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Official SMACX v2 bug list. READ ONLY PLEASE!

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  • BugID: #0135, TECHSTEAL
    Submitter: Bblue,
    Version: Alien Crossfire
    Category: Rules
    Status: Demonstrated
    Priority: 4
    Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
    Save after: N/A
    Description: The TECHSTEAL ability does not work. (This is the 'capture a base; steal a
    tech' ability of the Cyborgs)
    Note about the save: to complete the bug, all you
    need to do is walk a unit into Data DeCentral, the Angels have 4 techs the
    Cyborgs don't and you don't get a 'freebe' when you take the city.

    Jeffrey Morris, FIRAXIS: We've found out what was going on with this. It turns out that the new alphax.txt
    was the exact same size as the alphaxt.txt file on the CD, and thus didn't make it into the
    patch (file compare 'okayed' it). A change however was made. If you open up alphax.txt and
    go to the #BONUSNAMES section, you'll see TECHSTEAL is on a line with a total of 9
    elements (separated by a comma). To fix the problem, put TECHSTEAL on a line by itself,
    ending the line it WAS on with a comma. Voila, TECHSTEAL now works.

    Note by zsozso: Priority lowered to 4 due to the known work-around.

    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


    • BugID: #0136, Crash_after_rules_select
      Submitter: BustaMike,
      Version: Alien Crossfire
      Category: Crash
      Status: Pending
      Priority: 1
      Save before: N/A (not available)
      Save after:
      Description: The game crashes after the rules screen passes in
      a regular start game. Quick start avoids this problem, but who wants to play the same game
      over and over. If I reinstall SMACX the problem is temporarily fixed, but it comes back.


      • BugID: #0137, Elevation_editing
        Submitter: BustaMike,
        Version: Both AX and AC4
        Category: Scenario Editor
        Status: Pending
        Priority: 3
        Save before: N/A (not available)
        Save after:
        Description: This apppears to be specific to my SMAC game, but every computer I have installed it on
        has the same problem (maybe my CD?). The elevation editor is apparently broken. I cannot
        raise or lower terrain; however, I can make flat sea level land squares and ocean shelf
        squares. If I click on a preexisting land square to try and raise the terrain nothing happens.
        Same goes for a sea square if I try and lower the terrain to an ocean or trench square. If I
        lower terrain on any land square regardless of elevation it turns into an ocean shelf square. If
        I raise an ocean square regardless of depth it turns into a sea level land square. This problem
        basically makes it impossible for me to create my own maps unless I want every square to
        look the same.


        • BugID: #0138, Brood_Pit
          Submitter: Fistleaf,
          Version: Alien Crossfire
          Category: Rules
          Status: Pending
          Priority: 3
          Save before: N/A
          Save after:
          Description: Brood Pit does not give +1 Life Cycle. Instead, units get +1 Life Cycle only
          when present inside city.(Similar to Children's Creche effect)


          • BugID: #0139, 1x1_Island_Start
            Submitter: Bblue,
            Version: Both AX and AC4
            Category: Rules
            Status: Demonstrated
            Priority: 3
            Save before: N/A
            Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
            Description: Both Miriam and Lal started on 1x1 island in this game.

            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 11, 2000).]


            • BugID: #0140, Elevation_Change_Display
              Submitter: Kinjiru,
              Version: Both AX and AC4
              Category: UI
              Status: Confirmed
              Priority: 4
              Save before: N/A
              Save after:
              Description: I was lowering some terrain up by the poles in order to build a sea base. The terrain to the
              west was a large ridge running roughly to the south-southeast. When I lowered to sea level,
              I was left with some bit of 'black' in the sqaures to the immediate northwest of my new base.
              It wasn't the whole square though. It looks like the game still thinks the terrain is hilly, even
              though it is now flat.

              zsozso: I have seen the same effect when the sea was rising due to pollution.


              • BugID: #0141, Bomber_Air_Defense
                Submitter: Vi Vicdi,
                Version: Both AX and AC4
                Category: Combat
                Status: Confirmed
                Priority: 3
                Save before:
                Save after: N/A
                Description: Air-to-air combat rules are inconsistent for a fighter attacking a bomber.
                In a direct attack against a bomber, whether on the ground or in the air, the fighter gets a
                100% air-to-air bonus and the bomber defends with its armor.
                In an air defense scramble the fighter does NOT get its 100% air-to-air advantage and the
                bomber defends with its weapon.


                • BugID: #0142, Amphibious_Helper
                  Submitter: Vi Vicdi,
                  Version: Both AX and AC4
                  Category: Combat
                  Status: Pending
                  Priority: 3
                  Save before:
                  Save after: N/A
                  Description: If you have a unit on land adjacent to a sea base units can move out of the sea base without
                  transport or amphibious ability.

                  [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 12, 2000).]


                  • BugID: #0143, Punishment_Sphere_F2_Calculation
                    Submitter: korn469,
                    Version: Both AX and AC4
                    Category: UI
                    Status: Demonstrated
                    Priority: 4
                    Save before: N/A
                    Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...AC/
                    Description: when a punishment sphere is present in a base the F2 screen displays the
                    wrong time until a new tech is discovered and the wrong amount of tech points per
                    turn...the F2 screen does not take into account that a punishment sphere halves the techs
                    per turn so the techs per turn are off by as much as double (depending on how many
                    bases have punishment spheres) so the time displayed until a new tech is discovered is
                    really as much as double what it should really be...however despite the display the techs
                    accumulated are correct and take into account the punishment sphere, and the when the
                    tech is actually discover is correct too


                    • BugID: #0144, Adaptive_Doctrine
                      Submitter: Gnome,
                      Version: Alien Crossfire
                      Category: Unit Design
                      Status: Demonstrated
                      Priority: 3
                      Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                      Save after: N/A
                      Description: In one of my games, I learned Adaptive Doctrine, yet it would not
                      allow me to add a Marine Detatchment to my boats.

                      Saved game: marine.sav. Go into the unit workshop, and try to add
                      Marine Detatchment to unit 6: 3-res coastal. The option does not appear
                      in the list. (Checking Laboratory status will confirm that Adaptive
                      Doctrine is known.)


                      • BugID: #0145, Pact_production
                        Submitter: Gnome,
                        Version: Both AX and AC4
                        Category: UI
                        Status: Demonstrated
                        Priority: 4
                        Save before: N/A
                        Save after: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                        Description: When you have a Pact with someone, you can tell what they are
                        producing only by clicking on the individual cities. You can tell how
                        much energy reserves they have only by checking their faction profile.
                        As long as this information is available to you, why not show it under
                        the city name, and on the negotiation screen, as though you had
                        infiltrator information?

                        Saved game: Click on "UN Headquarters" to see what they are
                        producing there. Click on the Peacekeeper's faction profile to see
                        their energy reserves. Speak to Brother Lal, the energy count is not
                        available while negotiating.


                        • BugID: #0146, New_Tech_Window
                          Submitter: Gnome,
                          Version: Both AX and AC4
                          Category: UI
                          Status: Demonstrated
                          Priority: 4
                          Save before: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/
                          Save after: N/A
                          Description: When you gain a technology advance, the quote and the description
                          rearrange themselves as you scroll downwards (I have noticed this in
                          800x600 and 1024x768). This makes reading long quotes or descriptions

                          Saved game: End the turn. You will learn the technology
                          "Centauri Ecology". If you scroll down in the quote, some of the words
                          from the first line are moved to the second line, etc.


                          • BugID: #0147, SE_News
                            Submitter: Gnome,
                            Version: Both AX and AC4
                            Category: UI
                            Status: Request
                            Priority: 5
                            Save before: N/A
                            Save after: N/A
                            Description: It would be nice if the news window contained
                            announcements of factions who change their social engineering choices
                            (at least those you have infiltration or alliance with).


                            • BugID: #0148, Bunker_Terraform_Preference
                              Submitter: Gnome,
                              Version: Both AX and AC4
                              Category: UI
                              Status: Request
                              Priority: 5
                              Save before: N/A
                              Save after: N/A
                              Description: It would be useful to have an automation preference for
                              "Automated terraformers can build bunkers" so that you could turn it


                              • BugID: #0149, PBEM_save_and_exit
                                Submitter: Paul,
                                Version: Alpha Centauri v4
                                Category: UI
                                Status: Confirmed
                                Priority: 4
                                Save before: N/A
                                Save after: N/A
                                Description: at the end of a pbem turn when I choose save and exit the game will lock
                                after it has saved. The only thing I can do to get out of it is ctrl-alt-del.

                                Luckily the saved game still works, but it's still annoying. This happens every time in
                                all my pbem games.

                                warpage: I get the same thing, but only with a less-than-full install and the CD not present.
                                With a full install or the CD around, I can exit PBEM/hotseat games and not have to
                                CTRL-ALT-DEL my way back to the desktop.

                                zsozso: I can also confirm the behaviour as warpage described it.

