it.
            [This message has been edited by Bblue (edited January 23, 2000).]
            "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


            • BugID: #0170, F7_Screen
              Submitter: Theben,
              Version: Both AX and AC4
              Category: Rules
              Status: Pending
              Priority: 4
              Save before: N/A
              Save after: N/A
              Description: Theben: In the military report, the computer lists units as "lost" that in some cases I have never built, or not as many as listed as lost.

              Bblue: (also see #0057 Unit_List) I believe I have seen an indepth thread somewhere about this screen and I can seem to find it I think it mentioned that the unit slot# are not reset to 0 for the F7 screen. (ie. slot#12 was laser infanty which you had 6 lost, when that slot gets remade as say String Dreadnaughts it will list 6 loses when you haven't even built one(first part of Thebens post).
              Also, if I remember correctly, it mentioned that independant units are not taken into acount on the F7 screen (resulting in the second part of Theben's post)
              "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


              • BugID: #0171, Pact_Payoff
                Submitter: Korn469,
                Version: Both AX and AC4(?)
                Category: Dipolmacy
                Status: Pending
                Priority: 3
                Save before: N/A
                Save after: N/A
                Description: I created some custom factions in SMAC, and i was conducting diplomacy with the customized Morgan Faction and i asked him to sign a pact, he said he would but needed -100 energy before he would sign...i had 54 energy and he had 88
                after we signed the pact he went to -12 energy and i stayed at 54.
                [This message has been edited by Bblue (edited January 23, 2000).]
                "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


                • BugID: #0172, Multiple_PBEM
                  Submitter: Paul,
                  Version: Both AX and AC4
                  Category: UI
                  Status: Request
                  Priority: 5
                  Save before: N/A
                  Save after: N/A
                  Description: One request for a future patch: now that I'm playing the Apolyton SMAC tournament I often get new turns
                  for more than one PBEM game. When I finish one game and choose "save and exit" the game quits to the
                  desktop and I have to load the game again. I wonder if it would be possible to have an option to get back to
                  the "load PBEM game" screen when I have played one game and have an other game to play.



                  • BugID: #0173, One_Alien
                    Submitter: BustaMike,
                    Version: Alien Crossfire
                    Category: Rules
                    Status: Demonstrated
                    Priority: 3
                    Save before: N/A
                    Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                    Description: I started a game as the believers with all other factions set to
                    random. One alien landed without the other. If one alien faction is
                    present both should be.


                    • BugID: #0174, Minimum_Hurry_Cost
                      Submitter: Oleg Leschov,
                      Version: Both AX and AC4
                      Category: Base
                      Status: Request
                      Priority: 5
                      Save before: N/A
                      Save after: N/A
                      Description: Concerning hurrying of production.

                      You may just pay whole cost, if you have it. This guarantees that in the beginning of the next turn
                      that thing will be completed. But if the base does produce any minerals for next turn and if we
                      suppose that there will not be drone riots then is is absolutely unneccessary to pay a whole cost.
                      Even more -- if it's not a drone riot then paying whole cost is just a waste of money.

                      So what do I do: I am paying (C/A)*(A-B) credits where B is mineral production of base, A is
                      cost in minerals to complete a thing, C is a cost in credits to complete thing; C/A is a cost of one
                      mineral, A-B is mineral cost without mineral production per turn.

                      That is, suggestion --- make an additional option to hurry production -- calculate minimum
                      amount of credits required to complete a thing in N turns with current minerals production.

                      Zsozso: I would call Oleg's version, the "Cheapest hurry", and would suggest the addition of yet another option, which I would call "Economic hurry". Let's define the energy cost of the minerals in the hurry:

                      COST = hurry_price / minerals_to_completion

                      Then cheapest_hurry = hurry_price - mineral_output * COST as Oleg suggested.
                      While economic_hurry = cheapest_hurry + 10 * COST also makes sense, if you plan to hurry again another item next turn. When you already have at least 10 minerals, then the COST is lower, therefore paying it at the end of the previous production is much cheaper then hurrying somehting from zero (or less than 10) minerals next turn. So, I would suggest 4 options instead of the current 2:
                      • Full payment (exists now)
                      • Custom partial payment (exists now)
                      • Cheapest completion (Oleg's suggestion, or cheapest_hurry)
                      • Economic completion (paying 10 extra minerals for next turn)

                      Of course, the last one only makes sense and possible if the mineral production of the base is over 10.
                      I typically use cheapest hurry for SPs (minimum mineral cost 4 which is high), but economic hurry for base facilities when I have enough energy for hurry again next turn.


                      • BugID: #0175, Marine_Control_Random_Movement
                        Submitter: RedFred,
                        Version: Alien Crossfire V2
                        Category: Combat
                        Status: Pending
                        Priority: 4
                        Save before: N/A
                        Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                        Description: Any ship that has successfully been marine-controlled has a tendancy to move one
                        square in a seemingly random direction immediately after capture. I believe I have also seen one
                        more volley from the guns after capture, but this is less common.

                        Bblue about save 2: Happens on the next turn after you capture a unit from the AI (at least in my save), in my case a
                        'wild' IoD with the Cult of Planet. The captured unit retains the last 'goto' command the AI gave it
                        and is clearly shown in the save. This will cause it to move off on it own unless the player actively
                        disengages the old AI 'goto' command before the unit in question gets to move again.

                        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 14, 2000).]


                        • BugID: #0176, Base_Grid
                          Submitter: Korn469,
                          Version: Both AX and AC4
                          Category: UI
                          Status: Pending
                          Priority: 4
                          Save before: N/A
                          Save after: N/A
                          Description: Many times when a base has been destroyed or disbanded it's base grid remains (the red outline),
                          if the base is destroyed the grid should go away...i have noticed this bug on many many many
                          occasions and can probably find you a save of it.



                          • BugID: #0177, MP_Pact_Probe
                            Submitter: Korn469,
                            Version: Both AX and AC4
                            Category: MultiPlayer
                            Status: Pending
                            Priority: 4
                            Save before: N/A
                            Save after: N/A
                            Description: in multiplayer i have tried to move my probe teams into a pact brother's base a screen pops up
                            and ask if i want to take any action, if i hit continue moving, my probe teams disappears this one
                            needs confirmation and i only witnessed it when doing a multiplayer (IP, not PBEM) game


                            • BugID: #0178, MP_Base_Trade
                              Submitter: Korn469,
                              Version: Both AX and AC4
                              Category: MultiPlayer
                              Status: Request
                              Priority: 5
                              Save before: N/A
                              Save after: N/A
                              Description: It would be nice to be able to trade & gift bases in multiplayer games.


                              • BugID: #0179, Pirate_Free_Ability
                                Submitter: Patriqvium,
                                Version: Alien Crossfire v2
                                Category: Rules
                                Status: Demonstrated
                                Priority: 3
                                Save before: N/A
                                Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                                Description: The Pirates get sometimes free Soporific Gas Pods instead of Marine Detachment.

